Chapter 126 (2/2)
“This tioal to kill the enemy” (Ma)
It is foolish to try dealing with 500 people, Ma Carme strokes his beard
“Withdraw as fast as possible after the second volley” (Ma)
His subordinates, who precisely followed the order, began to set up the firing of the five spear throwers in pairs
“There’s still quite the distance left…”
As the shouts and vibrations are slightly audible, they convey the approach of a large ar
If it was the coe yet
“Fire” (Ma)
One spear after the other is fired froer
The spear, fired off with a baroup with a plop Two of the five spears have been stabbed into the ground
“Until such far distance…”
“Get the second charge ready… Fire!” (Ma)
Even the next five released spears hit the ground in front of the enemy forces and one broke miserably
Several jeers and loud laughters can be heard from the enemy army
“Alright, that’s enough Withdraw! We will abandon the spear throwers, but cut the bowstrings so that we are not hit in the back!” (Ma)
Once Ma Caran to run in the direction of Horant followed by the s installed at the discharge device of the spear throith knives and followed afterwards
Once again ridiculing voices can be heard from the enemy army in the rear, but Ma Car it in the least Thethe horse along He has been told the route in advance by Ma Carme
When he ran desperately for about a minute, he reached the national border of Horant
“Five people set up the spear throwers, the rest gets ready to receive them as planned!” (Ma)
“W-What are you going to do?”
“Well, just watch it” (Ma)
In front of the border there have been placed thirty high stakes at various places The unita rope between those one after the other
As it’s obvious from their appearance that the stakes and rope are thick and sturdy, they probably won’t be torn down even fro kicked by horses
“Won’t those be seen by the eneht away?”
“I guess so” (Ma)
Once one of his subordinates told him that the preparations are done, Ma Car on that, to help preparing the spear throwers
(Will they fire the spears after the horses get ensnared by the rope? They will step over that obvious rope…)(Messenger)
The er, who is drenched with sweat and stirred up by worries, looked at Ma Car enemy army
The light mood, that had lasted until just now, has vanished and he is rasp the entirety of the eneaze
“… They came!” (Ma Carme)
At the saan to rise in the rear of the enemy army
“They got here, it’s Count Biron’s army” (Ma)
“However, the vanguard is already this close…”
The ene file of soldiers, approaches with an even further increased speed towards the border where Ma Car in order to drive them away
Several hts, who are affiliated to territories in the provinces, are getting close while holding their spears out in front of them
“Those kind of felloho are in a hurry to obtain achievements, are the easiest to set up” (Ma)
Once Ma Car horses jump over the obvious rope and fell down just like that
Having been thrown off, the knights tu smeared with dirt
“What the heck…”
“Our side’s rope is laid out over sand If you walk norive in once the forelegs of horses are thrust into it” (Ma)
None of the knights, who are falling off their horses one after the other unable to cope with it, are able to get up
Since they are scared of being stepped on by the following riders, they were crawling frantically, but it was apparently in vain
Although the knights, who noticed the sandy soil, lowered their speed, they die instantly after being sniped by spears (Support this novel by reading it on the translator’s site!)
“The cavalry is insufficient The rest is staying with the nobles in the rear” (Ma)
There is also thea mish-mash army There’s likely only few people who can h that accurately
“The rest is a large quantity of infantry, eh?” (Ma)
The infantry with bloodshot eyes due to being pressured frohts who had been done in
Stepping over the rope and although there were also souard co across their fallen comrades Their movee arins to get cold sweat on his back
“And, will you fire spears at them?”
“Not yet Look” (Ma)
A soldier, who placed his foot on solid ground after the sandy soil ended, showed a relieved expression for just an instant, but the second step turns into hell
It’s a hole with just a shallow depth, which was hidden by covering a cloth under the sand, but their numbers are plenty A fistful amount of sharp pointed scrap iron has been prepared in those holes
If it’s the shoes worn by a common soldiers, they will be easily penetrated
“Ouuuch! W-Wait…”
The soldiers, who craith blood flowing fro crushed underfoot by those following him
The soldiers, who stepped into the traps one after the other after that, fall down and their speed of advance beco
“Now’s the time Fire!” (Ma)
One spear after the other is fired off upon Ma Carme’s order
“Aiet the healthy ones behind them!” (Ma)
The spears are pouring doith a force of piercing two people at once
At this point in tihts and and infantrymen surrender to death or combat inability
A soldier, who saw his co skewered next to hie his course, but he tra upwards, to death due to the strong pressure still co from behind him
“Move! I have to escape!”
“Don’t spout unreasonable stuff, idiot! From behind they are steadily…”
“Shut up!”
The dispute turns into a fist fight and there are people appearing who try to get away froainst their comrades
“Move back! Withdraw!” (Okshi+on)
General Okshi+on raised an angry voice from atop his horse
“You have seen the range of the spears just now, haven’t you!? Hurry up and take some distance!” (Okshi+on)
His voice, which had shouted at his subordinates for many years, resounded clearly
Earnestly conveying his verbal e, theThey begin to retreat slowly
“We were probably attacked by the feudal army of Count Biron in the back Go and confirm the circumstances of the counts Once you have calmed doill reverse it and attack the enemy from behind Thus if the counts are safe, tell them to proceed in the direction of the enehway” (Okshi+on)
The aide, as stunned by the situation, ca hit on his back by Okshi+on
“However, the enemy in front is…” (Read this novel at Infinite Novel Translations!)
“As they set up traps at such vast range, they are not planning to make a move themselves It’s unnecessary to worry about them” (Okshi+on)
Seeing off his aide, who headed towards the rear while pushi+ng his way through the soldiers, Okshi+on clicked his tongue after gazing at the border of Horant once again
“I got a bad feeling” (Okshi+on)
The nuly in our favour, he estimated, but it was absolutely unforeseen for him to be attacked within the territory of his own country by those who should be their allies It seery at the actions of Count Aspilketa than I iined
“Do we have to give up on the attack against Horant? But, assu that we defeated Count Biron’s army here, ould become the opponent to boast as achievement?” (Okshi+on)
However, at this point in time Okshi+on hadn’t realized it yet The reason why Ma Carme had the first spears drop in front of Okshi+on and the others
If a telescope had been already invented, Okshi+on and the othersas he watched theht have reconsidered
But, all of the rebels had turned their backs towards Ma Carme already