Part 16 (1/2)

The soldier said nothing.

”I know Purity,” Da said, ”and she's no sleth woman.”

”You are summoned to be in Whitecliff within the hour.”

”For what cause?” asked Da.

”Captain Argoth wants help interrogating her. I can only suppose he thinks a Koramite might win her trust.”

Ke pitched his voice low. ”It's a trap,” he said.

”Only a fool rides at night,” said Da.

”We've got a moon,” the soldier said. ”And we will escort you back.”

”That's not enough a.s.surance.”

”No,” said the soldier. ”But this should be.” He withdrew a linen handkerchief from his waist pouch and held it out for Da to take.

Da took it. It had embroidery upon one of its corners-three trees and red circle underneath. It was Uncle Argoth's sign.

Da took in and held it to his nose. ”Spearmint,” he said.

Uncle Argoth loved spearmint, planted it around his house, carried it with him. Talen lowered his bow.

Da sighed. ”Let me saddle my mule.”

”We have a mount.”

”I'll trust my own, thank you.”

Da turned to Nettle. ”Your father, it seems, can't wait until morning.” Then he turned back to his room to dress. Before disappearing within, he called back to Ke. ”Get Iron Boy saddled up.”

Ke put down his own bow, lit the lamp Da had left on the table, and walked outside with it to the barn to get the saddle. And then Talen realized Ke would notice the snare's counterweight there.

He hurried to the door and past the Shoka, but before he made it to the well, Ke called out. ”What's this?”

”Don't touch anything!” Talen called.

Moments later Talen heard a loud crash and the clank of the cow bell he'd attached to the snare.

Ke cursed then stormed out of the barn holding the cow bell in one hand the lamp out in front of him with the other. ”A snare?” he demanded.

”Yes,” Talen replied, ”and a good one at that.”

”A good way to cause problems. You don't go laying snares where others might go without informing us!”

Da walked out of the house dressed for riding. ”You two. Again?”

Ke held up the cow bell.

”What's that?” asked Da.

Talen turned.

Ke motioned behind him in anger. ”Around the side of the barn. You'll see. I'm going to fetch Iron Boy.” Ke stormed past two of the fortress watchmen drawing water for their horses and to the horse pen.

Da called to River and asked her to get the men something to eat. With them distracted, he turned to Talen. ”Let's go see.”

Talen sighed and led Da around the side of the barn to the snare. Da looked up at the rope and noose hanging limply from the pulley in the moonlight. ”You know, it's one thing to give a man a beating. It's quite another to kill him. Then you've got blood debt and revenge and families to deal with.”

”It wasn't for the hunters,” Talen said. Then he pitched his voice low. ”You weren't going to believe me until I had one of the hatchlings swinging in the yard.”

”Right,” Da said. ”And what if River had come here in the morning to fetch a few potatoes, sleep still in her eyes?”

”I'd thought of that,” said Talen.

”No,” said Da. ”You hadn't. The best way to avoid accidents is to not hide traps from your fellow defenders. But I give you credit. It's a good idea. Still, you're not going to reset this. Not tonight.”

It wouldn't do any good now anyway because the hatchlings had surely heard all about it. ”You're right,” said Talen. ”I won't.”

”Now you're being sensible,” Da said and clapped Talen on the shoulder. ”You can clean this up in the morning. Right now you can help me saddle up Iron Boy.”

Talen did. Then he watched Da mount and ride off into the moonlight with the men. When they disappeared into the moon shadows of the forest, Talen wondered: Da was formidable, so what would they do now if the armsmen returned? Or if the hatchling worked some evil?

Ke restrung his bell alarm line then pointed at Talen. ”Since you're so eager to catch something, I think I'll let you take the next watch. In fact, you and Nettle can have the next two.” He didn't wait for their reply, just yawned and walked back to the house.

Nettle and Talen followed. When they entered, they found River by the fire, a kettle over the flame. ”The water's heating. I suggest you make a cup of night.w.a.tch tea.”

”Thanks,” Talen said.

River smiled and retired to her bedroom. Talen looked at Nettle. ”First or second watch?” he asked.

”First,” Nettle said.

Talen nodded and retrieved the kettle from the hot coals in the hearth. He made a cup of tea for Nettle and handed it over. Talen didn't think he would be able to fall back asleep, but unrolled his blanket on the floor by the table and lay down on it anyway.

Nettle rummaged through the pantry. He soon found a thick heel of two-day-old bread upon which he spread salted lard. He said around his mouthful of old bread, ”I don't know who to worry about more-hunters or hatchlings. I'm beginning to think we should have laid half-a-dozen snares.”

”Call me when they attack,” Talen said.

Nettle opened the shutters to look out on the yard full of dark moon shadows. ”Queen's out there. Although I don't know how much good that will do.”

”Listen for the bell,” Talen said. He relaxed, listened to the crickets outside, and surprisingly found himself drifting to sleep.

Sometime later, Nettle nudged him awake. The stars still shone outside.

”Did you see anything?” asked Talen.

”A family of skunks,” said Nettle. He yawned. ”Came right up to the window, but they must have gotten a whiff of you, because they turned tail and ran.”