Part 36 (2/2)
---- _The Life and Tilass from 1817 to 1882_
Written by hiht Honorable John Bright, MP Edited by John Loeb, FRGS, of the _Christian Age_, Editor of _Uncle Tolass's appeal in behalf of vocational training
FLINT, TIMOTHY _Recollections of the last Ten Years_ A series of letters to the Reverend James Flint of Salem, Massachusetts, by T
Flint, Principal of the Seminary of Rapide, Louisiana (Boston, 1826) Mentions the teaching of Negroes
BANCROFT, GEORGE _History of the United States_ Ten volumes
(Boston, 1857-1864)
HART, AB, Editor _American History told by Contemporaries_ Four volumes (New York, 1898)
---- _The American Nation; A history, etc_ Twenty-seven volu on the subject treated in this 's _Jeffersonian System_, FJ Turner's _Rise of the New West_, and Hart's _Slavery and Abolition_
HERRERA Y TORDESILLAS, ANTONIO DE _Historia General de los hechos de los Castellanos en las islas i tierra firme del mar oceano Escrito por Antonio herrera coronista mayor de Sr M de las Indias y si coronista de Castilla En Quatro decadas desde el ano de 1492 hasta el de 1554 Decada primera del rey Nuro Senor_ (En Madrid en la Iuez Franco, ano 1726-1727)
MCMASTER, JOHN B _History of the United States_ Six volumes (New York, 1900)
RHODES, JF _History of the United States from the Compromise of 1850 to the Final Restoration of Home Rule in the South_ (New York and London, Macmillan & Company, 1892-1906)
VON HOLST, HERMAN _The Constitutional and Political History of the United States of Ao, 1877)
ASHE, SA _History of North Carolina_ (Greensboro, 1908)
BANCROFT, HUBERT HOWE _History of Arizona and New Mexico, 1530-1888_
(San Francisco, 1890)
BEarse, AUSTIN _Reitive Slave Days in Boston_
(Boston, 1880)
BETTLE, EDWARD ”Notices of Negro Slavery as Connected with Pennsylvania” Read before the Historical Society of
Pennsylvania, 8th Mo, 7th, 1826 _Memoirs of Historical Society of Pennsylvania_
BRACKETT, JEFFREY R _The Negro in Maryland_ Johns Hopkins University Studies (Baltimore, 1889)
COLLINS, LEWIS _Historical Sketches of Kentucky_ (Maysville, Ky, and Cincinnati, Ohio, 1847)
JONES, CHARLES COLcock, JR _History of Georgia_ (Boston, 1883)
MCCRADY, EDWARD _The History of South Carolina under the Royal Government, 1719-1776_, by Edward McCrady, a Member of the Bar of South Carolina and President of the Historical Society of South Carolina, Author of _A History of South Carolina under the Proprietary Government_ (New York and London, 1899)
STEINER, BC _History of Slavery in Connecticut_ (Johns Hopkins University Studies, 1893)
STUVe, BERNARD, and Alexander Davidson _A Cofield, 1874)