Part 24 (2/2)
Langdon nodded.
”That's all I wanted to know,” he said.
”Now you see why it's got to be Altacoola,” persisted the boss.
”I don't mind telling you, then, Senator Peabody,” answered Langdon calmly, ”that my being for Gulf City was a bluff. I've been trying to draw you out. Gulf City is a mud bank and no more fitted to be a naval base than Keokuk, Ia. Altacoola it's got to be, for the good of the country and the honor of Mississippi.
”And one thing more, Senator. I'd just like to add that not a single man connected with that committee is going to make a cent out of the deal. You get that straight?”
Senator Peabody was the most surprised man in Was.h.i.+ngton when he heard the junior Senator from Mississippi state that no one was to enrich himself out of the government naval base project.
He heaped a mental anathema on the head of Stevens for saddling such a man on the Senate ”machine,” for Langdon would of course never had been put on ”naval affairs” (just now very important to the machine) without the ”O.K.” of Stevens, who had won a heretofore thoroughly reliable reputation as a judge of men, or of what purported to be men.
The thought that at this time, of all times, there should be a man on the committee on naval affairs that could not be ”handled” was sufficient to make him who reveled in the t.i.tle of ”boss of the Senate” determine that he must get another chief lieutenant to replace Stevens, who had proved so trustworthy in the past. Stevens had lost his cunning!
As the vote of Langdon could not be secured by humbug or in exchange for favors and as it could not be ”delivered,” Peabody, of course, was willing to pay in actual cash for the vote. This was the final step but one in political conspiracies of this nature?--cash. But Langdon would not take cash, so Peabody had to resort to the last agency of the trained and corrupt manipulator of legislation.
He would threaten.
Moreover, he knew that to make threats effective, if it is possible to do so, they must be led up to systematically--that is, they should be made at the right time. The scene must be set, as in a play.
Senator Peabody glared at Langdon as though to convince the latter that to stand in his way would mean political destruction.
”So n.o.body is going to make a cent, eh? Well, I suppose you want all the profits for yourself.” Turning to Stevens, who had just entered, the Pennsylvanian cried:
”Do you but listen to our suddenly good friend Langdon. He wants to be the only man to make money out of the naval base. He won't listen to any other member of the naval committee making a cent out of it. Why, he--”
”Great G.o.d, sir!” exclaimed Langdon. ”You are going too far, Peabody.
You state what is false, and you know it, you--you--”
”Then you are willing that others should have their rightful share?”
put in Stevens. ”Oh, I understand now, Senator.”
”No, no, no!” cried Langdon. ”You do not understand, Senator Stevens, and I must say I am ashamed to speak of you by the honorable t.i.tle of Senator, sir. I will not listen to any person enriching himself at the Government's expense, and I am your enemy, you, Peabody, and you, Stevens, beyond recall. You both know you misrepresent me.”
Langdon walked over to Stevens and faced him.
”Do you remember, Stevens, Lorimer Hawkslee, back in wartime?”
”Yes,” said Stevens, puzzled, ”I remember him--a very fine gentleman.”
The old planter sneered.