Chapter 124 (1/2)

Suhterer Ido Masayoshi 50630K 2022-07-19

Departing Orsongrande early in the h speed even while having large quantities of souvenirs loaded into the carriage

”So, what’s your business?” (Origa)

”C-Can’t you at least stop the carriage!?”

”I have to refuse that” (Origa) Copyrighted by Infinite Translations

The one galloping next to the carriage on his horse was Knight Midas

Receiving Ihts, was able to catch up with Origa the next day, just when she was about to leave a s from the capital on horse

”I have to return to the side of ht away I can’t waste even a second pointlessly to accoa)

Origa, who bent herself forward in the coachman seat, indifferently reacts to Midas’ desperate appeal

”Well, then please listen just like this” (Midas)

No ht have been a coa who is now a countess (T/N: Earl and Count have the same kanji in japanese, so I translated Hifumi’s title as Earl But with this it should be clear that the author e it froet

Quickly abandoning the hope of establishi+ng a proper place for a conversation, he continues the talk while controlling his horse

”Horant’s king has died Hearing that news, a part of our country’s nobles headed in the direction of Horant while leading their armies” (Midas)

”Is that so? However, Horant is on the opposite side, isn’t it? Are you saying that there’s movement on Vichy’s side as well?” (Imeraria)

”It’s so else”, Midas shakes his head

”In the current situation there are three worrisome points in total related to Fokalore for Her Majesty, the Queen” (Midas)

”To our territory?” (Origa)

Origa’s voice carries strangely well a across the highway

”Let’s hear thea)

Even so, Origa doesn’t show any inclination to stop the carriage

Will I arrive in Fokalore like this? That’s fine since it will speed upin the direction of the capital, Midas persuades hiallop next to her while worrying about his horse

”First point is about Nelgal-sa aside within the territory of Fokalore, there is the possibility of the subordinates of the rebellious nobles ai for him while he’s on the way towards our direction Second, there are the soldiers of Fokalore who are currently stationed in Horant to carry out tactics teaching It ht be fine to say that they are currently in a critical situation” (Midas)

”What’s the third point?” (Origa)

”It’s you, Countess” (Midas)

Midas skilfully keeps his balance on the shaking horse back

”As the ability of Count Tohno is well-known, they should want to avoid the intervention of the Count asto the prediction of Her Majesty, the Queen, the nobles, who are ai to increase their influence by showing their coains than the Count” (Midas)

”What a foolish notion Did her Majesty actually bestow the title after having seen Hifua)

”Froht have looked like that” (Midas)

”How disgusting”, Origa spat out

”The prosperity of Fokalore as well as his strong influence on her Majesty, all of it is because it’s Hifu it would have even if other people did the same” (Midas)

”I believe so as well Ruling this time’s matter as treasonous act, Her Majesty will be able to punish them at a suitable time But, even so we have to avoid at all costs to injure the heir of Horant’s throne within Orsongrande” (Origa) Reading this chapter anywhere but at Infinite Novel Translations means it has been stolen

This tial safely off to Horant and to escort Origa although he didn’t knohether to do that in one unit or to split up Delivering Origa safely to her territory as planned, I will join up with Nelgal and acco will be carried out by far hts and soldiers

”I have understood the state of affairs However, it’s not necessary for you to escort a)

”But… if so happens to you, Countess, in the worst case, Count Tohno will…” (Midas)

”Fufufu” (Origa)

Midas tilted his head to the side due to Origa’s s ”I can’t bear this ridiculousness”

”So?” (Midas)

”If I were to be killed, will a)

”T-That’s only natural…” (Midas)

”It won’t happen” (Origa)

”W-What are you…” (Midas)

Suddenly opening her htly opened lips

”If you want to knohy, it’s because that wouldn’t be a ”hostility” towards Hifuard an intentional attack against me as hostile act towards himself, is it? He likely doesn’t worry in his mind ill happen to someone like me Of course, it will be different if he realizes that it’s a powerful opponent But at the very least, there’s no a)

Midas grasped the reins while being speechless

”Besides, it would be unpleasant, you know” (Origa)

”Hu him

”Didn’t I receive training in the basics of fighting fro? Do you think that I will be taken hostage that easily? Even in the unlikely event that I’ all means possible before anyone can touch a)

”G-Got it And, about the unit dispatched to Horant…” (Midas)

”It’s pointless to worry about thea)

Gently stroking her iron-ribbed fan, Origa answered without hesitation

”Although it’s not to the extent as withThey will neatly elia)

Midas even had no tie after saying ”Please do as you like if you wish to accompany me since I will take a break for a bit now”

”Just how the hell will they identify those ”enemies”…?” (Midas)

The words, he ue, were drowned out by sounds of the wheels and hooves

The co officer of the Fokalore feudal arrande’s side with ten team members The soldiers of both countries have taken tee of the border

What Ma Carroup has deployed are five spear throwers

At that place a singlein on his horse

”Gentlemen of Fokalore, I hold a letter froe?”

”It’s me” (Ma)

Suddenly appearing in front of the er who dismounted from his horse, Ma Carme accepted the threefold parchment

Noticing Ma Carer was astonished As the Fokalore feudal army is already armed at a point of time where the ene the letter not being negligent in his caution even towards a er, there are likely no other troops like that in not only Orsongrande but the other countries as well

Even though he was suspicious of hirown beard in front of him

”I see” (Ma)

Ma Carme put the re-folded paper in his pocket

”I have received this letter Pretty much it seems like we are required for the sake of protection” (Ma)

The front teeth of Ma Car

”It looks like Biron-saht a battle with his own troops” (Ma)

”Yes There’s also thetoo few nu 500 soldiers…”

”Let’s stop that” (Ma)


”No, no”, waving his hands, Ma Carme pouted

”As the other party has put together 500 soldiers, Biron-sama’s military forces will be below that even if he scrapes up all of theht?” (Ma)

The er confirmed it with a nod

”Therefore, the end result will likely turn into an unreasonable loss if we h it would be different if you fought 500 opponents with 5000” (Ma)

”However, you are just 11, aren’t you?”

”It ain’t like ill fight fairly from the front, you know? If my subordinates were done in, et scolded by Military Director Alyssa” (Ma)

Raising his index finger, Ma Caran to talk that he has one request

”What is it?”

”I have one proposal I’d like to request your cooperation in finishi+ng off the ene Biron-sama’s troops as much as possible” (Ma)

”Well, then let me inform Count-sama about this”

Watching they to him

”I see…”