Part 13 (1/2)

”I don't believe,” said Anna-Rose, her nose in the air, ”I don't believe I'd have ever been at a loss for a father.”

The ladies, left speechless a moment by the arrogance as well as several other things about this answer gave Anna-Rose an opportunity for further reasoning with them, which she was unable to resist. ”There are lots of fathers,” she said, ”in England, who would I'm sure have been delighted to take me on if Germany had failed me.”


”Take you on!”

”An English father for you? For a subject of the King of Prussia?”

”I--I'm afraid I--I'm going to be sick,” gasped Anna-Felicitas suddenly.

”You're never going to be sick in this bit of bathwater, Miss Twinkler?”

exclaimed the young man, with the instant ungrudging admiration of one who is confronted by real talent. ”My, what a gift!”

Anna-Rose darted at Anna-Felicitas's drooping head, that which she had been going to say back to the German ladies dissolving on her tongue.

”Oh no--_no_--” she wailed. ”Oh _no_--not in your best hat, Columbus darling--you can't--it's not done--and your hat'll shake off into the water, and then there'll only be one between us and we shall never be able to go out paying calls and things at the same time--come away and sit down--Mr. Twist--Mr. Twist--oh, please come--”

Anna-Felicitas allowed herself to be led away, just in time as she murmured, and sat down on the nearest seat and shut her eyes. She was thankful Anna-Rose's attention had been diverted to her so instantly, for it would have been very difficult to be sick with the s.h.i.+p as quiet as one's own bedroom. Nothing short of the engine-room could have made her sick now. She sat keeping her eyes shut and Anna-Rose's attention riveted, wondering what she would do when there was no s.h.i.+p and Anna-Rose was on the verge of hasty and unfortunate argument. Would she have to learn to faint? But that would terrify poor Christopher so dreadfully.

Anna-Felicitas pondered, her eyes shut, on this situation. Up to now in her life she had always found that situations solved themselves. Given time. And sometimes a little a.s.sistance. So, no doubt, would this one.

Anna-Rose would ripen and mellow. The German ladies would depart hence and be no more seen; and it was unlikely she and Anna-Rose would meet at such close quarters as a s.h.i.+p's cabin any persons so peculiarly and unusually afflicting again. All situations solved themselves; or, if they showed signs of not going to, one adopted the gentle methods that helped them to get solved. Early in life she had discovered that objects which cannot be removed or climbed over can be walked round. A little deviousness, and the thing was done. She herself had in the most masterly manner when she was four escaped church-going for several years by a simple method, that seemed to her looking back very like an inspiration, of getting round it. She had never objected to going, had never put into words the powerful if vague dislike with which it filled her when Sunday after Sunday she had to go and dangle her legs helplessly for two hours from the chair she was put on in the enclosed pew reserved for the _hohe grafliche Herrschaften_ from the Slosh.

Her father, a strict observer of the correct and a pious believer in G.o.d for other people, attended Divine Service as regularly as he wound the clocks and paid the accounts. He _reprasentierte_, as the German phrase went; and his wife and children were expected to _reprasentieren_ too. Which they did uncomplainingly; for when one has to do with determined husbands and fathers it is quickest not to complain. But the pins and needles that patient child endured, Anna-Felicitas remembered, looking back through the years at the bunched-up figure on the chair as at a stranger, were something awful. The edge of the chair just caught her legs in the pins and needles place. If she had been a little bigger or a little smaller it wouldn't have happened; as it was, St. Paul wrestling with beasts at Ephesus wasn't more heroic than Anna-Felicitas perceived that distant child to have been, silently Sunday after Sunday bearing her legs. Then one Sunday something snapped inside her, and she heard her own voice floating out into the void above the heads of the mumbling wors.h.i.+ppers, and it said with a terrible distinctness in a sort of monotonous wail: ”I only had a cold potato for breakfast,”--and a second time, in the breathless suspension of mumbling that followed upon this: ”I only had a cold potato for breakfast,”--and a third time she opened her mouth to repeat the outrageous statement, regardless of her mother's startled hand laid on her arm, and of Anna-Rose's petrified stare, and of the lifted faces of the congregation, and of the bent, scandalized brows of the pastor,--impelled by something that possessed her, unable to do anything but obey it; but her father, a man of deeds, rose up in his place, took her in his arms, and carried her down the stairs and out of the church. And the minute she found herself really rescued, and out where the sun and wind, her well-known friends, were larking about among the tombstones, she laid her cheek as affectionately against her father's head as if she were a daughter to be proud of, and would have purred if she had had had a purr as loudly as the most satisfied and virtuous of cats.

”_Mein Kind_,” said her father, standing her up on a convenient tomb so that her eyes were level with his, ”is it then true about the cold potato?”

”No,” said Anna-Felicitas patting his face, pleased at what her legs were feeling like again.

”_Mein Kind_,” said her father, ”do you not know it is wrong to lie?”

”No,” said Anna-Felicitas placidly, the heavenly blue of her eyes, gazing straight into his, exactly like the mild sky above the trees.

”No?” echoed her father, staring at her. ”But, _Kind_, you know what a lie is?”

”No,” said Anna-Felicitas, gazing at him tenderly in her satisfaction at being restored to a decent pair of legs; and as he still stood staring at her she put her hands one on each of his cheeks and squeezed his face together and murmured, ”Oh, I do _love_ you.”


Lost in the contemplation of a distant past Anna-Felicitas sat with her eyes shut long after she needn't have.

She had forgotten about the German ladies, and America, and the future so instantly pressing on her, and was away on the of the Baltic again, where bits of amber where washed up after a storm, and the pale rushes grew in shallow sunny water that was hardly salt, and the air seemed for ever sweet with lilac. All the cottage gardens in the little village that cl.u.s.tered round a clearing in the trees had lilac bushes in them, for there was something in the soil that made lilacs be more wonderful there than anywhere else in the world, and in May the whole forest as far as one could walk was soaked with the smell of it. After rain on a May evening, what a wonder it was; what a wonder, that running down the black, oozing forest paths between wet pine stems, out on to the sh.o.r.e to look at the sun setting below the great sullen clouds of the afternoon over on one's left where Denmark was, and that lifting of one's face to the exquisite mingling of the delicate sea smell and the lilac. And then there was home to come back to when the forest began to look too dark and its deep silence made one's flesh creep--home, and a light in the window where ones mother was. Incredible the security of those days, the safe warmth of them, the careless roominess....

”You know if you _could_ manage to feel a little better, Anna-F.,” said Anna-Rose's voice entreatingly in her ear, ”it's time we began to get off this s.h.i.+p.”

Anna-Felicitas opened her eyes, and got up all confused and self-reproachful. Everybody had melted away from that part of the deck except herself and Anna-Rose. The s.h.i.+p was lying quiet at last alongside the wharf. She had over-done being ill this time. She was ashamed of herself for having wandered off so easily and comfortably into the past, and left poor Christopher alone in the difficult present.

”I'm so sorry,” she said smiling apologetically, and giving her hat a tug of determination symbolic of her being ready for anything, especially America. ”I think I must have gone to sleep. Have you--” she hesitated and dropped her voice. ”Are they--are the Clouston Sacks visible yet?”