Part 6 (1/2)
”Remember, we count on you for the naval base.”
”For rural simplicity he's perfection,” whispered Peabody to Stevens as they left the planter. ”He's a living picture of innocence. We'll push him forward and let him do the talking for the naval affairs committee. Hiding behind him, we could put through almost any kind of a proposition.”
Once more did the senior Senator from Mississippi acquiesce.
Langdon gazed at the two departing Senators with varied emotions. He sat down to think over what they had said and to carefully consider what manner of man was Peabody, who showed such an interest in him. He realized that he would have considerable intercourse with Peabody in the processes of legislation, and finally had to admit to himself that he did not like the Senator from Pennsylvania. Just what it was Langdon could not at this time make certain, but he was mystified by traces of contradictions in the Senator's character--slight traces, true, but traces nevertheless. Peabody's cordiality and sympathy were to Langdon's mind partly genuine and partly false. Just what was the cause of or the necessity for the alloy in the true metal he could not fathom.
His talk with these famous lawmakers was unsatisfactory also in that it had conveyed to Langdon the suggestion that the Senate was not primarily a great forum for the general and active consideration of weighty measures and of national policies. It had been his idea that the Senate was primarily such a forum, but the att.i.tude of Peabody and Stevens had hinted to him that there were matters of individual interest that outweighed public or national considerations. For instance, they were anxious that Altacoola should have the naval base regardless of the claims or merits of any other section. That was unusual, puzzling to Langdon. Moreover, it was poor business, yet there were able business men in the Senate. Not one of them would, for instance, think of buying a site for a factory until he had investigated many possible locations and then selected the most favorable one. Why was it, he pondered, that the business of the great United States of America was not conducted on business lines?
He must study the whole question intelligently; that was imperative.
He must have advice, help. To whom was he to go for it? Stevens? Yes, his old friend, who knew all ”the ropes.” Yet even Stevens seemed different in Was.h.i.+ngton than Stevens in Mississippi. Here he played ”second fiddle.” He was even obsequious, Langdon had observed, to Peabody. In Mississippi he was a leader, and a strong one, too. But Senator Langdon had not yet learned of the many founts from which political strength and political leaders.h.i.+p may be gained.
What he finally decided on was the engaging of a secretary, but he must be one with knowledge of political operations, one who combined wisdom with honesty. Such an aid could prevent Langdon from making the many mistakes that invariably mark the new man in politics, and he could point out the most effective modes of procedure under given circ.u.mstances. It might prove difficult to find a man of the necessary qualifications who was not already employed, but in the meantime Langdon would watch the playing of the game himself and make his own deductions as best he could.
The Senator started toward the hotel desk to ask regarding the whereabouts of his son Randolph, when his attention was caught by the sight of three powerful negro porters endeavoring to thrust outdoors a threadbare old man. The victim's flowing white hair, white mustache and military bearing received short shrift.
”Come along, Colonel! Yo' can't sit heah all day. Them chairs is for the guests in the hotel,” the head porter was urging as he jerked the old man toward the door.
The Mississippian's fighting blood was instantly aroused at such treatment of a respectable old white man by negroes. His lips tightly compressed as he hurried to the rescue. He cried sharply:
”Take your hands off that gentleman! What do you mean by touching a friend of mine?”
The negroes stepped back amazed.
”'Scuse me, Senator, is this gent'man a friend of yours?” the head porter gasped apologetically.
Langdon looked at him.
”You heard what I said,” he drawled in the slow way natural to some men of the South when trouble threatens. ”I'd like to have you down in Mississippi for about ten minutes.”
The head porter turned quickly on his a.s.sistants and drove them away, shouting at the top of his voice:
”Get about yo' wuk. How dare yo' intehfere wid a friend of de Senator's? I'll teach yo' to be putting yoh nose in where it ain't got no business.”
The old man, astonished at the turn of events, came forward hesitatingly to Langdon.
”I'm very much obliged to you, sir,” he said. ”I'm Colonel Stoneman, an old soldier.”
The Mississippian stretched forth his hand.
”My name is Langdon, sir--Senator Langdon of Mississippi. I am an old soldier, too.”
”Delighted, Senator,” exclaimed the seedy-looking old man, taking the offered hand gratefully.