Part 16 (1/2)

”Tell you the truth, I haven't thought very much about it,” replied Haines, ”but, if you come right down to it, I guess I am pretty strong.”

”Suppose you've influenced him in the naval base business, then.”

Still the secretary smiled, keeping his temper under the adroit attack.

”Well, I think he'd listen to me with considerable interest.”

”But you're for Altacoola, of course.”

Haines shook his head.

”No, I can't say that I'm for Altacoola. Fellow who was in here this morning put up a pretty good argument, to my mind, for Gulf City.

In fact, he made it pretty strong. Seemed to show it was all to my interest to go in with Gulf City. Think I'll have to investigate a little more. I tell you, Norton,” spoke Haines in a confidential manner, ”this land speculation fever is a frightful thing. While I was talking to this fellow from Gulf City I almost caught it myself.

Probably if I met the head of the Altacoola speculation I might catch the fever from him too.”

”Why don't you put your money into Gulf City and lose it, then?”

replied Norton, nodding his head scornfully. ”That'd be a good lesson for a rising young politician like you.”

Senator Langdon's secretary peered straight into Norton's eyes.

”Because, Congressman,” he said, ”if I were to put my money in Gulf City perhaps I wouldn't lose it.”

The Southerner took a step forward, leaned over and glared angrily at Haines. His face whitened.

”You don't mean that you could swing Langdon into Gulf City?” he gasped.

Haines smiled.

”I can't say that, Norton, but I guess people interested in Altacoola would hate to have me try.”

”I didn't know you were that kind, Haines,” said Norton, his virtue aroused at the thought of losing his money. ”So you're playing the game like all the rest?”

”Why shouldn't I?” shrugged the secretary. ”I guess perhaps I'm a little sore because the Altacoola people haven't even paid me the compliment of thinking I had any influence, so they can't expect me to work for them. The Gulf City people have. As things stand, Gulf City looks pretty good to me.”

”Is this straight talk?” exclaimed Norton.

”Take it or leave it,” retorted Bud.

The Mississippian leaned with his hands on the desk.

”Well, Haines, if you're like the rest and are really interested in Altacoola, I don't know that you'd have to go very far to talk.”

”You know something of Altacoola lands, then, Norton?” said Robert, tingling with suppressed excitement. He felt that he was getting close to real facts in a colossal ”deal.”

Norton was sure of his man now.

”Well, I am in touch with some people who've got lands and options on more. I might fix it for you to come in,” he whispered.

Haines shook his head.