Part 23 (1/2)

Page 264 Students wrapped vending machines: Campaign to Stop Killer ”Student Protest Pics,” Campaign to Stop Killer ”Student Protest Pics,” /magazine/content/06_04/b3968078.htm.

Page 264 a university-sponsored forum with the WRC: Jason Rowe, ”Senate Must Challenge,” Jason Rowe, ”Senate Must Challenge,” Was.h.i.+ngton Square News Was.h.i.+ngton Square News, March 10, 2005.

Page 265 The issue was tabled: Yakacki, interview by the author; ”NYU Senate Is Impotent,” Yakacki, interview by the author; ”NYU Senate Is Impotent,” Was.h.i.+ngton Square News Was.h.i.+ngton Square News, April 25, 2005.

Page 265 activists at . . . Michigan demanded that the school: Talia Selitsky, ”Killer Coalition Rallies at U. Michigan,” Talia Selitsky, ”Killer Coalition Rallies at U. Michigan,” Michigan Daily Michigan Daily, February 10, 2005.

Page 265 the board ruled in the students' favor: Scott Leith, ”University Says It Will Drop Unless Colombia Charges Probed,” Scott Leith, ”University Says It Will Drop Unless Colombia Charges Probed,” Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution, June 18, 2005.

Page 265 ”If they don't step up”: Jeremy Davidson, ”U. Michigan Adjusts Coca-Cola Contracts,” Jeremy Davidson, ”U. Michigan Adjusts Coca-Cola Contracts,” Michigan Daily Michigan Daily, June 20, 2005.

Page 265 Ed Potter had represented . . . new corporate code of conduct: Caroline Wilbert, ”Trouble-shooter's Big Job Has Kept Him Traveling, from Colombia to China,” Caroline Wilbert, ”Trouble-shooter's Big Job Has Kept Him Traveling, from Colombia to China,” Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution, April 16, 2006.

Page 265 spelling out the protections for workers: Ed Potter, interview by the author; The Coca-Cola Company, 2006 Corporate Responsibility Review; The Coca-Cola Company ”Workplace Rights Policy,” Ed Potter, interview by the author; The Coca-Cola Company, 2006 Corporate Responsibility Review; The Coca-Cola Company ”Workplace Rights Policy,”

Page 266 a supposedly independent group: Cal Safety Compliance Corporation (CSCC) for The Coca-Cola Company, ”Workplace a.s.sessments in Colombia,” 2005; Russ Childrey, vice president of CSCC, interview by the author. Cal Safety Compliance Corporation (CSCC) for The Coca-Cola Company, ”Workplace a.s.sessments in Colombia,” 2005; Russ Childrey, vice president of CSCC, interview by the author.

Page 266 denying responsibility for the violence in Colombia: Author notes of shareholder meeting; Michael Blanding, ”The Case Against,” Author notes of shareholder meeting; Michael Blanding, ”The Case Against,” The Nation The Nation, April 13, 2006.

Page 266 ”felt more like a student protest rally”: ”Flat,” ”Flat,” Financial Times Financial Times (London), April 20, 2005. (London), April 20, 2005.

Page 266 real negotiations began after the meeting: Potter and Romero, interviews by the author. Potter and Romero, interviews by the author.

Page 266 was soon setting its own rules: Notes from September 9, 2005, commission meeting by anonymous student. Notes from September 9, 2005, commission meeting by anonymous student.

Page 266 The students dismissed those demands: ”How NYU Chose Colombia over,” ”How NYU Chose Colombia over,” BusinessWeek BusinessWeek, Online Extra, January 17, 2006, /magazine/content/06_04/b3968078.htm.

Page 267 The university issued an ultimatum: Jacob Gershman, ”University Senate at NYU Threatens to Oust Coca-Cola from Campus,” Jacob Gershman, ”University Senate at NYU Threatens to Oust Coca-Cola from Campus,” Sun Sun (New York), November 7, 2005. (New York), November 7, 2005.

Page 267 NYU . . . would begin removing from campus: Patrick Cole, ”NYU Bans Coca-Cola Products,” Bloomberg News, December 9, 2005. Patrick Cole, ”NYU Bans Coca-Cola Products,” Bloomberg News, December 9, 2005.

Page 267 ”Certainly if there was any wrongdoing”: Caroline Wilbert, ”A Surprising Critic of,” Caroline Wilbert, ”A Surprising Critic of,” Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution, January 28, 2006.

Page 267 new country: Turkey: Ali Riza Kucukosmanoglu, president of Nakliyat- trade union, interview by the author; Ali Riza Kucukosmanoglu, president of Nakliyat- trade union, interview by the author; Erol Turedi, et al. v. The Coca-Cola Company, et al. Erol Turedi, et al. v. The Coca-Cola Company, et al., United States District Court, Southern District of New York, 05-CV-9635 (2005) (hereafter Turedi v. Turedi v.

Page 268 had nothing to do with it: The Coca-Cola Company statement, ”Lawsuit Regarding Protest in Turkey,” November 15, 2005; Potter, interview by the author. The Coca-Cola Company statement, ”Lawsuit Regarding Protest in Turkey,” November 15, 2005; Potter, interview by the author.

Page 268 ”the flipside of being a big brand”: Kenneth Hein, ”Advertising: Big Ban on Campus for Products,” Kenneth Hein, ”Advertising: Big Ban on Campus for Products,” Brandweek Brandweek, December 12, 2005.

Page 268 the union hadn't first exhausted its remedies: Turedi v. Turedi v., Decision and Order Granting Motion to Dismiss (39); Notice of Appeal (42).

Page 268 ”investigate and evaluate”: Donald R. Knauss, President, Coca-Cola North America, to Tim Slottow, Executive Vice President and CFO, University of Michigan, April 10, 2006. Donald R. Knauss, President, Coca-Cola North America, to Tim Slottow, Executive Vice President and CFO, University of Michigan, April 10, 2006.

Page 268 more conciliatory approach to negotiations . . . continued to throw cold water: ”Why Does the IUF Attack SINALTRAINAL,” ”Why Does the IUF Attack SINALTRAINAL,” /pmtv/

Page 269 ”My message to you”: Videocast, The Coca-Cola Company, Annual Meeting of Stockholders, April 19, 2006, Videocast, The Coca-Cola Company, Annual Meeting of Stockholders, April 19, 2006,

Page 269 activists raised red flags: Amit Srivastava, India Resource Center press release, ”Coca-Cola Funded Group Investigates Coca-Cola in India,” April 16, 2007. Amit Srivastava, India Resource Center press release, ”Coca-Cola Funded Group Investigates Coca-Cola in India,” April 16, 2007.

Page 269 listed Coca-Cola as a sponsor: Confirmed from TERI website, April 16, 2006, Confirmed from TERI website, April 16, 2006, panies: Confirmed by Ritu k.u.mar, ”Human Face of Corporates,” Confirmed by Ritu k.u.mar, ”Human Face of Corporates,” Times of India Times of India, December 24, 2001.

Page 269 student campaign had ”stalled”: David Teather, ”Has Become the Next McDonald's?” David Teather, ”Has Become the Next McDonald's?” Guardian Guardian, August 18, 2006.

Page 270 indifference, if not contempt: Order of Clarification as to Plaintiffs SINALTRAINAL and Juan Carlos Galvis (233), Order Granting Motion to Quash Attempted Service of Process (234), Order Reiterating Stay (237), Order of Clarification as to Plaintiffs SINALTRAINAL and Juan Carlos Galvis (233), Order Granting Motion to Quash Attempted Service of Process (234), Order Reiterating Stay (237), SINALTRAINAL v. SINALTRAINAL v.

Page 270 ”If you didn't know any better”: Status conference transcript, June 6, 2006. Status conference transcript, June 6, 2006.

Page 270 ”unwarranted international fis.h.i.+ng expeditions”: Consolidated Omnibus Order Dismissing the Cases for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (322), Consolidated Omnibus Order Dismissing the Cases for Lack of Subject Matter Jurisdiction (322), SINALTRAINAL v. SINALTRAINAL v.

Page 270 ”We hope this decision”: Duane D. Stanford, ”Lawsuit vs. Bottlers Tossed; Group Representing Colombian Workers May Appeal Ruling,” Duane D. Stanford, ”Lawsuit vs. Bottlers Tossed; Group Representing Colombian Workers May Appeal Ruling,” Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution Atlanta Journal-Const.i.tution , October 4, 2006. , October 4, 2006.

Page 270 denying the union proper discovery: Appellants' Opening Brief (1), Appellants' Opening Brief (1), SINALTRAINAL, et al. v. The Coca-Cola Company, et al SINALTRAINAL, et al. v. The Coca-Cola Company, et al., on Appeal from the Decision and Final Order of the United States District Court for the Southern District of Florida, Case No. 06-15851-HH (hereafter SINALTRAINAL v. SINALTRAINAL v. Appeal). Appeal).

Page 270 ”Put aside Colombia, Coca-Cola”: Terry Collingsworth, interview by the author. Terry Collingsworth, interview by the author.

Page 271 engaged a retired judge: Judge Daniel Weinstein (ret.), biography, Judge Daniel Weinstein (ret.), biography, /weinstein/.

Page 271 call off the dogs: In re: TCCC's [The Coca-Cola Company's] Reply Brief, in Support of Motion for Sanctions and Related Relief, February 12, 2008. The doc.u.ments and e-mail exchanges cited below are taken from exhibits to this brief. In re: TCCC's [The Coca-Cola Company's] Reply Brief, in Support of Motion for Sanctions and Related Relief, February 12, 2008. The doc.u.ments and e-mail exchanges cited below are taken from exhibits to this brief.

Page 271 resumed criticizing Faith Gay to Judge Daniel Weinstein, re: TCCC Motion for Sanctions In re SINALTRAINAL Mediation, December 21, 2006. Faith Gay to Judge Daniel Weinstein, re: TCCC Motion for Sanctions In re SINALTRAINAL Mediation, December 21, 2006.

Page 271 both sides refrain from public statements: Judge Daniel Weinstein e-mail to Faith Gay, Terry Collingsworth, et al., September 27, 2006. Judge Daniel Weinstein e-mail to Faith Gay, Terry Collingsworth, et al., September 27, 2006.

Page 272 trolled Web and newspaper reports: Linda Spencer e-mails, October 2, 4, 9, and 27, 2006. Linda Spencer e-mails, October 2, 4, 9, and 27, 2006.

Page 272 they would have to resign from the union: Draft, ”Colombia Settlement Agreement,” October 13, 2006. Draft, ”Colombia Settlement Agreement,” October 13, 2006.

Page 273 ”Every request we made for”: Faith Gay to Terry Collingsworth, November 22, 2006. Faith Gay to Terry Collingsworth, November 22, 2006.

Page 273 $120,000 in penalties: Order for Sanctions, January 8, 2007. Order for Sanctions, January 8, 2007.

Page 273 ”Look, don't waste my time”: Terry Collingsworth, interview by the author. Terry Collingsworth, interview by the author.

Page 273 into the ”lions' den”: Duban Velez, secretary-treasurer of SINALTRAINAL, and Romero, interviews by the author. Duban Velez, secretary-treasurer of SINALTRAINAL, and Romero, interviews by the author.

Page 274 whatever the union leaders decided: Rogers, interview by the author. Rogers, interview by the author.

Page 274 ”We don't intend to give up our fight”: The Coca-Cola Case The Coca-Cola Case, directed by German Gutierrez and Carmen Garcia (Montreal: Cinema Politica and the National Film Board of Canada, 2009).

Page 274 a personal money grab: Romero, interview by the author. Romero, interview by the author.