Part 16 (1/2)

Said the boy to the day that was hurrying by, ”Oh, little day, pretty day, why must you fly?

Oh, stay with me, play with me, just as you are; Let no shadow of evening your noon-brightness mar.”

Said the day to the boy as it hurried away, ”And is't for my brightness you ask me to stay?

Know, the jewel of day would no longer seem bright, If it were not clasped round by the setting of night.”


Oh! blithe and merrily sang the shark, As he sat on the house-top high: A-cleaning his boots, and smoking cheroots, With a single gla.s.s in his eye.

With Martin and Day he polished away, And a smile on his face did glow, As merry and bold the chorus he trolled Of ”Gobble-em-upsky ho!”

He sang so loud, he astonished the crowd Which gathered from far and near.

For they said, ”Such a sound, in the country round, We never, no, never did hear.”

He sang of the s.h.i.+ps that he'd eaten like chips In the palmy days of his youth.

And he added, ”If you don't believe it is true, Pray examine my wisdom tooth!”

He sang of the whales who'd have given their tails For a glance of his raven eye.

And the swordfish, too, who their weapons all drew, And swor'd for his sake they'd die.

And he sang about wrecks and hurricane decks And the mariner's perils and pains, Till every man's blood up on end it stood, And their hair ran cold in their veins.

But blithe as a lark the merry old shark, He sat on the sloping roof.

Though he said, ”It is queer that no one draws near To examine my wisdom toof!”

And he carolled away, by night and by day, Until he made every one ill.

And I'll wager a crown that unless he's come down, He is probably carolling still.


Oh! children, have you ever seen The little Easter Hen, Who comes to lay her pretty eggs, Then runs away again?

She only comes on Easter Day; And when that day is o'er, Till next year brings it round again, You will not see her more.

Her eggs are not like common eggs, But all of colors bright: Blue, purple, red, with spots and stripes, And scarcely one that's white.

She lays them in no special place,-- On this side, now on that.

And last year, only think! she laid One right in Johnny's hat.

But naughty boys and girls get none: So, children, don't forget!

And be as good as good can be-- It is not Easter yet!