Part 21 (1/2)
But the sun was so bright that he could not see, So he married the hoppergra.s.s instead of she.
And wasn't that a sad disappointment for he!
Sing heigh ho! the howly fowl!
Tu-whit! tu-whit! tu-whoo!
Off go the fire-crackers, bang! bang! bang!
Off go the fire-crackers, bang! bang! bang!
Popguns all a-snapping, and banners all a-flapping,-- Off go the fire-crackers, bang! bang! bang!
Off the torpedoes go, crack! crack! crack!
Off the torpedoes go, crack! crack! crack!
Fish-horns all a-tooting, and schoolboys all a-hooting,-- Off the torpedoes go, crack! crack! crack!
Off go the fireworks, fizz! fizz! fizz!
Off go the fireworks, fizz! fizz! fizz!
Pin-wheels all a-turning, and fingers all a-burning,-- Off go the fireworks, fizz! fizz! fizz!
Off goes our little Ned, boo-hoo-hoo!
Off goes our little Ned, boo-hoo-hoo!
Big hole in his jacket, and another in his pocket, Half the hair singed off his head, Off goes our little Ned,-- Mamma'll put him straight to bed, boo-hoo-hoo!
Pip! pop! flippety flop!
Here am I, all ready to pop.
Girls and boys, the fire burns clear; Gather about the chimney here.
Big ones, little ones, all in a row.
Hop away! pop away! here we go!
Pip! pop! flippety flop!
Into the bowl the kernels drop.
Sharp and hard and yellow and small; Must say they don't look good at all.
But wait till they burst into warm white snow!
Hop away! pop away! here we go!
Pip! pop! flippety flop!
Don't fill me too full; shut down the top!
Rake out the coals in an even bed, Topaz yellow and ruby red; Shade your eyes from the fiery glow.