Part 9 (1/2)

Her chin lifted indignantly. ”Are you nuts?” She glared at him as if he'd just sprouted a second head. ”I'm not taking off my blouse for you.”

His body reacted instantly to the glimmer of desire he saw flash in those baby-blues. Good, he didn't want to be the only one affected here. ”Yes, you are. You grew up in a home filled with males, you're not shy, I'm certain. Now stop wasting both our time and take it off.”

A flush crept up her throat and spread across her cheeks. ”I can't.”

When he'd touched her skin, checking for more marks, he hadn't missed the thrust of her nipples jutting beneath the thin cotton T-s.h.i.+rt. She wasn't wearing a bra...that was the problem. But, he doubted even that would stand in her way if he presented the challenge just the right way.

”This is all in the line of duty, Blue,” he suggested trying not to sound overconfident. ”If you were just one of the guys, as you prefer to think, you'd have already peeled off that blouse as well as the T-s.h.i.+rt.”

Her gaze narrowed. ”I know what you're doing, Noah,” she sa.s.sed, calling him by his given name for the first time. ”Don't think I'm so naive I can't figure you out in a heartbeat.”

The smile he'd hoped to keep concealed made an appearance. ”I'm sure I don't know what you mean. I have your welfare in mind, nothing more.”

”Yeah, right,” she muttered. ”You just want to see my-”

”Is there some reason I shouldn't?” He shrugged nonchalantly. ”Some malformation that you're ashamed of?”

Fury bloomed in her expression, but she did just as he'd known she would. She jerked off the blouse, allowing it to drift to the floor around her feet. She pulled the new chain holding a light stick over her head and dropped it next to the blouse. That, he decided, was her one weakness. Blue Callahan was afraid of the dark.

Before he could revel in his discovery, she did the unexpected, she turned her back and peeled off the T-s.h.i.+rt.

Touche, he mused, exhaling on a chuckle.

”Just do it and get it over with,” she snapped. She didn't have to turn around for him to know that she'd crossed her arms over her b.r.e.a.s.t.s.

Oh, she was tough all right. Tough as nails, but soft and sweet deep down inside. And that's where he wanted to be. He wanted to see if all that toughness would translate into wild hot s.e.x. He was as certain that it would as he'd ever been of anything in his life.

Slowly, thoroughly, one line at a time, he applied a thin coating of the cream. Just enough to speed healing and to prevent infection. He touched her tenderly, lingering as long as he dared each time. She tensed with each new touch, sucked in an abrupt breath as if each time was the first.

”You'll need to turn around now,” he said trying his best to keep the huskiness from his voice, but he failed miserably. His heart thundered mercilessly in his chest...his whole body was hard and aching. But he wanted more of this sweet touch her again...over and over.

At first he was nearly certain she intended to refuse, then, finally, moving one unhurried increment at a time, she faced him, her arms still s.h.i.+elding her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. Her eyes were huge, liquid with the same desire ravaging his body and soul. He wanted more than he'd ever wanted anything in his life to kiss carry her to his room and make love to her. The resulting mental images evaporated the air in his lungs.

With monumental effort he forced himself to apply the cream to each line that marred the beauty of her delicate skin. He carefully painted all those on her chest, then moved to her abdomen. Her breath caught sharply when his fingers grazed the line of her waistband.

”Nothing lower?” he asked, his gaze colliding with hers.

She shook her head, her nostrils flaring with every rapid, shallow breath she took.

There was nothing more he could do with- Before he could finish the thought, she slowly moved her arms away, her fingers remaining, concealing only her nipples, allowing him access to the soft mounds and valleys of her b.r.e.a.s.t.s. His hand shook as he touched first one and then the other, tracing the tiny red lines there.

When he'd finished they looked at each other for a long tension-filled moment. He wanted to kiss her again. She wanted it too...but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He'd goaded her into this and now he felt guilty...because he was as bad as the sc.u.m who'd torn her blouse only hours ago. He'd taken advantage of the situation.

He bent down and picked up her blouse, then gently draped it over her chest. ”Good night, Maggie Callahan.”

He was a better man than this.

Somehow during the past five years he'd forgotten who he was. But he knew that this was not who he had once been.

Maybe the man he used to be was gone...but he had no intention of becoming what he'd glimpsed just now.

Not even to have this woman.

Chapter Eight.

Blue considered the two packages of soap lying on the kitchen table. She and Lowell had gone through everything in the house that wasn't nailed down. Food supplies, linens, paper items, cleaning products... everything. The only suspicious item was the package of soap. A three-pack, the ends of the paper wrappings had been opened, the bars tampered with, replaced inside the packaging and the ends glued shut once more so that no one would notice.

The soap had been purchased on the mainland in last week's order. As usual, Chester had picked up and delivered the list of supplies personally. There was always the off chance that the tampering had been done by someone totally unrelated to Drake, but that was a stretch.

Chances were, the tampering had taken place sometime after Chester had arrived back on the island with the goods. Lowell had called Chester's home repeatedly without reaching him, so he'd opted to take a ride around the island to find him. Lowell kept a ten-speed bicycle in the garage. He rarely used it, but had insisted on finding Chester ASAP. Like her, Blue saw, Lowell wanted to get to the bottom of this mystery as quickly as possible. His continued insistence that she should call her superior, Lucas Camp, grated on her nerves, but she tried to be patient. Something about Lowell didn't sit right with her. She frowned. It would come to her eventually.

Moving to the entry hall to await Lucas's arrival, Blue considered why she had waited until after Lowell had left to put in a call to him. It was always preferable to keep the profile of one's backup, or guardian angel, as low as possible. The fewer people who knew Lucas was on the island the better. That effort included Lowell and Drake, though she was certain both would be perturbed by her omission. Besides, she didn't want Lowell around making a bigger deal of this than it already was.

She'd tried hard all day not to think about Drake...but she'd failed miserably. The rush of forbidden emotions that surged through her each time she recalled his touch...his kiss, made her feel weak in the knees. She hugged her arms around herself and paced the long entry hall. Unless Lucas had discovered something new, she had gained no ground whatsoever in this case. She had succeeded, by the skin of her teeth, in persuading Drake into allowing her to stay. But that was about the extent of her accomplishments. There was nothing to learn from the notes he'd received. Rothman's personal forensics team had a.n.a.lyzed each and every one of them, to no avail.

Neither General Bonner nor any of his men, to their knowledge, had made a move to infiltrate St. Gabriel. There was nothing. And, yet, she'd been shot at, wrestled with, and ambushed with a bar of soap. Talk about a bad day...

And all that didn't even take into consideration that she'd fallen into l.u.s.t with the man she was supposed to protect-who'd spent more time protecting her than vice versa! Her reputation was going to h.e.l.l in a hand-basket here.

A tap at the door yanked her from her troubling thoughts. She checked the viewfinder and smiled when she saw Lucas on the other side. He was always a welcome sight.

She unlocked the door and drew it open wide. ”Mr. Camp,” she said by way of greeting.

”Callahan.” He nodded and then stepped over the threshold, his cane supporting his weight on the right side.

Blue had heard rumors that he'd lost his right leg, from about midthigh down, while a prisoner of war. She'd also heard that there was a secret love in his life that somehow related to that past. A great deal of speculation was made by all the Specialists as to the kind of woman who could own the heart of a man like Lucas Camp. To say that he was somewhat extraordinary would be a vast understatement. Lucas Camp knew more about the spy business than anyone on earth. He probably knew more ways to kill the enemy than anyone else as well.

Yet, his compa.s.sion ran as deeply as his pa.s.sion. If he showed half the pa.s.sion in his personal life that he allowed in his professional one, whoever the lady was...she was one lucky woman.

Blue locked the door and showed Lucas to the kitchen. While he was here she would also turn over the latest note for forensics evaluation, for all the good it would do. Whoever was sending the notes, he was too smart to leave prints. But then again, even the smart guys screwed up at times. Drake would want it returned, like the others, but Lucas knew that.

As she gestured to the soap on the kitchen table, she noticed that Lucas's attention was focused fully on her. ”Who gave you the s.h.i.+ner?”

The bruise on her cheek pretty much extended up to her left eye. And then there was the healing tear in her lower lip. Funny she'd forgotten all about her busted lip when kissing Drake. Oh, and she couldn't forget the couple of dozen shallow slices in her skin, though most of those weren't visible. ”One of the guys the sheriff picked up this morning.”

Lucas nodded. He'd already been brought up to speed on that. ”I take it the soap is responsible for the slice-and-dice routine,” he suggested.

She self-consciously tugged at the lapels of her blouse, trying to hide the marks at her throat and above the scooped neck of her T-s.h.i.+rt. ”Unfortunately.”

It would have been impossible to miss the flicker of fury in those wise gray eyes. ”Let's see what you've got.”

Gingerly, she picked up first one and then the other bar of soap, showed him the imbedded slivers of gla.s.s and bagged each for taking to the lab. The one she'd used was already bagged and ready to go with the others. She then explained her theory about the wrappers with their reglued ends.

Lucas picked up one of the wrappers and studied it more closely. With no way to know just how many hands had likely touched it, obscuring prints was not a major concern. After he'd a.n.a.lyzed the exterior, he carefully opened it until it was a flat square of coated paper.

Blue hissed a curse as her senses rushed to another level of alert.