Part 33 (1/2)

”What was that? Who is there?” he called in a deep, harsh bellow.

The thin, frail hand of Raistlin remained closed over the woman's wrist. Nikol gasped in pain. She seemed to shrink in his grasp.

”Make no sound!” he breathed. ”If he knows we are here, all is lost!”

Raistlin dragged the young woman back into the shadows of the blackened, burned trees. Michael accompanied them reluctantly, unable to wrench his rapt gaze from the radiant splendor of the s.h.i.+ning temple and the wonderful bridge that soon would take him away from pain and suffering, despair and fear.

”You're hurting me,” Nikol whispered, trying ineffectually to pull away. ”Let me go!”

”You would be hurt far worse than this if I did,” said Raistlin grimly. ”Akar is powerful and will not hesitate to destroy you if you interfere in his plans.”

Nikol cast a stricken glance at her brother. Akar, apparently deciding he'd been hearing things, had returned to his work. He took rough hold of the young man, pulled him from the cart, and dumped the knight on the ground.

Nicholas cried out in agony.

”Soon your torment will be ended, Sir Knight,” said Akar, rubbing his hands on his robes to cleanse them of blood.

Akar removed an object from his belt, held it up to the light. Steel glinted, bright and sharp. He inspected the dagger and thrust it back into his belt with a grunt of satisfaction. He bent down, started to lift the knight by the ankles, intending to once again haul him over the ground.

Nicholas struck out; his feet knocked the wizard backward. Caught off guard, astonished that his feeble victim should have fight left in him, Akar stumbled, off balance. He tripped on the hem of his robe and fell heavily.

Nicholas began, pitifully, to try to crawl away, to lose himself in the hideous darkness from which he had come. ”I'm going to him. You can't stop me.” Nikol, her right hand still held fast in Raistlin's grasp, reached for her sword with the left.

Sparks jumped from the hilt. She s.n.a.t.c.hed her hand back, wringing it in pain. Again she tried; again the sparks.

She glared at the mage.

”You foul wizards are in league! I should have known!

I never should have trusted - ”

”Silence!” ordered Raistlin.

His gaze was intent on Akar. His entire being seemed concentrated on his counterpart. He had even ceased, for the moment, to cough. A faint tinge of color burned in the thin cheeks. He didn't seem to notice the woman struggling in his grasp, though his hold on her never loosened.

Nikol twisted around to face Michael.

”Why are you standing there? Go to Nicholas! Save him! This wicked man has no hold on you! He cannot fight us both!”

Michael started forward, reluctant to turn away from the s.h.i.+ning bridge, yet his heart ached for the gallant young knight and for the sister who suffered with him. The voice of Raistlin stopped him, held the cleric as completely as the mage's hand held Nikol.

”Far more is at stake here than the life of one brave knight. The fate of the world hangs in the balance on Gilean's scales.” Raistlin glanced at Michael. ”What do you see, healer?”

”I see ... a sight more beautiful than anything I've ever seen in my life. A temple stands before me, its columns of black and white and red marble. Its dome is the heavens, its roof the constellations. A bridge of starlight extends from this world to worlds beyond. People walk across that bridge - men, women, human, elven. They look back at this world with regret, their faces sad. But Paladine is with them, and he rea.s.sures them, and they turn to the door with hope.”

”What have you done?” Nikol demanded of Raistlin.

”You've bewitched him!”

Michael himself took a step forward, as if he would follow. An outraged cry jolted him back to this world. Akar had regained his feet. He glared at the knight in anger.

”Truly, as I said, a tough breed. Come, Sir Knight, I am losing patience. Time grows too short for more games.”

Akar kicked Nicholas in the face. The knight fell back without a sound and lay still and unmoving. Akar grasped Nicholas, this time by the shoulders, and began hauling the limp body across the ground.

”He's taking him to the temple! What does he plan to do?” Michael asked Raistlin, who watched all with an expression grim and stem.

”He plans to murder him!” Nikol cried, trying again to free herself.

”My lady, please - ” Michael began gently.

”Leave me be!” Nikol's eyes flared. ”You're ensorcelled. The wizard's cast some sort of spell on you!

Bridge of starlight! Radiant temple! It's a broken ruins, probably an altar of evil, consecrated to the Dark Queen!”

Michael stared at her. ”Can't you see? ...”

”No, she cannot,” said Raistlin. ”She sees a ruined citadel, nothing more. You alone, cleric, see the truth. You alone can stop Her Dark Majesty in her efforts to return tothis world.”

Michael didn't believe the wizard. How could Nikol not see what was so obvious and beautiful to him? And yet Nikol was staring at him angrily, fearfully, as if he were indeed a person acting under a spell.

”What must I do?” he asked in a low voice.

”The lady is right. Akar intends to murder the knight, but the mage must commit the crime within the precinct of the ruins or, as you see it, on the bridge of starlight. If the blood of the good and virtuous is spilled on the sacred bridge, the dark clerics, long held prisoner in the Abyss, will be free to return to Krynn.”

”Will you help me?” Michael demanded.

”Don't trust him!” Nikol cried, twisting in the mage's grasp. ”His robes are cut from the same black cloth!”

”I brought you here,” said Raistlin softly. ”And without my help, you will not succeed. Your brother will die, and all of Krynn will fall into the hand of the Dark Queen.”

”What must we do?” Michael asked.

”When Akar drops the dagger, pick it up swiftly and do not allow him to retake it. He has foolishly bound the knight's life in the weapon.”

”I will seize it,” said Nikol.


Perhaps it was a trick of the light s.h.i.+ning from the temple, but the wizard's brown eyes, staring at Michael, gleamed suddenly golden, as if that were their true color, the other, only a disguise.

”The cleric alone must take the dagger, else the spell cannot be broken.”

”What do I do then?” Michael's gaze s.h.i.+fted back to the black-robed wizard, laboriously dragging the body of the dying knight across the gra.s.s.

”I do not know,” said Raistlin. ”I cannot hear the voice of the G.o.ds. You can. You must listen to what they say.

”And you, my lady” - the wizard released Nikol's hand - ”must listen to your heart.”

Nikol sprang away from Raistlin, drawing her sword in the same motion. She held it, blade toward the wizard, as she began backing up. ”I don't need either of you. I don't need your G.o.ds or your magic. I will save my brother.”