Yobidasa Reta Satsuriku-sha Chapter 66 (1/2)
The king as well as Yugu couldn’t do anything else but being dumbfounded at Hifumi’s sudden intrusion
Veldore, who should be ruling the place if everything went as planned originally, had fainted and didn’t even twitch The enhanced soldier, who had eradicated the designated ene for a new order and didn’t even quiver
“You already started, huh?” (Hifumi)
While being troubled with a “I’m late, eh?”, Hifumi calmly surveys the hall’s interior
As he takes an uni the whole area, he only confirms that there are still people alive
“You are… it can’t be…” (Yugu)
Yugu, knowing of Hifumi’s features, shook his head in disbelief
“Okay, from the fact that you know about me, it means that you are the mastermind of the plan to lure me in, doesn’t it?” (Hifumi)
With a “So, you are this country’s king?” Hifuel
It was a si any malice
“You are, Orsongrande’s hero… ?” (Suprangel)
As Hifu’s words, Yugu yelled at the enhanced soldier,
“Just how did you get here whileenemies of all soldiers within the castle… ? Anyway, enhanced soldier! Kill hiu)
“At last it starts, eh?” (Hifumi)
The enhanced soldier, charging in froe sword above its head
“Uuh-ohh?” (Hifumi)
While raising such voice due to the unexpected long reach of the large sword and the movement, that became quicker in coes himself into its bosom
As soon as there was a sound of crushi+ng, the poic tool at the chest, and the enhanced soldier crumbled down
“I guess that will happen if you know about its weak point On top of that, it won’t change the point that it doesn’t have the ability to thrust” (Hifumi)
Hifuh mixed in-between, slipped between the ar at hi
In contrast to Hifumi, who doesn’t even move an inch as he firmly set up his stance, the eneorously, has its chest hit by Hifu and stops when hitting the wall at last
Hifumi, who cuts down another two enhanced soldiers, is watched by Yugu with his face coloured in dread Horant’s king, who stood next to hireat interest
And, another survivor has come to his senses
“Gu…” (Veldore)
Veldore, unable to roaned for a while staying on the ground, but he was able to co that time
(That man is that aforementioned…) (Veldore)
Even now the enhanced soldiers are getting killed easily within his visual field dyed red with blood
While I, the royal grandson, aleefully achieving an extremely easy victory
There was still one enforced soldier, however having its chest severed sideways in a straight line, its entrails were scattered and it fell over
Using those experinificently in front of the citizens by now, thinking this far, he looked at the throne rebuking his un down unable to stand up out of fear, and the king, who showed a calood health
“It can’t be…” (Veldore)
Veldore, already dorabbed his sith his still nuic tool affixed to his waist
“I will… break everything…” (Veldore)
At the ti Veldore held in his hands, shouts,
Before he finished speaking the u’s restraining words vain
While seeing this with a sidelong glance as he was in theshoith a quiet smile
Hifumi, who quickly broke into the audience hall, of course stor any pointless questions, but the soldiers outside the castle couldn’t avoid dealing with another proble for reinforcements from within the castle
“They went that way!” (Soldier)
“Don’t let them escape into the city! Get rid of them here!” (Soldier)
The soldiers, icians, are chasing the experimental bodies who escaped
Of course they didn’t really escape by thea set 4 of the a disturbance
The experimental bodies, which were discovered close to the castle, had already slaughtered several residents, who happened to pass by, as they were possessing weapons for some reason
The soldier, who discovered this first, ih their numbers increased they haven’t been able to capture or kill the the people and the soldiers are appearing
Although they have been requesting support while also knowing about the abnormality of the castle, they have no news about the situation either
“Tsk! How the hell did they get out of their restraints!?” (Magician)
While cursing in irritation, a single ician arrived at the research institute
“If I don’t check upon the reician)
“There’s no need for that” (Origa)
The h the open door, was stopped by Origa quickly thrusting her dagger at him
“Wh…” (Magician)
“You finally caa)
During that time, the soldiers of Fokalore have promptly closed the door and entered an approach of wait-and-see by looking outside through a sap
“I believe it to be faster to ask directly rather than searching the entire institute” (Origa)
While showing a lovely sainst the ician’s throat
“As we can’t find the stock of ic tools used on thea)
While saying this, Origa points at an experi it
“Th-That is…” (Magician)
Suddenly thehot
Once he hears a slurping sound, his ear has fallen to the ground
“U-Ugyaaaa!” (Magician)
“Silence!” (Origa)
Swinging the dagger even , she chips off the tip of the nose
“Bueeeee…” (Magician)
“It’s fine for you only tell a)
As hisaway as fast as possible, thein a separate building talking rapidly He ended up crouching while suppressing the blood, which floith a dripping sound, with both hands
“I see Thank you very a)
Swinging down the dagger straight down the nape of the neck, she wipes the blood with a paper, she took out from her pocket, as if it’s a trivial matter
“Well then, you heard the story just now, right?” (Origa)
The Fokalore soldiers, who saw her look, nodded while being scared
“Because it looks like it won’t do to be at this institute forexperia)
And thus all the staff a’s group and the insane, enhanced soldiers were released towards the castle
“Well then, let’s a)
Within less than 30 roup escaped from the capital city, Adolamelk
“Guuoooooooo!” (Veldore)
As Hifulance, he wards off the doard-swung sword of the last enhanced soldier and kills it by slicing the carotid artery with the raised katana
During that tie head and hisswelled several tie , stood up slowly
There’s no sanity left in his eyes any out on the surface of his face, it has even reached the point of fangs having grown on top of his baring teeth
“The heck is that… ?” (Suprangel)
“It’s the newestthe transforet loses its e for explosive power and abnoru)
Yugu, in the sa dropped his waist as before, answered the king’s question Originally he brought it along with the intention use it on so the resulting chaos
“Did he fall into despair when the enhanced soldiers were done in? I didn’t expect hiu)
“He already even stopped being a huel)
In front of the laht of 4 ht down his fist that had grown to the size of an arm
Of course his aim was Hifumi
While even avoiding the frag leap and rolled over