Part 19 (2/2)

”Guess I'm secretary enough yet to answer this,” he thought, tearing it open.

”Great heavens!” he exclaimed as he read it. ”Here's the chance to get to the bottom of this Altacoola proposition. It's from Peabody.”

Haines read the following:

”DEAR SENATOR LANGDON: I am going to Philadelphia to-night. Urgent call from a company for which I am counsel, so I probably won't be able to confer with you regarding the committee's choice for the naval base. But I know you are for Altacoola and trust to you to do all you can for that site. I, of course, consider the matter definitely settled.”

”This situation will enable Langdon to bluff Peabody and draw out of him all the inside of the Altacoola business--ought to, anyway. Guess some Gulf City talk will smoke him out.”

Haines rushed out and across the hall, to reappear literally hauling in a stenographer by the scruff of the neck. ”Here, you, take this dictation--record time,” he cried:

”SENATOR HORATIO PEABODY, Louis Napoleon Hotel: You are going to Philadelphia to-night, I know, leaving the report on the naval base to me. I have just come on various aspects of the situation which make me incline very favorably toward Gulf City. I am looking into the matter and, of course, shall act according to my best judgment. That is what you will want me to do, I know.

Sincerely yours,


”I don't think Senator Peabody will go to Philadelphia to-night,”

laughed Haines grimly, as he addressed the envelope, ”and I think that when the 'boss of the Senate' hurries around to the Langdon house instead there will be more than one kind of music, more than one kind of food eaten--perhaps crow--before the evening is over.”

Seizing his hat, Bud rushed to the door to look up a messenger.

”It's all in Langdon's hands now,” he cried. ”Here's where I resign my position as United States Senator.”



Senator Langdon's dinners had well won popularity in Was.h.i.+ngton.

Invitations to them were rarely answered by the sending of ”regrets.”

He had brought his old Mississippi cook from the plantation, whose Southern dishes had caused the Secretary of State himself to make the Senator an offer for the chef's services. ”No use bidding for old General Was.h.i.+ngton,” said the Senator on that notable occasion. ”He wouldn't leave my kitchen, sir, even to accept the presidency itself.

Why, I couldn't even discharge him if I wanted to. I tried to let him go once, sir, and the old general made me feel so ashamed of myself that I actually cried, sir.”

Peabody and Stevens were the dinner guests to-night, as they were to confer afterward with Langdon and settle on the action of the naval affairs committee regarding the naval base. The three, being a majority, could control the action of the committee.

Senator Peabody had finally postponed leaving for Philadelphia until the midnight train in order to be present, he a.s.sured Langdon as the trio entered the library. The girls, Norton and Randolph were left to oversee preparations for the prominent Was.h.i.+ngtonians invited to attend the musicale to be given later in the evening.

Carolina and Hope Georgia were in distinctly different moods--the elder, vivacious, elated over the bright outlook for her future; the younger, cast down and wearing a worried expression. Norton and Randolph in jubilant spirit tried to cheer her, and failing, resorted to taunts about some imaginary love affair.

The courage of the afternoon, which had enabled her to speak to Haines as she had, was gone; girlish fears now swept over her as to the outcome of the evening. Haines had not come! Was he really guilty and had promised to come merely to get rid of her? Why was he late? If he did come, would she be able to have her father see him, as she had promised? If she failed, and she might, she would never see this young man again.

”If I looked as unhappy as you, Hope, I'd go to bed and not discourage our guests as they arrive,” Carolina suggested. ”Our floral decorations alone for to-night cost $700, and the musical program cost over $3,000. The most fas.h.i.+onable folks in Was.h.i.+ngton coming--what more could you want, Hope? Isn't it perfectly glorious? Why--”
