Part 35 (2/2)
BROWN, DAVID _The Planter, or Thirteen Years in the South_
(Philadelphia, 1853) Here we get a Northern white roes
BURKE, EMILY _Reia_ (Oberlin, Ohio, 1850) Presents the views of a woro race
EVANS, ESTWICK _A Pedestrious Tour of Four Thousand Miles through the Western States and Territories during the Winter and Spring of 1818_
(Concord, NH, 1819) A the ro is capable of the highest mental development
OLMSTED, FREDERICK LAW _A Journey in the Seaboard Slave States, with Remarks on their Economy_ (New York, 1859)
---- _A Journey in the Back Country_ (London, i860)
---- _Journeys and Explorations in the Cotton Kingdom_ (London, 1861) Olmsted was a New York farmer He recorded a few iroes immediately before the Civil War
PARSONS, EG _Inside View of Slavery, or a Tour a the Planters_
(Boston, 1855) The introduction ritten by Harriet Beecher Stowe
It was published to aid the antislavery cause, but in describing the condition of Negroes the author gave so Editor, or Talks with Slaves in Southern States_ (New York 1859) The slaves are here said to be telling their own story
SMEDES, MRS SUSAN (DABNEY) _Memorials of a Southern Planter_
(Baltimore, 1887) The benevolence of those ht in spite of public opinion and the law, is well brought out in this volume
TOWER, REVEREND PHILO _Slavery Unmasked_ (Rochester, 1856) Valuable chiefly for the author's arraignroes after the reactionary period
WOOLMAN, JOHN _Journal of John Woolman, with an Introduction by John G Whittier_ (Boston, 1873) Woolman traveled so extensively in the colonies that he probably knew roes than any other Quaker of his time
JEFFERSON, THOMAS Letters of Thooire, MA Julien, and Benjamin Banneker In _Jefferson's Works_, Meroes' talents
MADISON, JAMES Letter to Prances Wright _In Madison's Works_, vol
iii, p 396 The training of Negroes is discussed
MAY, SAMUEL JOSEPH _The Right of the Colored People to Education_
(Brooklyn, 1883) A collection of public letters addressed to Andrew T Judson, re on the unjust procedure relative to Miss Prudence Crandall
MCDONOGH, JOHN ”A Letter of John McDonogh on African Colonization addressed to the Editor of _The New Orleans Coh was interested in the betterment of the colored people and did much to promote their ro Apprenticeshi+p_ A letter to Lord Brougham (London, 1838)
_A Southern Spy, or Curiosities of Negro Slavery in the South Letters from a Southern to a Northern Gentleman_ The comment of a passer-by
_A Letter to an American Planter from his Friend in London in 1781_
The writer discussed the instruction of Negroes