Part 8 (1/2)


using the Formal Mode. There was no warmth in the voice.

”May Your Majesty prosper,” he returned, using the Formal Mode in turn. He had become adept at it during his years at Court, though he would never speak Pallic with the accent of a native.

”Whether we prosper or no depends on you,” Nax- ania replied tartly. ”We presume that you have had re- ports of the insurrection.”

”I have, ma'am.”

”And what, pray, do you intend to do about it?”

Darius glanced in Greylock's direction.

”Oh, the Mage is refusing to a.s.sist us, but we do not think him a traitor.” It was angrily said. ”You may speak freely.”

”I have dispatched a company of archers, two hun- dred foot soldiers and about a hundred horse to recap- ture Spa.r.s.edale. Support units will follow. Unfortunately we have no siege engines; none have been needed until now.”

”And think you that a mere three-hundred-odd men is a sufficient force?” Naxania's tone was sharp.

”I can only hope so, ma'am.”

”Why are we not sending more men?”

”If Your Majesty will recall,” Darius said patiently, ”the Royal Forces have been reduced to three thousand men-two thousand foot, including archers, and one thousand cavalry. We have, in addition, two Cloud- steed Wings, but I believe that permission is needed from Talisman before they can be used in combat. If this dastardly seizure prompts a more general rising, we must have troops on hand to counter it.”

Naxania rounded on Greylock. ”You see. Excellence, why we need the a.s.sistance of the Discipline? How can you stand there and deny us?”

”Daughter”-Greylock used the Discipline's nomen-

46 clature deliberately-”you know, better than most, the answer to that.”

”But you cannot stop us from using our art in the defense of our throne.”

”Have a care, daughter. Do not challenge me,” Grey- lock said evenly. ”I both can and will deprive you of your power if needs be.”

Darius turned to the Mage in surprise. He had not known that someone with the Talent could be deprived of it. The Mage's face was weary, but his expression left no doubt that he meant what he said. Darius faced the Queen again. Her back was straight, her eyes wide and her nostrils flared, but she said nothing. The threat hung in the air.

”If Your Majesty will permit,” he said to break the


Naxania's head turned slowly. Her gaze was far from grateful. ”Proceed, my lord,” she said coldly.

”I think that the remainder of the Royal Forces should move south without becoming engaged in the relief of Castle Spa.r.s.edale, and I think that it would be best to ask the former Thane of Talisman for permis- sion to deploy the cloudsteeds.”

Naxania took a deep breath. ”Do what you think

best, General.”

Her attention returned to the Mage. ”You have not heard the last of this. Excellence,” she said, ”and if you expect your t.i.the, you may whistle for it.” She drew herself up. ”We need detain you no longer, my lord Mage. but we would have further speech with you. Gen- eral.”