Part 26 (1/2)
enough to help the Magicians on the ground below without making them feel unnecessary. Blocks of stone rose and deposited themselves, one by one, in the net.
The cloudsteeds beat their way higher, so that the view- ers on the Causeway had to crane their necks to see, and then hovered, the net swinging gently.
Nastrus, ever the showman, tossed his head so that the mane flew dramatically, and, behold, the stones were gone. The crowd gasped. The cloudsteeds dropped back out of sight. There was applause and cheers rang out.
The proceedure was repeated, but this time, just as Jar- rod was about to join in, be noticed that the runes on Greylock's gown had begun to move. The hairs on the back of his neck began to p.r.i.c.kle. The Mage was using
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his own power. Jarrod opened himself and, with infinite caution, fed a small amount of supporting energy to Greylock. The cloudsteeds appeared again and the heavy chunks of stone disappeared again. The third time Greylock had no need of Jarrod, and the younger man had a lump in his throat and felt the tears p.r.i.c.k at his eyelids. His mentor was in total control once more.
The demonstration lasted about half of an hour and was followed by a lavish reception. The Magicians, Jar- rod included, were made much of. The wine flowed and the whole thing had the feeling of a victory celebration.
At one point Jarrod found himself face-to-face with Dean Handrom.
”Excellent show,” the Dean said. The man was ob- viously in good humor and Jarrod resolved to ask him about Joscelyn.
”Your fellows performed wonderfully well,” he said.
”Indeed, they have been exemplary throughout this project. They are a credit to the Collegium and the Col- legium has, as always, been a credit to the Discipline.”
He wondered, briefly, if he hadn't laid it on a little to thickly, but the Dean's satisfied smile had rea.s.sured him.
”While we have a minute,” Jarrod said, ”I under- stand that you are having a discipline problem with young Joscelyn of Gwyndryth. Since I was involved in his early training, I feel partially responsible.”
”Yes, I can see that you would.” Good humor or no, Handrom was incapable of keeping an ironic inflection out of the statement.
”His mother seems to think that he is in danger of being kicked out of the Collegium.”
”That's what I intended for her to think,” the Dean replied.
”And is he?”
”Not if I can help it. He's got too much potential and it's badly in need of molding and direction. You man- 139.
aged to get out without completing the course and you have attained high rank.” There was no mistaking the disapproval. ”That is extremely bad for the Collegium's morale and reputation. I have no intention of allowing it to become a trend.”
”So I can tell Lady Gwyndryth that she has nothing to worry about,” Jarrod said mildly.
”You will do no such thing,” the Dean said sternly, the authoritarian Jone of the schoolmaster surfacing.
”The boy is headstrong, stubborn and disrespectful. One hopes that he will grow out of it, but he will need a firm hand, both here and at home.'* He paused. ”I un- derstand that there is no father in residence. All the more reason for that woman to exert her parental au- thority and help to instill some sense of obligation, dis- cipline and manners in the boy. He has obviously been overindulged and that has to stop. You will oblige me by saying nothing to the mother.”
Jarrod had his doubts, but he simply nodded and turned the conversation to the future supply of Magi- cians for the Causeway project.
When he saw Marianna after Hall, he told her that the Collegium hadn't given up on Joscelyn, but consid- ered that he needed firm handling when he was home for the holidays.
”He obviously takes after your side of the family,”
she had retorted.
”Headstrong, stubborn and disrespectful were the words that Handrom used,” Jarrod had countered.
”Sounds just like his mother to me.”
He had been joking, but things seemed to go downhill from there. He had expected to spend his last night with her, but Marianna had begged off, saying that she was leaving first thing in the morning and needed to get as much rest as possible.
140 ”You'll let me know if...” he had said, not quite wanting to put it into words.