Part 22 (1/2)

”It won't always be like this,” she said through her tears, telling a truth she knew he wouldn't understand. ”My poor brave lion, I won't always torment you like this.”

For in London I'll be gone, and never torment you again.

”Only if we don't both go mad from wanting and waiting.” He drew her back to his chest, his arms linked lightly around her waist as he kissed the back of her ear, but now they both understood with bittersweet certainty that nothing more would come of it.

Nothing, that is, but an uneasy kind of peace between them, an empathy, a shared sense that they were bound together by trust as much as attraction. He made her feel safe, and he made her feel content, wrapping her in warmth as sure as his arms were around her now.

And that was far, far more dangerous than anything they'd done upon that long mahogany table.

”Look,” he said at last. ”It's snowing, and us set to make La Cala and Palermo before nightfall.”

”But it never snows in Palermo, Edward,” she protested, glancing toward the stern windows. ”Sicily's too far south for snow.”

Yet it was snowing, fat, white flakes that swirled and danced in the wind only to disappear when they struck the dark sea.

”Not this year,” he answered. ”Perhaps Napoleon ordered it from the Alps to confound us. But it does look more like December at home, I'll grant you that.”

England, his home, and soon to be hers: More cold, more ice and snow in one December than she'd seen in a lifetime in Naples, and with a s.h.i.+ver Francesca leaned closer against him. ”Will there be a great deal of snow in London?”

”Possibly,” he said. ”But by the time I can show you London, the seasons may have turned round to summer, or summer and winter yet again.”

”But I thought we were going to London after we left Palermo!”

”The Centaur sails where the admiralty sends her, la.s.s, and you and I go with her. Given this war, I could be at sea another year or more, or even here in Palermo, before I'm granted leave for home.”

”A year or more,” she repeated, letting the awful reality of that settle around her. A year or more at sea alone with him, a year or more to wait for London and her art.

”Happy Christmas, My Lady Edward,” he was saying, blissfully unaware of her thoughts. ”Perhaps that's why we've snow this day, snow for Christmas. Yet I do regret I've no gift to give you.”

”But you've already given me so much, haven't you?” she said wistfully. ”What more could there be?”

”It's only the beginning, Francesca,” he said, lifting her hand to kiss her fingers below the gold ring. ”You have my word.”

She looked down so he wouldn't see the tears that once again stung her eyes. Oh, yes, he'd already given her so much, and she'd no doubt he'd keep his word and give her the rest.

And she deserved none of it.


”This is the first time since we've been in Palermo, caro mio, that the admiral has asked you to call on him in the middle of the day like this,” said Francesca, her breath a frosty little cloud before her face even inside the carriage. ”Perhaps he intends to send you upon a special mission of some sort.”

”I doubt that very much, sweetheart,” said Edward, covering her little gloved hand with his own to still its restless movement along his arm. The hired carriage was not very clean and hideously overpriced, like everything else here in Palermo, but he could hardly complain about sitting so cozily near to Francesca on the worn leather seat, her hip pressed close against his. ”Rumor is that we're to stay here until Ferdinando can take back his throne in Naples, another three months or more. Besides, the admiral requested your presence, too, and he wouldn't have done that if he wished to give me new orders.”

”Santo cialo, of course he could,” she declared emphatically, the curling green plume on her hat nodding in agreement. ”Most likely I was also invited to the villa simply because Lady Hamilton wished it. We ladies shall be packed off to amuse ourselves while the gentlemen discuss matters of state. Don't smile, Edward, you'll see soon enough that I am right.”

”I am smiling, Francesca, because you make me happy,” he said evenly, ”not because I fault your reasoning.”

She narrowed her eyes skeptically, though her own smile robbed that skepticism of any serious sting. This was what had evolved between them in this last week: A wary friends.h.i.+p grown from necessity and proximity, and an attraction neither could deny, but that carried a dark undercurrent of uneasy tension that both of them were trying their d.a.m.nedest to ignore.

Yet while most of the other refugees that Edward had seen from Naples seemed haggard and miserable, Francesca had somehow managed to grow even more beautiful, more desirable in his eyes. Elegant, flattering new clothes had mysteriously appeared without any funding from him-most likely thanks to the machinations of Lady Hamilton-and while they weren't Francesca's former exotic striped silks and turbans, these fas.h.i.+onably pale gossamer woolens cut with high waists and low necklines not only accentuated her voluptuous figure, but also suited her station as the newlywed Lady Edward Ramsden. She smiled often and laughed more, and she charmed everyone she met with the same thoroughness she'd always possessed, whether in English, Italian, or French.