Part 12 (1/2)
I nudged him sharply in the ribs. 'Oh, shut up, Mark!'
I was relieved when Paul Fortune arrived at that moment and called for us all to gather round. 'This will be the last rehearsal for us here,' he announced. 'I'm giving you all next week off and then we're going down to Bournemouth where we'll have a week's rehearsal with the full orchestra. There'll be costume fittings as well and we open the following week.'
I felt a flutter of antic.i.p.ation in my stomach, and Mark and I exchanged excited looks.
After the rehearsal was over, we went to the pub. As we sat down with our drinks I looked at Mark. 'So we're really on our way!'
'Looks like it.' He took a long pull of his beer and set the gla.s.s down with a sigh of satisfaction. 'What are you going to do with your week's holiday?' he asked.
I shrugged. 'Not a lot. I'm practically out of money.'
He looked surprised. 'Really?'
I nodded. 'Down to my last few hundred and I don't suppose I'll be getting any refund on my investment for quite a while.'
'That's true.' He took another swig from his gla.s.s and looked at me, one eyebrow raised. 'If you're struggling I can let you have a loan.'
'No, I'll be all right,' I protested. 'Just have to go easily, that's all.'
'There'll be digs to pay for on tour, don't forget,' he reminded me.
'I know. I think I can handle that OK.'
'Well, you know the help is there if you need it.'
I looked at him. Mark was such a good friend but was he too good to be true? Could I really trust him? I didn't want him thinking he could start calling in favours and I'd no intention of dropping my guard. 'As a matter of fact, I thought I might go home for a few days,' I said. 'Not that it's really what you'd call home, but Karrie and Susan are all the family I've got.'
'I'm sure they'd be more than happy to see you,' Mark said heartily.
I nodded, doubting his optimism. 'How's your sister?' I asked, changing the subject.
'She's fine. She had an interview for a job last week and she heard this morning that she's got it. It's secretary at the local primary school which will fit in nicely with the kids' school holidays. She's seen a little house that she likes too.'
My heart lifted. 'Right, so you'll have the flat to yourself again when we come back from the tour.'
He smiled. 'Are you still interested in moving in?'
Something in me the contrary side of my nature resented his taking it for granted that I would jump at the chance. 'Well, we'll see,' I said. 'I might move back in with Di.'
To my satisfaction he looked crestfallen. 'Oh. I thought you'd given your flat up.'
'I did.' I searched my mind for a way out of the corner I'd backed myself into; trying to remember the last thing I told him. 'But Di took on the lease as I told you,' I said as inspiration struck. 'So it's still an option.' Sometimes I amazed myself by my quick thinking.
He drained his gla.s.s. 'Well, the offer's there if you change your mind. When are you going home?'
'I'll have to ring and ask when it's convenient,' I told him.
'Well, give me a ring when you get back and we'll arrange to drive down to Bournemouth together.'
Back at the bedsit, I rang Susan's number, but I got the answerphone. I left her a message to ring me and set about making myself a sandwich. I'd just put the kettle on for coffee when my phone rang. I picked it up.
'Hi, Susan, that was quick. ...'
'It's not Susan,' a male voice said.
'Oh, then who ...'
'This is Steve Harris your brother.'
My heart gave a jump. 'Oh er h.e.l.lo.'
'You don't sound very pleased to hear from me.' His voice was deep and coa.r.s.e with a strong c.o.c.kney accent. I had a feeling of foreboding.
'What can I do for you?' I asked stupidly.
He chuckled at the other end of the line. 'Now, there's an offer. I thought we could meet,' he said. 'I think it would be nice to get to know one another, don't you?'
I bit my lip. This was something I had to nip in the bud. 'Forgive me but I can't really see the point,' I said.
'What? You're saying that you don't want to meet your little brother after all these years?' The voice held a mocking tone.
'Until yesterday I didn't even know you existed,' I told him. 'And you're not my brother only a half-brother.'
'Blood's blood,' he said. 'We share the same mum. She thought you were a bit of all right,' he said. 'In fact it was her idea that you and I got together. She thought we'd have a lot in common.'
'I doubt it,' I told him. 'As a matter of fact, I'm going away tomorrow and after that I'll be away on tour so I can't really see an opportunity for us to meet.'
'Oh dear, that's a pity,' he said smoothly.
'Yes, but there, it can't be helped,' I said, thinking that by the time we came back to London he'd have given up, with any luck. 'Goodbye.' I ended the call quickly and switched my phone off so that he couldn't ring back. 'd.a.m.ned cheek,' I muttered as I made myself a coffee. No doubt he thought he could get some money out of me. Well, he had another think coming.
Susan didn't ring me back and in the end, I decided to just turn up. Maybe she'd be annoyed but it was only for a few days and I really didn't fancy staying in the grotty bedsit for a whole week with nothing to do. I took the train next morning and arrived in Bridgehampton just before lunch.
Susan didn't look surprised when she opened the door and found me outside.
Her expression was more one of resignation.
'Louise how nice. Come in.'
'I did ring you yesterday,' I told her as I walked in through the door. 'I left a message. Didn't you get it?'
She shook her head. 'I don't always check,' she said.
I didn't believe a word. 'Is it convenient for me to stay for a few days?' I asked.
She looked at me and then at the small bag I was carrying. 'A few?'
'Just until the weekend,' I said. 'We're off down to Bourne-mouth next Monday to begin our tour so I'll need time to pack and leave the flat tidy.'
She didn't even try to conceal her relief. 'Oh, well, that's fine then,' she said. 'I'm afraid it will have to be the sofa again.'