Part 22 (1/2)

”What is the matter with you?”

”Nothin',” he said, giving her another tug.

She tugged him back and then slapped his hand when he did not stop. ”Are you bothered by Tristan's comfort with me? Because if you are, then you are being a silly fool.”

He finally stopped and turned to look at his hand first, and then her. ”Woman, ye know I dinna' suffer such boyish flaws.”

She did her best not to smile, remembering his constant brooding scowl from their days of traveling with Edward. ”Of course. Forgive me,” she indulged. ”But you will tell me why we left in such haste. I was enjoying hearing about... Oh, I see.” She looked away, realizing finally the cause of his displeasure. ”I was curious, that is all.”

His jaw danced around the right words to say. ”Davina, I doubt any garden could be more bonnie than what lies before ye here. And h.e.l.l, if 'tis a tennis court ye want, I will build ye one.”

Now she did smile looking up at him. ”Have you ever seen one?”

”Nae, but I-”

She moved closer to him and held her finger to his mouth, halting the remainder of his words. ”I don't desire such things. You are my heaven on earth, Robert MacGregor.”

His s.e.xy mouth hooked into a smile that ravished her senseless. When he cupped her face in his hands and drew her in to gently lick his way into her mouth, she responded with a dreamy sigh. G.o.d have mercy, but the man knew what to do with his mouth, and his tongue. The taste of his hunger seared her nerves and weakened her kneecaps. She wanted him and for an instant she forgot where she was. Tristan's voice, calling out to them that the rain was about to come, jarred her memory.

”Come, hurry,” she whispered against Rob's mouth as he slowly withdrew. When he moved to kiss her yet again, unconcerned with the blackening clouds, she giggled and sprang from his arms. ”Catch me”-she smiled at him, taking a step backward down the hill-”and I am yours until the rain ends.”

She squeaked with surprise when her ever-pragmatic husband took off after her. Whirling on her toes, she ran, picking up speed and laughing as she went. She was about to swing open the castle doors when they opened on their own. She stopped herself just before she collided into Callum MacGregor's chest. Rob was close behind. She knew it because his father's eyes settled on her first and then on the tall man behind her.

No one spoke a word for an eternal moment, then the chief stepped aside, sweeping his bandaged hand over the threshold.

”'Tis goin' to rain,” Rob explained, stepping past his father after Davina did.

”Aye, I can see that,” his father replied, but Davina and Rob barely heard him as they took their chase up the stairs, leaving laughter in their wake and an unbidden smile on the mighty chief's face.

Chapter Thirty-three.

Rob caught her before Davina reached their chamber door. His arms closed around her, and spinning her to face him, he gave her a short, victorious laugh that set her blood to burning.

”The clouds are heavy, my love. 'Tis goin' to rain long and hard.”

”I hope it never stops,” she vowed, smiling breathlessly into his face.

His mouth came down hard on hers, devouring her softness, tasting her with his lips, his tongue, and his teeth. Pus.h.i.+ng the door open with his boot, he carried her to the bed and fell, locked in her embrace, onto the soft mattress. Labored by their run, and by the pa.s.sion that came upon them as relentlessly as the rain outside their window, they tore at each other's clothes, feasting on the flesh they exposed. Naked and wild for each other, Davina traced the muscles in his chest with her fingertips, her lush, wet lips. He caught her nipple between his lips and she arched her back as a knot of sheer arousal erupted between her legs.

He lifted his face from her heaving b.r.e.a.s.t.s, his eyes both dark and gleaming together. ”I have wanted ye since we left our bed this mornin'.”

She giggled, not knowing this wicked seductress who possessed her when she was alone with Rob, but liking her. ”Is that why you would not play with me today?”

”This is how I want to play with ye, wife.” His voice was like the low rumble of thunder outside as he moved up her body and raked his mouth over the thras.h.i.+ng pulse at her throat.

Curling her legs around him, she writhed very deliberately beneath him, delighting in the effect she had on his body. She loved what she did to him, this man of steel and seriousness. She tore away his control, his restraint, until the pa.s.sion that ran through his blood for her could no longer be contained.

”You are so strong and hard,” she drawled like a languid siren against his ear. The tormented groan she pulled from him as his open mouth found hers made her want to weep with joy. Let every lady in Camlochlin swoon over a charming smile. She had won the love of a man who shared his most intimate smiles for her alone. ”I love you,” she whispered over and over, sliding her hands up his face while he kissed her.

He broke away from their kiss and looked down into her eyes as he impaled her deeply. She responded by arching her spine to meet his slow, moist thrust. He closed his eyes as ecstasy rocked him, a sinfully decadent smile pursing his lips and making her wetter. She loved his weight on her and pushed up against him. He withdrew and thrust hard, his mouth descending hungrily on her throat. His breath was hot on her skin as he ground his hips against her own, wedging himself as deep in her tight sheath as she could take him.

Spasms of ecstasy wracked her body and she slid her hands over the firm mounds of his b.u.t.tocks to drive him deeper still.

”Ye are wicked.” He ran his lips over her smile. ”And ye're goin' to bring this to a quicker end.”

”You mean your defeat,” she smiled into his mouth.

”Aye, my defeat.”

She opened to his plunging tongue as her climax tightened her body around his stiff, scalding erection. He withdrew, then sank deeper into her again, torturing, teasing, satisfying her with every slow, grinding thrust until she cried out, clinging to him.

Driving into her harder, he swallowed up the sounds of her pleasure with tight, thick groans of his own as his seed spilled hot and wet inside her.

Spent, he collapsed beside her and drew her into his embrace. She closed her eyes, spooned against his rigid angles, and thanked G.o.d for the millionth time for bringing Rob into her life.



”You are turning me into a wanton wench.”

”Good.” His warm breath against her ear stirred her blood, proving her point to herself.

She smiled and nestled closer. ”Do you think your parents like me?”

”Aye, love,” he whispered groggily, his smile visible in his voice.

”I'm glad,” she sighed, entwining her fingers in his. ”I want them to like me.”

She thought they did too, despite the danger she might someday pose to their clan. Kate was kind to her and had done everything in her power to make Davina feel at home in the castle. Callum was careful not to discuss the king in her presence and she was thankful for it. Each day she spent at Camlochlin drove her thoughts further away from her father and what might happen if he found her. The king would not come for her, just as he never came for her when she was a child.

”Rob, who are the Fergussons?”

He s.h.i.+fted slightly behind her. ”Why d'ye ask aboot them now?”

She stiffened, trying to come up with a reason that would not involve his brother. ”I heard someone mention them today and I recalled the name but could not-”

”Davina, ye'll no' bring up that name around my kin, especially my mother.”

”But why? Who are they?”

”They killed my uncle. My mother's brother. Remember, I told ye in the church at Courlochcraig.”

Oh, dear G.o.d, yes, she did remember now. What was Tristan thinking? She would have to find him and speak to him later.

”Who mentioned them?”