Part 58 (1/2)

”Paladine is signatory to an agreement to defend Is- phardel while she is building roads through Songuard.”

318 She looked at the Queen and saw a sallow and dissat- isfied woman. She almost pitied her-almost.

Naxania pursed her lips. ”Technically true,” she said with a sketch of a smile.

”Oh, more than a technicality, royal lady,” Olivder- val replied, ”oath-bound.” She reached out patted the Queen's arm and saw her freeze. She withdrew her hand quickly.

”As we recall,” Naxania said coldly, ”we are a guar- antor of the freedom of pa.s.sage rather than a defender oflsphardel.”

”One leads inexorably to the other. Majesty, but I doubt if we shall ever reach that pa.s.s.”

Naxania drew back slightly. ”Are you absolutely sure of that?” she asked with as much lightness as she could muster.

The Oligarch shrugged. ”Absolutes are for G.o.ds and, in Isphardel, there are many G.o.ds.”

Naxania looked directly into Olivderval's eyes. It was a tactic that had cowed a number of young men of rank.

”Tell me,” she said, gaze locked, ”does Isphardel intend to seek our intervention?”

”Only if absolutely necessary,” Olivderval said cheer- fully. ”If the Umbrians behave, it won't be necessary.

The fact remains, though, that if aught should go awry, Paladine is pledged to respond.”

”We shall abide by our treaty obligations, Oligarch.

Have you any reason to doubt that?”

”None whatsoever, Majesty,” Olivderval demurred.

”It does my heart good to hear your Majesty affirm your country's commitment.” She performed her half- curtsy again and backed slowly away, aware that she had attracted attention. She faded in among the other guests, well pleased with her work,

Naxania was puzzled at the woman's behavior, but her speculation was cut short by the soft chiming of 319.

gongs announcing dinner. The guests began to file out and make their way to the Great Hall. Royalty re- mained aloof, drinking a final gla.s.s of chilled fruit juice, designed to sharpen the appet.i.te. Arabella left first with the Emperor. Prince Saxton offered Naxania his arm.

”We can either go in looking like gloom personified,”

he said as they wended their way through the corridors, ”or I can tell you ribald stories until we reach the Hall.”

He had abandoned the Formal Mode.

She flashed him a grateful smile. ”There is only one problem with that,” she replied, following his lead.

”When a jest gets past my guard, I tend to lose control.

I doubt that it would be too seemly if you had to carry me to my chair.”

”Then this certainly is no time for me to embark upon my repertoire.”

”Perhaps at a more auspicious occasion,” she said.

He had treated her like a woman and a friend rather than an honored guest and she appreciated it.

They arrived at the Great Hall in companionable si- lence and he escorted her to her chair. Her brief burst of goodwill evaporated when she saw that her dinner companions were Varodias, seated to Arabella's left, and the Thane of Talisman. It was to be expected, but she was disappointed nevertheless. Think of it as dip- lomatic opportunity, she told herself.

She smiled at the Thane, partly because she knew that she would be talking to him during the first course and partly because she was still annoyed at Varodias.