Part 9 (1/2)



Langdon leaned over and seized the arm of his interviewer.

”See here, young man, why aren't you in politics?” he said.

”Too busy, Senator,” replied Haines. ”Besides, I like the newspaper game.”

”Game?” queried Langdon.

”Oh, I use the word in a general sense, Senator,” replied Haines.

”Pretty much everything is a 'game'--society, politics, newspaper work, business of every sort. Men and women make 'moves' to meet the moves of other men and women. Why, even in religion, the way some people play a--”

The speaker was interrupted by the appearance of Hope Georgia, who was searching for her father.

”Stay here and listen to what a hard task your old father has got,”

said the Mississippian to his daughter, whom he presented to Haines with a picturesque flourish reminiscent of the pride and chivalry of the old South. ”He has the idea that those New Yorkers who read his paper would actually like to know something about me.”

Hope Georgia stole many glances at the reporter as he talked with her father. He made a deep impression on her young mind. She had spent almost all her life on the plantation, her father providing her with a private tutor instead of sending her to boarding-school, where her elder sister had been educated. Owing to the death of her mother the planter had desired to keep Hope Georgia at home for companions.h.i.+p.

This good-looking, clean-cut, well-built young man who was taking so big and so active a part of the world's work brought to her the atmosphere that her spirit craved. He gave one an impression of ability, of earnestness, of sincerity, and she was glad that her father approved of him.

Hope Georgia, by the same token, did not escape the attention of the interviewer. Her appealing charm of face and figure was accentuated by her daintiness and a fleeting suggestion of navete in poise and expression when she was amused. His first glance revealed to Haines that her eyes were gray, the gray that people say indicates the possessor to have those priceless qualities--the qualities that make the sweetest women true, that make the maiden's eyes in truth the windows of her soul, the qualities that make women womanly.

She sat close to her father, her hand in his, listening intently to the unfolding of a story of what to her was a mysterious world--the man's world, the strong man's world--which many a woman would give her all to enter and play a part therein.

”What else have you against a political career, Mr. Haines?” went on the Senator, taking up their conversation.

”Well, my age, for one thing. I haven't any gray hairs.”

Langdon waved this objection aside.

”I might arrange to pool ages with you. Sometimes I think we want young men in politics, like you.”

The reporter shook his head.

”Old in age and young in politics, like you, Senator Langdon,” he replied. ”Politics I sometimes think is pure hypocrisy and sometimes something worse. A man gets disgusted with the trickery and dishonesty and corruption.”

”Then,” drawled Langdon, ”the thing to do is to jump in and stop it! I read in the newspapers a great deal about corruption. The gentlemen in national politics whom I have had the honor of knowing--Senator Moseley, an intimate friend of thirty years; my present colleague, Senator Stevens, and others--have been as honest as the day is long.”

”But the days do get short in November, when Congress meets, don't they?” laughed Haines, rising. ”I'm afraid I've taken too much of your time, and I seem to have talked a lot.”

Langdon was amused.

”Does look like I'd been interviewing you. I reckon each one of us has got a pretty good notion of what the other man's like. I wanted it that way, and I like you, Mr. Haines. I've got a proposition to make to you. They tell me I'll need a secretary. Now, I think I need just such a young man as you. I don't know just exactly what the work would be or what the financial arrangements should be, but I think you and I would make a pretty good team. I wish you'd come.” He turned to his daughter, with a smile. ”What do you think of that, Hope Georgia?

Isn't your dad right?”

Smiling her approval, the young girl squeezed her father's hand in her enthusiasm.