Part 19 (2/2)

”You must want for nothing while you are here; you have only to ask and whatever you desire will be laid before you.”

At the sound of the solicitous offer, Nicolaa stabbed her eating knife into a convenient pear with somewhat more violence than the act required. If Wardieu noticed, he paid no heed. He seemed quite engrossed in studying the newest points of interest revealed by the morning light, namely, how truly blue the centres of Servanne's eyes were, and how white the surrounding orbs. Her lashes were thick and honey-coloured, which led him to speculate and then to search the edge of her wimple until he confirmed his suspicions that her hair would be as blonde as his own. Blonder, he surmised, if the s.h.i.+ny thread of escaped yellow was any indication, and thinking back, had he not seen a long, gleaming curl of something silvery-pale flown from beneath her hood the night he brought her away from the abbey?

He had always preferred his women dark-haired and white-skinned, finding the contrast more stimulating than fair hair and ill-defined contours, but now he caught himself warming to the notion of a golden-haired beauty in his bed.

”Two days,” he mused. ”It seems an interminable wait, my lady.”

Servanne read exactly the same thing in his eyes as Nicolaa saw, and for once, was thankful when the sheriff's wife interrupted bluntly.

”You can hardly proceed without Prince John since he is standing for the bride. And doubtless the old wh.o.r.e herself, Eleanor of Aquitaine would nail your eyelids to your knees if you snubbed her precious La Seyne Sur Mer.”

Servanne's heart missed a beat. Her gaze focused on the table linen and she gripped her eating knife so tightly, both blade and hand trembled. Luckily Wardieu had turned to reply to Nicolaa and neither saw her reaction to the name.

”It was a figure of speech, Nicolaa,” he sighed. ”Not a proclamation of intent. However, with John's cavalcade nearing the moor as we speak, and La Seyne reported to be but a day's journey away, it may well suit my purpose to speed the entire affair along ... with the good bishop's permission, of course.”

Servanne's heart had barely calmed from the first shock when it was sent slamming into her rib cage by a second one. A deep, melodic baritone gave response to Wardieu's question, the ail-too familiar voice coming from one of the guests seated at the far end of the dais. Servanne inched her head around by degrees, leaning forward when she found her view blocked by Wardieu's broad shoulder. A painfully constricted breath later and she was able to follow the flow of a capacious black wool sleeve to the ermine collar and gold link chain of office that ornamented the otherwise plain, voluminous robes. A plaited sallet tamed the riot of jet-black hair, and the soft brown eyes that turned to meet hers were as guileless and solemn as they were the day the sandal-footed Friar had greeted her at the gates of Thornfeld. Only this time the sacrilege was not in feigning the posture of a humble monk. This time, Alaric FitzAthelstan had aspired to the robes and rubies of a bishop!

”I bring you G.o.d's greetings and the blessings of the church, my child,” he murmured piously. ”If I am not mistaken, however, we have met once before ... perhaps in the company of your late husband, Sir Hubert de Briscourt? A brave and gallant crusader, to be sure. And his yearly alms to the church were most generous. Most generous indeed.”

A wave of faintness pa.s.sed through Servanne. What was he doing here? How had he come through the guards, the sentries, the numerous sullen challenges at each tower and gate? And how was it that he was sitting at the Dragon's table, eating the Dragon's fare, chatting with the Dragon and his guests as if they were fond acquaintances?

”Bishop Gautier comes to us all the way from Canterbury,” Wardieu said. ”Our own Bishop of Sleaford was taken ill last week, and since Canterbury was visiting the area, he agreed to preside at the services.”

Servanne met Friar's eyes again. ”I ... thank you for your blessings, my lord bishop,” she managed to stammer. ”And yes, I do believe we have met before.”

For the briefest moment she thought she saw something- relief?-flicker across the lean, hawklike features, but a wan smile reprieved the blandness of his previous expression and he turned to address Wardieu again.

”As to La Seyne Sur Mer, I believe I pa.s.sed his party on the road from Lincoln yesterday. He claimed to have some business or other to attend to in town, but I was ... er ... pressed to a.s.sure you he would be arriving at Bloodmoor before nightfall. A surly, unpleasant fellow, I must say. Very”-a ring-laden hand wafted absently in the air- ”enamoured of himself, and not at all friendly to strangers, regardless of their station in life.”

”Is it true,” Nicolaa asked in her best purring voice, ”that he wears a silk hood at all times?”

”As true as sin, my lady,” Friar nodded. ”An accident early in his youth, I am told, left his face so severely scarred it cannot be looked upon without inciting screams of horror. Queen Eleanor, whom he serves so devotedly, has seen it only the once and was so overcome she ordered hoods of the finest oriental silks to be made expressly so she could enjoy his company without the need of salts or screens. Notwithstanding the hood, however, he has a surly eye and a sharp tongue, neither of which would endear him to a sensible woman's company, I should think.”

”Eleanor was never said to be sensible,” Nicolaa mused, fondling the mutilated remnants of her pear as if it were living flesh. ”Still, I have heard the uglier and more brutish a man is, the more he strives to compensate in ... other areas. Perhaps our randy old dowager queen has retained La Seyne for more than his ability to merely wield a sword with undaunting chivalry.”

Wardieu grinned crookedly. ”He does not like straying too far from his beloved Brittany. I imagine if the queen herself had not issued the command for him to attend, he would be there still, nursing his ill temper and counting his trophies.”

”Indeed,” Friar concurred gravely, ”he wants a stout comeuppance where his boastings are concerned. Do you know he travels with the pennants of every challenger he has met and fought in the lists? Too many to count, I can tell you, and strung on poles like catches of dead fish. I am told” -he leaned forward as if imparting a great secret-”he not only pledges his own armour and gear to anyone skilled enough to split him from a saddle, but his sea of conquered pennants as well! Such arrogance, my lord, begs for deliverance.”

”At any other time, I am certain Lord Lucien would rise to the challenge,” Nicolaa murmured. ”However, since the tournament is being held to celebrate his wedding, he would not want to see his young bride cheated of her nuptial due through a misplaced lance.”

Wardieu laid his hands flat on the tabletop and began to thrum his long fingers softly against the linen. It was the custom for tourneys to be staged for formal occasions and celebrations. In the case of a wedding, it was acceptable for the groom to select one of his favoured knights to act the part of his champion, thus saving the bride the humiliating possibility of becoming a widow the same day.

”So,” he mused, ”this ... Scourge of Mirebeau wishes to ease the aggravations he has suffered in his journey by paring a few skulls?”

”It was the mood I sensed,” Friar agreed guilelessly. ”He is, after all, the dowager's equerry, and in his day has unhorsed the best knights in all of France, Normandy, and the southern provinces. But if memory serves, he is well into his third decade; not a young man at all and no longer in his prime. I am certain you could find some eager, robust young varlets bristling to earn their gold spurs by tipping La Seyne's nose into the dirt.”

Wardieu's fingers were stilled again. A distinct ruddiness darkened his complexion at the inference he too must be considered past his prime by the bishop's standards.

Servanne risked a quick glance at Friar before leaning back in her chair again. He was saying all the right things, playing on the Dragon's vanity as a champion, p.r.i.c.king his natural envy over a rival's reputation-but why? Why was he goading De Gournay into a match with La Seyne Sur Mer?

”He also said-” The bishop appeared to catch himself and waved the thought away with an apologetic smile. ”No, no. I would be speaking out of turn.”

”He also said what” what” Wardieu demanded flatly. Wardieu demanded flatly.

Friar glanced along the row of guests seated on the dais as if noticing for the first time they had all become as silent as death. ”Why ... he, ahh, also said something about not wanting to take unfair advantage of a rival who has not appeared in too many tourneys during the past year or two, and who may be ... er ... somewhat lacking in form and, ah”-Friar looked into Wardieu's cold blue eyes and swallowed hard-”... nerve.”

Servanne missed Wardieu's immediate reaction, for at that same moment, purely by chance, her gaze settled on the six cowled figures occupying a section of one of the lower tables. Resembling large gray moths, they were garbed somberly, as befitting clerics in the bishop's service. They humbly declined the richer foods in favour of black bread and fruit, and drank sparingly of the watered wine. With their heads bowed and their hoods drawn forward, their features were, for the most part, shadowed and indistinct, but Servanne thought she recognized five of them from amongst the Wolf's men at Thornfeld Abbey. The sixth was Gil Golden.

Another wave of faintness swept through her, the sudden weakness causing her to lose hold of her jewelled eating knife. It dropped onto the table with a clatter, which might have prompted a neck or two to part company with its skin if it had not occurred the exact instant Wardieu's fist slammed on the wood and sent a volley of b.u.t.tocks leaping off their seats.

”By the rood,” he roared, ”we shall see who is lacking in form and nerve! He shall indeed have a match on his hands, and when he finds himself well-spitted and rolling in the dust with his entrails tangled about his ears, we shall also see who suffers the greater mortification!”

A rousing cheer of support went up from the crowded tables. Chairs sc.r.a.ped over the stone floor as knights stood and raised their goblets and their swords in a flas.h.i.+ng show of support for their liege lord. The quiet tension of the previous moments burst with a frenzy and there were counter challenges issued, boasts proclaimed, and a voracious round of wagering begun.

Wardieu, flushed with enthusiasm, did not see the look on Friar's face, or the lingering glance that pa.s.sed between the visiting bishop and Servanne de Briscourt. A toast was made, followed by another. By magic, a pair of tumblers cart-wheeled into the centre of the hall and in a blink of an eye, the huge room was vibrating with music and laughter.

Servanne paced away an anxious morning and half an afternoon before the expected visitor was announced into her chambers. Biddy had been dispatched on a series of errands to keep her occupied elsewhere, and Servanne was alone when Geoffrey, the page, escorted Friar into her solar.

In the presence of their young witness, Alaric continued smoothly in his role, conveying his intentions to discuss the upcoming wedding and any fears the bride might be experiencing in regards to her future role as the Baroness de Gournay. Servanne's responses were equally civil, her mood seemingly as genial as she instructed Geoffrey to fetch a flask of wine from the kitchens and perhaps some small sweetmeats with which she could tempt the palate of her exalted guest.

With Geoffrey scurrying away to comply, Servanne and Alaric were left alone, pa.s.sing the first full minute in heavy silence.

”Are you mad?” she asked finally. ”Have you completely lost your senses coming here like this?”

He glanced down at his voluminous black robes and flicked a speck of lint off the long sleeve. ”It was a necessary ruse to get inside the castle. I thought I carried the role rather well.”

”Gil Golden and the others: Do they feel as comfortable sitting among men who would have their heads skewered on pikes at the first hint of betrayal?”

”Their fates-and mine-rest solely in your hands, my lady. Our lives are yours to do with what you will.”

”I do not thank you for the responsibility!” she exclaimed angrily. ”You were so sure I would not betray you in the hall?”

”I was hoping you would not.” ”That is no answer.”

”Then give me an honest question and I will attempt to better it.”

Servanne paced to the window. ”You take a great deal upon yourself, Friar. He He takes a great deal upon himself as well, a.s.suming I will not reveal the lot of you to Wardieu.” takes a great deal upon himself as well, a.s.suming I will not reveal the lot of you to Wardieu.”

”Lucien ... has a great deal of respect for human nature,” Friar said easily. ”He did not think you were the kind of woman who reveled in blood sport.”

”Or revenge?”

Friar gave his shoulders a small shrug. ”We had to take the chance.”
