Chapter 2162: Youre Not Me (1/2)

Chu Qingling was quite vexed after regaining her wits. For better or worse, she was still a True Saint. How could she feel good after being led by the nose like this?

She put the wine pot down on the table and coldly stared at him: “Her Majesty is under fire from the elders because of you, on the verge of being removed from her position. But look at you now, running to this place and enjoying yourself while the queen is still worried about you!”

She wouldn’t give a d.a.m.n about this arrogant madman if the queen didn’t ask for a favor. The queen’s motive remained unknown.

Li Qiye only smirked at her dissatisfaction: “There’s a price for everything, no one gets something from doing nothing. For example, flattering one’s master - bowing their head and bending their back - all necessary in life.”

He took another sip before continuing: “This logic is amplified when one vies for great power. If w.a.n.g Han can’t even handle dealing with her clan, then how can she rule the system and its lineages? Such incapability would only waste any further investment from me on her. Because of this, she needs to prove herself first.”

He then gave her a quick glance: “You think w.a.n.g Han told you to take care of me, but I’m afraid you have misunderstood her. She actually wants you to serve me well.”

“You!” Since when did she need to serve anyone in Insane Court? Who would dare to accept such treatment?

He ignored her again and said: “You should be thanking w.a.n.g Han. This act of her clearly shows how much she likes you. Otherwise, she wouldn’t give such a G.o.dsend opportunity to someone else! She hopes that with this, you would be better equipped to help her in the future.”

“Unfortunately, she needs more time to hone her people skill, too used to being in the backstage so she lacks decisiveness and toughness. If she can make the necessary change, she’ll definitely be able to become the next empress.” He claimed.

With that, he put down his cup and tapped the table with an order: “Fill it up.”

“You!” Despite her anger and unwillingness, she still filled the cup for him, seemingly possessed.

“Don’t push it!” She gritted her teeth while seeing his punchable face. This was too much contempt to take.

Sijing saw her unwillingly poured the drink and had to contain her laughter by covering her mouth.

“If you’re going to do it, do it well.” Li Qiye said: “Don’t waste w.a.n.g Han’s goodwill. She could have done this herself and do a better job, but she’s hoping for a strong supporter in the future that can help her revitalize the dao system.”

“You speak as if you can make her the next empress.” Qingling scowled: “There are numerous underlying currents and schemes. Eyes are everywhere; all fixated on the royal authority. Plenty of candidates are waiting for their chance to seize the throne. They’re quite capable with strong backing too, such as Xu Zhijie. It’s easier said than done, to have w.a.n.g Han become the next leader.”

She was speaking from the heart and her own deep understanding of the current situation. Though there have been empresses before in the system, w.a.n.g Han was a queen to start. Going from queen to empress was much harder even if she was from the w.a.n.g Clan.

She would face opposition from all over the place. Both Sacred Inst.i.tution and Upper Faction would not be on her side. Even her clan might not condone this either. Thus, she was in a difficult situation.