Chapter 555: Night Era Flower (1/2)
Chapter 555: Night Era Flower
However, entering this pool did not only require strength, a level of enlightenment was also a must!
The t.i.tanic Crescent Ancestor was indeed very powerful and traveled forty steps in just the blink of an eye, but afterward, it became very difficult. He took out the emperor’s weapon and used its wondrous aura to forcefully push the pond water away.
He was very strong, but regarding talents and comprehension, he was not a match for a supreme genius like Tian Lunhui.
A group of experts also followed right after the ancestor. They didn’t mean to chase after Li Qiye, they only wanted the fortune.
Another group decided to watch the situation before making a decision.
“Splas.h.!.+” A fat fish jumped up from the whirlpool. It was clear as if it was made from the pond water itself.
“Splashhhh!” More of them leapt up then dove back into the water. They could be seen everywhere! After many of them played around in the water, a big turtle rose from the whirlpool. Its body was also clear like the other fish and the pond water.
On its back was a big tablet that was also sparkling clear. The fish then circled around it.
This water turtle with the tablet became one with the pond. When it rose, the water also rose. The tablet was one with it, and the pond was also one with it.
Lan Yunzhu was shaken while looking at this tablet made from water on top of the turtle. The style of this tablet was just like the ancient tablet that opened the path to the lost garden of the immortals.
“Can that… open the way to the secret ground of the grave?” Lan Yunzhu quickly asked him.
“The pond itself is part of the secret ground of the Water Realm, but in order to reach the center, we have to open this tablet. However, just ignore it, it is no longer important right now. We are about to enter the secret among secrets instead.”
When this water turtle floated up and was surrounded by all the fish, the fish led the way as the water turtle slowly left the whirlpool and swam through the pond.
Not long after it left, a tiny black hole appeared below the whirlpool.
“Splas.h.!.+” A flower rose from this black hole and situated itself in the middle of the whirlpool.
“Poof.” The sound of a blossoming flower appeared. Although it was very faint, everyone in the Water Realm heard it.
This gentle blossoming noise caused the hearts of many cultivators to beat uncontrollably with anxiety and fear. The petals slowly spread and the flower turned into a lotus. It was a black lotus as dark as the night.
Once it bloomed, the sky suddenly darkened. Each of its petals represented a different night as a shadow began to replace the daylight.
“This… How is this happening?” The sudden darkening of the sky left everyone startled.
The blooming of a flower caused the sky to darken — how strange was this? It was like reversing black and white and Yin and Yang!
“This must be… an unbelievable flower, the most powerful flower in this world!” An ancestor from a great power exclaimed in shock.
At this moment, more than ten figures rushed out from the shadows, including some ancestors from imperial lineages. They had let go of all caution; as long as they could seize this flower, then even betting with their lives on the line was worth it.
The only thing on their minds at this moment was to reach the center of the pond and be the first to pluck the flower.