Part 7 (1/2)

'You're missing the point. It's not what you saw-it's the fact that you saw anything at all. It proves that the crystal has the power of transforming thought into energy. Perhaps even into matter itself.

Don't you see? Just think of the power the Great Crystal must have.

Whatever is in your thoughts, in your mind, it can actually make it occur!'

'And if the Mara is in Tegan's mind . . .' said Nyssa slowly.

'Exactly! The Mara needs the Great Crystal in order to make itself reoccur . . .' The Doctor leaped up and headed for the door. 'You'd better stay here, Nyssa, in case Tegan returns. I'll be back as soon as I can.'

'Where are you going?'

'To warn Ambril. He knows where the Great Crystal is. I've got to make him listen.'

Tegan strode swiftly up the steps that led to the Cave of the Snake and on into the tunnel. Lon, who was close behind her, paused for a moment waiting for Dugdale who was puffing along behind. 'Come along, Showman. Hurry up'

'Where's she taking us?' gasped Dugdale.

'Come on,' repeated Lon.

Dugdale hung back. 'I don't like this . . .'

Lon reached out and gripped his arm.

Looking down, Dugdale saw the snake-design on Lon's arm.

'Come on,' said Lon yet again, and dragged Dugdale into the cave.

They found Tegan in the Chamber of the Mara, staring angrily up at the empty jaws of the great carved snake.

She swung round, speaking in the deep harsh voice of the Mara. ”Who has dared to remove the Great Crystal? Where is the Crystal?'

Without waiting for a reply, she stepped forward and pressed the snake-mark on her arm against the wall. With a heavy grinding sound a section of wall at the base of the snake-carving rolled back, revealing a small inner chamber. Tegan moved inside and the others followed.

Dugdale paused in the doorway, looking round. They were in a small stone room, thick with dust. It seemed to be completely empty, except for some kind of rubbish heap in the corner. Dugdale looked more closely, and saw that the rubbish consisted of gold and silver plates, crystal goblets, intricately-carved statuettes, rings and bracelets and necklaces, wrist and head-bands . , . There were precious objects of every kind, all covered in a thick coating of dust and grime.

Dugdale ran forward and began scrabbling in the pile. He s.n.a.t.c.hed up a crystal goblet and polished it with the edge of his coat. Lon stood watching, a faint smile on his face.

'You are not impressed?' asked Tegan.

'Not overly - did you expect me to be?'

Tegan looked down at Dugdale. 'Leave them alone.'

'You don't understand what there is here . . .'

'Toys for children,' sneered Lon.

Dugdale was frantic with excitement. 'Toys? These are the real thing.

The genuine article. They're worth money - a fortune.'

Tegan beckoned imperiously. Reluctantly Dugdale got to his feet and stood staring wistfully down at the pile of treasure.

Tegan turned to Lon. 'Now, tell me about the Great Crystal. That interests me. It interests me very much indeed. Do you know where it is?'

'Yes, as a matter of fact I do.'

'Where?' demanded Tegan fiercely.

'To be more precise,' said Lon. 'I know who knows where it is.' He plucked the crystal goblet from Dugdale's fingers. 'And I know how he may be persuaded to tell us!'

Ambril's dinner was coming to an end at last. Flanked by Ambril and his a.s.sistant Chela, Lady Tanha sat smiling graciously at the head of the table. She had a terrible feeling that Ambril was about to make a speech. He raised his gla.s.s. 'A toast! To the Federation, as embodied in the person of this gracious lady!'

But before he could utter another word the Doctor hotly pursued by a number of attendants, burst into the room and skidded to a halt before the table.

The bodyguard behind Lady Tanha's chair dropped his hand to the hilt of his sword.

'Where is the Great Mind's Eye?' shouted the Doctor 'The what?'

'The Great Crystal, the one that was taken from the head of the snake in the Chamber of the Mara.'

Ambril turned deferentially to Lady Tanha. 'I beg your pardon for this interruption, my Lady, I will have the man removed . . .'

The Doctor leaned over the table, staring accusingly at Ambril. 'You know where it is!'

'I certainly do.'


'Wherever it is, I a.s.sure you it is perfectly safe.'

'You don't understand,' said the Doctor frantically. 'The Great Crystal is the source of the Mara's power. It needs that power to make itself reoccur. That is how it plans to return.'

'I think we've heard enough,' said Ambril. 'Take him away.'

At a nod from Lady Tanha, the giant bodyguard advanced on the Doctor, great hands outstretched.

'You don't understand,' shouted the Doctor. 'Through the Great Crystal the Mara will reoccur, as a physical fact - here on Ma.n.u.ssa!'

The bodyguard closed in.

Dugdale stood in the secret chamber, the treasure of a lifetime piled in a dusty heap at his feet. Tegan and Lon were finis.h.i.+ng a rapid conference. Both turned and looked at Dugdale.

'So,' said Lon. 'Only one problem remains.'

Dugdale gulped. 'Me? Oh, I could a.s.sist in your enterprise in whatever capacity.. using my discretion.'