Part 12 (1/2)

[Footnote 1: _Ibid_, p 205]

[Footnote 2: _Ibid_, p 206]

[Footnote 3: _Special Report of the US Com of Ed_, p 206]

At the saanizations in the field Pro the first of these workers was Daniel coker, known to fame as a colored Methodist missionary, as sent to Liberia Prior to 1812 he had in Baltiton attended when they had no good schools of their own, and hite persons began to object to the co-education of the races Because of these conditions two daughters of George Bell, the builder of the first colored schoolhouse in the District of Columbia, went to Baltiro school in this city had 180 pupils in 1820 There were then in the Baltiroes They had formed themselves into a Bible association which had been received into the connection of the Baltiroes there had a day and a night school, giving courses in Latin and French Four years later there appeared an ”African Free School” with an attendance of from 150 to 175 every Sunday[3]

[Footnote 1: _Ibid_, p 196]

[Footnote 2: Adams, _Anti-slavery_, etc, p 14]

[Footnote 3: Adams, _Anti-Slavery_, etc, pp 14 and 15]

By 1830 the Negroes of Baltimore had several special schools of their own[1] In 1835 there was behind the African Methodist Church in Sharp Street a school of seventy pupils in charge of Williayhty pupils in the African Church at the corner of Saratoga and Ninth Streets[3] A third school of this kind was kept by John Fortie at the Methodist Bethel Church in Fish Street Five or six other schools of some consequence were maintained by free women of color, ed their education to the Convent of the Oblate Sisters of Providence[4] Observing these conditions, an interested person thought that much more would have been accomplished in that community, if the friends of the colored people had been able to find workers acceptable to the masters and at the same time competent to teach the slaves[5] Yet another observer felt that the Negroes of Baltimore had more opportunities than they eham, _America, Historical_, etc, vol i, p


[Footnote 2: _Ibid_, p 438; Andrews, _Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade_, pp 54, 55, and 56; and Varle, _A Complete View of Baltimore_, p 33]

[Footnote 3: Varle, _A Complete View of Baltimore_, p 33; and Andrews, _Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade_, pp 85 and 92]

[Footnote 4: _Ibid_, p 33]

[Footnote 5: _Ibid_, p 54]

[Footnote 6: _Ibid_, p 37]

These conditions, however, were so favorable in 1835 that when Professor EA Andrews came to Baltimore to introduce the work of the American Union for the Relief and Improvement of the Colored People,[1] he was inforroes of that city was fairly well provided for Evidently the need was that the ”syste froive efficiency to their philanthropic labors”[2] He was inforland, it would on account of its origin in the wrong quarter, be productive of ht that it would be better to accoh the Colonization Society, a southern organization carrying out the very policy which the American Union proposed to pursue[4]

[Footnote 1: On January 14, 1835, a convention of entleanized the ”American Union for the Relief and I these workers were Willia, JW Putnam, Baron Stow, BB Edwards, EA Andrews, Charles Scudder, Joseph Tracy, Saentleonistic to the antislavery nor to the colonization societies They airoes proper preparation for freedo that the actual eislation, they hoped to provide religious and literary instruction for all colored children that they ht ”ameliorate their econoher usefulness See the _Exposition of the Object and Plans of the American Union_, pp


[Footnote 2: Andrews, _Slavery and the Domestic Slave Trade_, p 57]

[Footnote 3: _Ibid_, p 188]

[Footnote 4: Andrews, _Slavery_, etc, p 56]

The instruction of ambitious blacks in this city was not confined toThe opportunity for advanced study was offered colored girls in the Convent of the Oblate Sisters of Providence These Negroes, however, early learned to help themselves

In 1835 considerable assistance came from Nelson Wells, one of their own color He left to properly appointed trustees the sum of 10,000, the income of which was to be appropriated to the education of free colored children[1] With this benefaction the trustees concerned established in 1835 what they called the Wells School It offered Negroes free instruction long after the Civil War

[Footnote 2: _Special Report of the US Co to sho these good results were obtained by the Negroes' cooperative power and ability to supply their own needs, we are not unmindful of the assistance which they received To say that the colored people of Baltimore, themselves, provided all these facilities of education would do injustice to the benevolent ele its white people were found so much toleration of opinion on slavery and so much sympathy with the efforts for its rero churches, but opened successful colored schools in which whiteGreat praise is due philanthropists of the type of John Breckenridge and Daniel Raymond, who contributed their time and reater credit should be given to William Crane, who for forty years was known as an ”ardent, liberal, and wise friend of the black man” At the cost of 20,000 he erected in the central part of the city an edifice exclusively for the benefit of the colored people In this building was an auditoriue schoolrooms, and a hall for entertainments and lectures The institution employed a pastor and two teachers[1] and it was often h school

[Footnote 1: A contributor to the _Christian Chronicle_ found in this institution a pastor, a principal of the school, and an assistant, all of superior qualifications The classes which this reporter heard recite grahness of the work and the unusual readiness of the colored people to learn See _The African Repository_, vol xxxii, p 91]