Chapter 1291: Two Beauties In Waiting (1/2)

Chapter 1291: Two Beauties In Waiting

Li Qiye was pleasantly occupied while staring at the elegant and bashful Jians.h.i.+. He leisurely said: “Okay, come give me a shoulder ma.s.sage.”

She hesitated for a moment before moving behind him to give him a ma.s.sage. This was a first for her, so her actions were quite jerky. Nevertheless, a touch as gentle as water still left room for enjoyment.

Ruyan smiled and poured more tea for Li Qiye with a smooth, flowing style that was quite beautiful.

Li Qiye looked at the gentle Jians.h.i.+ and then the seductive Ruyan before commenting with emotion: “To tell the truth, I’m a bit envious of your Void Imperfection Schools. No matter the situation, it is always of the same heart. Despite being divided into three schools, the disciples have unusual solidarity. This is definitely a rare matter.”

“Young n.o.ble, your remark is mistaken.” Ruyan chuckled: “Even though I’m helping her right now, discord and compet.i.tion plagued our youth.”

He faintly smiled: “Is that so?”

In fact, the school wanted Jians.h.i.+ to keep Li Qiye back. Even though she was the main actor and Ruyan was the a.s.sistant, the two of them still had a great relations.h.i.+p. Even though they had conflicting views at times and competed against each other, they were still martial sisters who loved each other. Minor things like arguing and fighting didn’t affect their true relations.h.i.+p.

For instance, right now. Jians.h.i.+ was a wise and elegant woman, but she was still very inexperienced and lacked the boldness overflowing in Ruyan. The latter was the one who could help her keep Li Qiye back.

“Compet.i.tion is a good thing. A sect without compet.i.tion will stagnate. Compet.i.tion on top of great comradery, nothing is more precious than this.” Li Qiye enjoyed the ma.s.sage and commented: “Your ancestors did a good job of pa.s.sing down such a big lineage. It would be difficult for a sect with these characteristics to not last for a long time. Regardless of the era, your sect has always been an enviable existence.”

He was only stating the truth. Among the powerful lineages in the Heaven Spirit World, the three schools rarely showed themselves. However, they didn’t weaken, their strength remained a deterrence against the rest of the lineages.

Jians.h.i.+ softly spoke while ma.s.saging Li Qiye: “Young n.o.ble, if you will it, the Void Imperfection School will be yours.” Her words were gentle like water, making others want to drown in them.

“Are you really willing?” He looked up to meet her countenance only inches away and smiled.

“I wouldn’t deceive you.” She hesitated for a moment then met his gaze with her limpid autumn water eyes: “In the past, I really didn’t want to marry you, but after interacting with you more, this marriage wouldn’t be insulting to me at all. In fact, I would be the one reaching above my post.”

“People from the Void Imperfection School are indeed wise.” Li Qiye smiled but shook his head: “Void Imperfection has its own fate while I have mine. If your ancestor was still in this world, I’m afraid she wouldn’t want to see it tied to my war chariot, so forget about this matter.”

Anyone else would be excited to no end after hearing about the possibility of grasping this great authority. At that point, beauties and power would come too easily. Who wouldn’t desire these things?

However, Li Qiye didn’t care for it since it wasn’t what he desired, even though Void Imperfection would give him plenty.

Plus, he didn’t want to involve the school in his personal goals. Even though Immortal Emperor Wu Gou wasn’t his student, the emperor still respected him. Because of this, he was even more hesitant to break the school’s serenity. [1. The author used “she” earlier, so this is a female Immortal Emperor, but until it is explicitly stated, neutral will still be used.]

Jians.h.i.+ gently sighed after seeing his demeanor. She knew that this man had no interest in their schools’ power. A man capable of keeping calm when tempted by power was incredibly unfathomable. This only made him even more frightening.

“Let’s not talk about such boring topics.” Ruyan smiled: “May I ask if you are going to the Bonesea for the item of immortality?”

It was time for Ruyan to lend Jians.h.i.+ a hand by diverting the conversation away from the refusal.

“The immortal item?” He smiled and shook his head: “I don't pursue immortality. Plus, the Bonesea doesn't necessarily have it.”

Ruyan replied: “I heard many people are going there with this goal. Even a few G.o.dkings from the previous generation are coming into being. Gu Chun’s four branches, the Roaring Conch, the Seven Martial Pavilion, and the Dream Empyrean — these behemoths are all going for the artifact. If you are not aiming for it, why are you going?”

He chuckled: “Let me ask you that instead, why are you two going?”