Part 41 (2/2)
THOMPSON, GEORGE _Speech at the Meeting for the Extinction of Negro Apprenticeshi+p_ (London, 1838)
---- _The Free Church Alliance with Manstealers Send Back the Money
Great Anti-Slavery Meeting in the City Hall, Glasgow, Containing the Speeches Delivered by Messrs Wright, Douglass, and Buffue Thos Held in Edinburgh by the Abovenaow, 1846)
TORREY, JESSE, JR _A Portraiture of Domestic Slavery in the United States, with Reflections on the Practicability of Restoring the Moral Rights of the Slave, without Ies of the Possessor, and a Project of a Colonial Asylu Memoirs of Facts on the Interior Traffic in Slaves, and on Kidnapping, Illustrated with Engravings by Jesse Torrey, Jr, Physician, Author of a Series of Essays on Morals and the Diffusion of Knowledge_ (Philadelphia, 1817)
---- _American Infernal Slave Trade; with Reflections on the Project for for a Colony of Blacks in Africa_ (London, 1822)
TOWER, PHILO _Slavery Un a Truthful Narrative of Three Years' Residence and Journeying in Eleven Southern States; to which is Added ”The Invasion of Kansas,” Including the Last Chapter of her Wrongs_ (Rochester, 1856)
TURNER, ER _The Negro in Pennsylvania_ (Washi+ngton, 1911)
_Tyrannical Libertyro Slavery in the United States; Composed at---- in New Ha Day_ (Hanover, NH, 1795)
VAN EVRIE, JOHN H _Negroes and Negro Slavery_, by JH Van Evrie, MD _Introductory Chapter: Causes of Popular Delusion on the Subject_ (Washi+ngton, 1853)
---- _White Supreroes a Subordinate Race, and So-called Slavery its Nor the Past and Present Condition of the Countries South of us_ (New York, 1868)
WALKER, DAVID _Walker's Appeal in Four Articles, together with a Preamble, to the Colored Citizens of the World, but in Particular and very Expressly to those of the United States of America Written in Boston, State of Massachusetts, September_ 28, 1820 Second edition
(Boston, 1830) Walker was a Negro who hoped to arouse his race to self-assertion
WAshi+NGTON, BT _The Story of the Negro_ Two volumes (New York, 1909)
WAshi+NGTON, GEORGE _The Writings of George Washi+ngton, being his Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and other Papers, Official and Private, Selected and Published froinal Manuscripts with the Life of the Author, Notes and Illustrations, by Jared Sparks_
(Boston, 1835)
WEEKS, STEPHEN B _Southern Quakers and Slavery A Study in Institutional History_ (Baltimore, The Johns Hopkins Press, 1896)
---- _The Anti-Slavery Sentiment in the South; with Unpublished Letters from John Stuart Mill and Mrs Stowe_ (Southern History association Publications Voluton, D C, April, 1898)
WESLEY, JOHN _Thoughts upon Slavery In the Potent Enemies of America Laid Open London, printed: Reprinted in Philadelphia with Notes, and Sold by Joseph Cruikshank_ 1774
WIGHAM, ELIZA _The Anti-Slavery Cause in America and its Martyrs_
(London, 1863)
WILLIAMS, GEORGE W _History of the Negro Race in the United States froroes as Slaves, as Soldiers, and as Citizens: together with a Preliminary Consideration of the Unity of the Human Faro Governments of Sierra Leone and Liberia_ (New York, 1883)
WOOLMAN, JOHN _The Works of John Woolman In two parts Part I: a Journal of the Life, Gospel-Labors, and Christian Experiences of that Faithful Minister of Christ, John Woolman, Late of Mount Holly, in the Province of New Jersey_ (London, 1775)
---- _Sas_ (London, 1775)
---- _Soroes Recommended to the Professors of Christianity of every Denomination_ (Philadelphia, 1754)
---- _Considerations on Keeping Negroes; Recommended to the Professors of Christianity of every Denomination Part Second_ (Philadelphia, 1762)
WRIGHT, RR, JR _The Negro in Pennsylvania_ (Philadelphia, 1912)