Part 22 (2/2)

He let out a shaking breath, as if he'd been holding his breath waiting for me to ask, or not. ”It's not enough money for me and my people, or anyone close to our talent. That's what they'll need to take you and yours out, Blake, but even amateurs get lucky.”

”How long do we have before they hit town?”

”It's been forty-eight hours, so maybe no time.”

”So you waited two days to warn us? Thanks.”

”I knew you wouldn't like that. I tried not to warn you. The contract is just on you, your master, and his wolf. I thought maybe Nick wouldn't get in the line of fire, but I had to warn you. I couldn't resist the urge to call you.”

”Next time call immediately, okay?”

He swallowed hard enough for me to hear it. ”Okay.”

”Give me a number where I'll always be able to reach you.”

”Don't do this.”

”You waited forty-eight hours to warn me until the compulsion got too strong. I may not like you, but you and your people are good at your jobs. You'd make good muscle. If your delay makes things worse I'll call. If your waiting gets us in trouble, I'll ask you to help us out of it. If it makes no difference, I leave you alone.”

I heard him swallow again. ”That's fair, I guess.” He gave me a number.

”If you cancel the phone and I can't reach you . . .”

”I don't know if I could hide from you, Blake. I don't know if whatever you've done to me would let me hide.”

”Then don't try, Jacob. I'll play fair as long as I can.”

”What's that mean?”

”It means some bad s.h.i.+t is going to be hitting the fan soon, and we may need more muscle. I'll try to leave you and your people out of it, because frankly I may have rolled you but I haven't even met all your people. I'm not sure I want to bring that many wild cards into my town.”

”I hope you mean that.”

”I don't usually say things unless I mean them, Jacob.”

”That I do believe,” he said.

”Thanks for the heads-up,” I said.

”Don't thank me; I'd have let you die if I had a choice.”

”Aw, Jacob, you'll hurt a girl's feelings that way. I thought you liked me.”

”I do like you, that's what scares me.”

”Good-bye, Jacob.”

”Good-bye, Blake.” He hung up.

I lay back against the bed for a minute while Nicky watched me in the dimness and Nathaniel lay quiet at my back. It still felt good to have them touch me, and I still wasn't afraid, or even worried, and that, of course, was the problem. Too much fear will paralyze you, but too little fear will make you careless. I held Nathaniel's arm against my body and knew that afraid or not, I'd do whatever it took to keep him safe, to keep the people I cared about safe. I'd said that before; last night felt like I'd proved it.

”What do we do now?” Nicky asked. He'd started petting my arm again.

”We tell the others and we prepare.”

”For what?” Nathaniel asked softly.

”Kill them, before they kill us.” I said it with my voice firm, sure, and devoid of almost any emotion. For once I wasn't being brave; I sounded like I felt. I wondered how long I would feel numb, and what it would feel like when I stopped. I pushed the thought away, made Nicky move, and reached for my clothes. were either on their way or already in town. Eventually I'd be afraid, and before that hit I wanted a plan.


WHEN I OPENED the door, Nicky right behind me, I saw that he'd been sharing guard duty with Graham. Tall, broad-shouldered, he wore his straight black hair cut a little too long through the bangs, so that his eyes stared out through the hair like a cat watching from the gra.s.s. Though cat cat wasn't accurate. He was a werewolf. Other than a little uptilt at the edges of his eyes and the straight black hair, his mother's j.a.panese heritage seemed to have pa.s.sed him by; most of him came from his tall, Nordic father. His parents were still the only ones to ever come down to Guilty Pleasures to visit their bouncer son at work. Graham had missed the orgy because he lived off-site and he was usually being a bouncer at the strip club rather than muscle here. He was wearing a bright red T-s.h.i.+rt, which meant he was available for blood donations or s.e.x. So far I'd managed to keep him off my menu, and I was planning to keep it that way. wasn't accurate. He was a werewolf. Other than a little uptilt at the edges of his eyes and the straight black hair, his mother's j.a.panese heritage seemed to have pa.s.sed him by; most of him came from his tall, Nordic father. His parents were still the only ones to ever come down to Guilty Pleasures to visit their bouncer son at work. Graham had missed the orgy because he lived off-site and he was usually being a bouncer at the strip club rather than muscle here. He was wearing a bright red T-s.h.i.+rt, which meant he was available for blood donations or s.e.x. So far I'd managed to keep him off my menu, and I was planning to keep it that way.

He grinned at me. ”I can't believe I missed last night.”

”Be happy you did,” I said.

He looked stricken and way younger than his early twenties. ”It was an orgy. You f.u.c.ked people that you've never touched.”

I glanced at Nicky, who was at my side. ”Does he know everything that happened last night?”

Nicky nodded.

”You guard this door, and if anything happens to Nathaniel because you failed at your job I will kill you.” My voice had just a little inflection at the end, but only a little.

Graham looked at me. ”What'd I say to p.i.s.s you off ?”

”That you have to ask that question, Graham, is why I don't sleep with you.”

He still looked totally lost. It was Nicky who said, ”She feels bad about Noel and Haven being dead.” His voice was pleasant as he said it, and I realized that his inflection never changed, either, but it wasn't numb, just pleasant like nothing he had just said moved him.

”We need another wereanimal to bunk with Nathaniel.”

”You told me to stay on the door,” Graham said.

”Sorry, just thinking out loud.” My head felt buzzy and full of static. The shock was beginning to wear off, which was both good and bad, apparently.

”If you want more people to sleep with Nathaniel while he heals, the infirmary is the best place. People are on rotating s.h.i.+fts.”

I opened that part of me that was connected to so many people. I just threw it wide to see who was close. Nicky hit the radar first because he was right beside me, but the energy went out and out. I knew that Jean-Claude was here, and he felt my urgency and my confusion and started walking this way. I found Jason, and felt sorrow from him. I wondered what was wrong. I found Damian still up, still awake. Apparently none of the vampires who woke early were going to sleep at all today. Crispin's and Domino's energy came and with that one brush I knew there were more tigers here. They flared brighter in my head. They shouldn't have been brighter on my metaphysical radar than the shapes.h.i.+fters I was closest to. I narrowed down my search, leaving that bright energy out of my search pattern. I brushed a lot of people's energy inside the Circus, but one person I didn't find was Richard. He wasn't here. c.r.a.p.

I started dialing his number. Inside the Circus was like an underground bunker, almost impenetrable, but outside it all bets were off, and Richard was the least capable of the three of us to watch for this kind of danger. He was still too trusting, and too tied to trying to be ”normal.”
