Part 48 (2/2)

My mom sighed. ”You never did outgrow that.”

And likely never would.

”So, don't quit,” my mother said. ”You're this close to finis.h.i.+ng. You should go for it.”

I sat up in my chair.

”I should? But how? I've lost my tandem partner.”

”I might know of someone who can help out.”

I frowned. ”Taylor? We've kind of been getting along better lately. I don't want to rock the boat.” Or bike.

”I wasn't thinking about Taylor. Or Frankie. Or Dixie.”

Thank the interplanetary G.o.ds.

”Then, who?”

”Me, that's who.”

”You? You want to ride tandem with me?”

”If you'll have me. It's been a while since I've ridden a tandem, but I used to do quite a bit of it. I even rode some pretty long charity bike rides on a tandem when I was younger.”

I stared at her. Who was this woman I called mother?

”Why didn't you say anything?”

She shrugged. ”It wasn't relevant then.”

”And you'll ride with me?”

”Taylor has already agreed to drive the RV tomorrow.”

”What know. Bike shorts?” I asked.

”Keelie has connections. She's dropping off everything I need.”

Wow. Just wow. I took a long swig of my beer.

”Keelie a.s.sured me it was no trouble since she had to order some for her mother, anyway.”

I spewed beer all over.

”Her mother? Why would her mother need bicycle attire?”

”Because she's riding the rest of the ride with Keelie.”

I almost fell out of my chair.

”How did that happen?”

My mother sipped her tea.

”I happened to mention to Keelie and her mother that I planned to finish the ride with you. And Keelie somehow got the idea that this might be the perfect time for her and Candice to work on their issues. How did she put it? Oh yes. 'You want a relations.h.i.+p with your daughter, here's your chance to prove it.'”

I stared at my mom.

”Why you little Denebian devil you! You set Jessica up! You knew if you told Keelie you were finis.h.i.+ng the race, she would take the bait and run with it.”

”I don't have the faintest idea what you're talking about, Tressa.”


And James T. Kirk wasn't a player.

For the first time since I'd embarked on this ride, I experienced the exhilaration of the wind in my face. (Okay, so I also experienced the occasional bug in my mouth, but let's not spoil the moment.) At last, I had the helm. I'd received a promotion. No longer a lowly stroker, I was now Captain of Team Trekkie-and I had the gold tee with the Starfleet emblem (and yes, the bug guts on my teeth) to prove it.

My T-s.h.i.+rt, compliments of Keelie, proclaimed, ”I don't believe in the no-win scenario.”

My mother's Spock-blue s.h.i.+rt boasted a hand with a finger pointing. It read, ”I'm with illogical.”

That morning, my mother had surprised me with the s.h.i.+rt and the news that I would be taking the helm. A bit apprehensive at first, I soon had control of the vessel. I figured if James Kirk could figure out how to beat the Kobayas.h.i.+ Maru, then I could best a beast of a bike.

We wouldn't set any speed records, but I figure slow and steady wins the race.

Beside us, looking slightly less competent-and confident-Keelie and her mother pedaled.

”Where's your cameramen?” I asked Keelie.

”I gave them a day off. This is strictly mother-daughter time.”

I nodded.

”What about your bodyguard?” I said, looking around for Manny.

”He's around.”

I raised an eyebrow. Fascinating.

”How's Tiara?” I asked.
