Part 62 (1/2)
The Lady Marianna can understand a mother unicorn, but I cannot reach her. I, on the other hand, can speak.
as it were, with the offspring, but the Lady Marianna cannot. Neither of us has ever encountered this partic- ular unicorn before.”
The Emperor sniffed disdainfully. ”In your expert”- there was a sneer in the word ”expert”-”opinion, was this urchin giving a true report of this creature's thoughts?”
”1 think that it is almost certain. If the boy could not communicate with the unicorn, he would not have been able to go into Interim with it and thus disappear from the Burning Ground.”
”And what of the threat to our person?”
”Unicorns are as different from one another as are humans,” Jarrod said seriously, ”but the unicorns that we have encountered thus far have been Strandkind's friends. One even gave up his life to enable us to destroy the Outlanders. They could undoubtedly be dangerous if roused-those horns are no mere decorations-but only in the way that a cornered boar is dangerous. They have no magical powers as such, though they can har- ness certain energies to transfer themselves from place to place.”
”Then why, pray, would this creature confront us?”
”I cannot answer that, Your Imperial Majesty. I can only surmise that it was overcome by the grandeur of the occasion-unicorns are sensitive to atmosphere- and felt some need for vainglorious expression. I do not think that it need be taken seriously.”
”Do you not, i' faith?” Varodias' voice was mocking and his hands made an airy little gesture. ”We shall have to wait and see about that. In the meantime, where did this precious pair disappear to?”
”I cannot say for sure, sire,” Jarrod replied. ”I can
342 only a.s.sume that they are somewhere out on the Alien Plain.”
The Emperor's eyes narrowed and he pursed his lips, weighing alternatives known only to him. ”We suggest that you find them,” he said finally. ”Unicorns are crea- tures of the Discipline and if anything untoward comes of this, we shall hold the Discipline responsible.”
He rose from his chair. ”Cousin, we are sure that you will make the apprehension of this miscreant your chief - est priority. When he is apprehended, we shall expect that a public example be made of him.” He bowed curtly to Arabella and walked out.
Marianna was white-faced as she rose from her curtsy and she turned a beseeching face to the Queen.
”And can you find them?” Arabella asked Jarrod once the doors had closed again.