Part 21 (1/2)
”I wish I was. Trippin' that is.” A disgruntled Dixie Daggett, sitting beside me on a rolled-up sleeping bag muttered. ”I still can't believe I let myself get roped into this.”
I smiled. It had been nothing short of genius to approach Frankie first with my proposition. Hooking Frankie hadn't been tough at all. The allure of an unsolved murder mystery? Hook. Having the opportunity to spend the night in the Murder House? Line. Sharing the haunted digs with Keelie Keller with Frankie's hero providing security?
Sinker, baby.
And once Frankie was on board? Well, it didn't take a harpoon net to reel Dixie in.
But alas, Dixie Daggett was not your basic happy camper.
”I'll have you know I don't appreciate being manipulated like this.”
”Manipulated? How did I manipulate you? I a.s.sured you over and over again that in no way should you feel obligated to partic.i.p.ate,” I pointed out, suddenly finding it hard to keep a straight face.
”Wipe that d.a.m.ned smirk off your face, or I will,” Dixie said.
There is a downside to being your basic open book, I've discovered. And an inherent risk, especially when it came to Dixie.
”Manipulate is such a harsh-”
”Oh, please.” Dixie shook her head. ”You knew good and well that there was no way in h.e.l.l I would let Frankie come here on his own.”
”On his own? h.e.l.loo! Look around. There's like a dozen other people here. And I'm here. I'd watch out for Frankie.”
”I feel so much better.”
”And there's Keelie and Tiara...”
”Just...shut up.”
I lifted an eyebrow. ”Is this about not trusting Frankie with me or not trusting Frankie with them?”
”What are you talking about now?”
”They're both single, attractive young women. And Frankie's, er, enamored with the idea of being a protector like Manny. Put those characters in a spooky, haunted murder house for an overnighter? I'm just saying. It's understandable if you are feeling some insecurity here.”
”What I'm feeling insecure about is Frankie spending his time with you and your former faux beau, Manny-not those two shallow party girls who wouldn't take a second look at Frankie if he stripped buck-naked and began belting out New York, New York.”
Sad...but true.
”I suppose you used Patrick Dawkins as bait to hook Taylor,” Dixie accused.
”I resent the characterization. It was Keelie who brought up the possibility of Patrick joining us. Her people agreed. Since he is a certified state peace officer, it made perfect sense to enlist his expertise, and I certainly didn't object.”
”Especially when securing his presence was the only way to gain your sister's acquiescence.”
”Her what?”
”Her agreement. Her consent. Her compliance. For G.o.d's sake, read a book once in a while, would you?”
”You're not going to be Dixie Downer all night, are you? Because that might not project into a very appealing reality TV persona, if you get my drift. This could be your big break. I can see it now. A reality television experience not to be missed: Dixie Downer: Ghost Huntress.”
”Funny. But you know what? I don't think you're as ho-hum about this little adventure as you put on.”
”What are you saying?”
”The only reason you wanted all of us along is that you were too scared to stay here by yourself.”
”What? Me? Scared? Of what? The boogey man? Michael Myers? Freddy Krueger? Puhleaze. I can a.s.sure you, I didn't invite you along because I'm afraid of a big, bad house.”
I screamed and made a grab for Dixie when Frankie yelled and dropped to the floor beside her.
”Glad to see you're not afraid,” Dixie said. ”Now if you would be so kind as to extract your fingernails from my arm.”
”G.o.d will get you for that, Frankie,” I warned. He shrugged.
”Manny and I just did a perimeter check,” he said. ”He's got this really cool night vision equipment. You gotta try it out. It's amazing.”
Dixie patted his arm. ”Maybe later,” she said, and shot me a see-what-you've-done-now look.
”Why was Manny checking the perimeter? Is he looking for ghosts?” I snorted.
”No, no. Strictly security protocols,” Frankie informed me with a Barney Fife nose sniff. ”Very hi-tech stuff.”
”Is Manny expecting...trouble?” I asked, thinking of the incidents that had targeted his protectee. You know. The incidents everyone seemed to think I had a hand in. Those incidents.
”Manny always expects trouble,” Frankie said with the glow of admiration in his eyes-which resulted in Dixie sending me yet another glare.
”Did you see Taylor when you were out doing your security sweep?” I asked.
”Yeah. She was there with Patrick. He and Manny were talking shop.”
”What do you mean 'talking shop', Frankie?” Dixie asked.
He shrugged again. ”Oh, you know. The usual stuff. Comparing guns and firepower. Discussing loads and ammo. That kind of thing.”
”And Manny can converse on these topics with a fairly broad base of knowledge?” I asked.
”Of course. Manny knows all about weapons.”
”I see,” I nodded at Dixie. She raised an eyebrow in return. ”And what did Taylor bring to the table in terms of this discussion?”
Frankie suddenly looked uncomfortable. ”I can't recall-”
”Spill it, Frankie.”
”She said something about learning how to shoot a gun because a person should never be without personal protection if they plan on spending any time at all relatives,” Frankie faltered near the end.
”Oh. Nice. See if I try to set her up with a hunky guy in uniform again.”