Part 124 (1/2)
_Who dost thy seven-fold gifts impart_.
Thy blessed Unction from above
_Is comfort, life, and fire of love_.
Enable with perpetual light
_The dulness of our blinded sight_.
Anoint and cheer our soiled face
_With the abundance of thy grace_.
Keep far our foes, give peace at home:
_Where thou art guide, no ill can come_.
Teach us to know the Father, Son,
_And thee, of both, to be but one_.
That, through the ages all along,
_This may be our endless song_:
Praise to thy eternal merit,
_Father, Son, and Holy Spirit_.
_Or this_:
Come, Holy Ghost, eternal G.o.d, &c.
_as before in the Form of Ordering Priests_.
_That ended, the_ [_Primus_] _shall say_,
Lord, hear our prayer.
_Answer_. And let our cry come unto thee.
Let us pray.
Almighty G.o.d and most merciful Father, who of thine infinite goodness hast given thine only and dearly beloved Son Jesus Christ, to be our Redeemer and the Author of everlasting life; who, after that he had made perfect our redemption by his death, and was ascended into heaven, poured down his gifts abundantly upon men, making some Apostles, some Prophets, some Evangelists, some Pastors and Doctors, to the edifying and making perfect his Church: Grant, we beseech thee, to this thy servant such grace, that he may evermore be ready to spread abroad thy Gospel, the glad tidings of reconciliation with thee; and use the authority given him, not to destruction, but to salvation; not to hurt, but to help: so that as a wise and faithful servant, giving to thy family their portion in due season, he may at last be received into everlasting joy; through Jesus Christ our Lord, who with thee and the Holy Ghost liveth and reigneth one G.o.d, world without end.
_Then the_ [_Primus and_] _Bishops present shall lay their hands upon the head of the elected Bishop kneeling before them upon his knees, the_ [_Primus_] _saying_,