Yobidasa Reta Satsuriku-sha Chapter 59 (1/2)

Suhterer Ido Masayoshi 54090K 2022-07-19


After they regained their consciousness and entered a state of exhaustion where it was possible to tell that they were safe with a single glance, the soldiers froic portion successively

They nuained their consciousness, all the knights were totally exhausted

“For the ti they will be put under house arrest with addedin a reserved inn, but…” (Sabnak)

Sabnak visited Biron’s ave a report Since he ran around after the first soldier’s recovery, his eyes are showing thorough dark circles This tranlation is property of Infinite Novel Translations If you read it anywhere else but there you are supporting thieves

“Thanks for your work As for their treatment, if we liberate them or arbitrarily enslave them here, they will be afraid” (Biron)

“I’reat if we could finish it as peaceful as possible” (Sabnak)

“It will be alright At any rate, they seem to be new candidates to join the fief’s population as far as Earl Tohno is concerned about the soldiers from Horant” (Biron)

Biron talked about the possibility of sending the treated terribly, will be welco somewhere far away

“… Certainly, if it’s Hifumi’s territory, it appears that the livelihood of the populace has becost the fief’s population, the faht of the Thin Sword is apparently continuously rising” (Sabnak)

“Moreover, because of the s related to the administration are also stable”, Sabnak explained the details of the report that caht order

“He will increase his population once again Furtherht increase as well Regardless of it being legal or illegal As noble he is ideal in a certain way, isn’t he?” (Biron)

“Ideal… it is?” (Sabnak)

Biron unintentionally burst into laughter due to Sabnak showing a face of not understanding

“Ahhaha! That doesn’tpeople like that either I’ he likes while enriching the public finances and the fief’s population That’s what I mean” (Biron)

“After all, any kind of noble, if they soet, would want to increase their own share Although they are franticallytheir territory, Hifu to his subordinates And yet, without hi down in his territory, his territory’s administration fascinates the people more than that any other fief On top of that they are operating with their balances in the black”, Biron pointed out

“I see…” (Sabnak)

If one doesn’t only keep an eye on the strange habit of the person hiht see him as an excellent feudal lord

“Well, even if he ht be an excellent feudal lord, you can’t really say that he is a good noble” (Biron)

“Why?” (Sabnak)

“If he were a good noble, first he wouldn’t act in a way of exposing his own country to danger and next he wouldn’t kill royalty of his own country” (Biron)

As Biron shook his head with a bitter smile, Sabnak became aware that he had been splendidly corrupted by Hifumi

In Horant’s royal castle the king, Suprangel, in a state of entrusting his aged, skinny body to the throne, can’t conceal his face burning with anger This translation is copyrighted by Infinite Novel Translations

“For the tiel)

Kneeling in front of the throne is the royal grandson, Veldone

With a face full ofhis teeth, one wouldn’t consider this gruff man as royalty at all

“… 2 of the covert operatives sent to Orsongrande haven’t returned Even the 500 soldiers, having finished the adjustic potion, Elrik, were killed in action or taken prisoner by the enemy…” (Veldone)

The king had already heard the details of the story up to here

“So, what’s the cause of the failure… ?” (Suprangel)

The question, spoken with a hoarse voice, puts a maximum pressure on Veldone

“That is…” (Veldone)

Sing his spit, he continues his words

“The ht Order All was fine until they decided to turn the First Knight Order into puppets withthe convert from Vichy They advanced to the enemy nation’s territory Once they finally arrived at the city of Münster, the covert operatives were defeated reducing the soldiers to lifeless dolls…” (Veldone)

“Who defeated theel)

“… A rising noble of Orsongrande called Tohno” (Veldone)

The king sighed deeply as Veldone squeezed out the name with a feeble voice

“Isn’t that the noble you said stirred up trouble with Vichy? Wasn’t it you, who talked about this el)

Veldone can’t return an answer towards the king’s inquiry A yet unseen hatred is surging within his heart against this noble called Tohno

“In short, it appears as if you rande would never invade here for the sake of avoidingVichy, but… since Vichy apparently already lost, I don’t knoill happen with you esti to the part I’ve heard, the ht of the Thin Sword Although you can’t call hiel)

“Never! According to the information, the man called Tohno has arrived at Münster with a small number of people Furthermore, I have also obtained the news that the First and Second Knight Order have been destroyed! Besides, the possibility of the to invade in reverse is…” (Veldone)

The king once again shows a gri

“We have obviously been deceived well by the sel)

“Uh… B-But, although being called soldiers, they were gathered from within the population So they won’t have much of an impact even if they were used and then throay…” (Veldone)

“If people infinitely gushed forth from the populace, no statesman of any nation would have any hardshi+ps either If the people decrease, the tax yields of their labour will decrease as well For you to not grasp this…” (Suprangel)

Veldone holds his tongue due to the rebuking words of the king

“The talk about handing over the throne to you has been postponed indefinitely It is currently too early for that Work on preparing the defences now” (Suprangel)

Being told to withdraw, Veldone leaves the audience room in silence

“He will probably learn so el)

As the king’s ue resounded in the quiet audience room, the chale word

“Well then, those of you, who are inforic tools of Horant, raise your hand” (Hifumi)

Since they didn’t even fit in the dining hall of the inn, the forathered in a plaza, were baffled by the youngthe himself

“Who are you? Tell us e are here!” (Soldier)

“Ah, I see Someone else will explain to you why you are here afterwards since it’s too troublesorande Also, I will kill you, if you talk about unnecessary things from now on” (Hifumi)

Although the soldiers couldn’t process the forthright killing warning with their brains, for so the seriousness in Hifumi’s eyes

Sabnak, who had cliether with Hifumi, one way or another spreads a smile in that bloodthirsty atmosphere

“Well you know, due to the suggested method of hiic potion It looks like Horant turned you into puppets with the ic potion, used you and killed many of you Given that ere able to shelter those surviving the battle, we could save you with a ned by this Hifu this series on their blog, else they will sooner or later disappear

The soldiers are looking at each others faces due to Sabnak’s explanation

Although they are not quite believing it,reason explaining their present state

By the way, Sabnak’s explanation is containing ree by Hifumi

“That’s how it is Therefore, hurry up and co about the ic tools from Horant, raise your hand” (Hifumi)