Part 35 (1/2)
But that night, while Harry was at General Lee's headquarters, a scout arrived with news that the Army of the Potomac was advancing upon an almost parallel line and could throw itself in his rear. Other scouts came, one after another, with the same report. Harry saw the gravity with which the news was received, and he speedily gathered from the talk of those about him that Lee must abandon his advance to the Pennsylvania capital and turn and fight, or be isolated far from Virginia, the Southern base.
Stuart and the cavalry were still absent on a great raid. Lee's orders to Stuart were not explicit, and the cavalry leader's ardent soul gave to them the widest interpretation. Now they felt the lack of his hors.e.m.e.n, who in the enemy's country could have obtained abundant information. A spy had brought them the news that the Army of the Potomac had crossed the Potomac and was marching on a parallel line with them, but at that point their knowledge ended. The dark veil, which was to be lifted in such a dramatic and terrible manner, still hung between the two armies.
The weather turned very warm, as it was now almost July. So far as the heat was concerned Harry could not see any difference between Pennsylvania and Kentucky and Virginia. In all three the sun blazed at this time of the year, but the country was heavy with crops, now ripening fast. It was a region that Harry liked. He had a natural taste for broken land with slopes, forests, and many little streams of clear water. Most of the fields were enclosed in stone fences, and the great barns and well-built houses indicated prosperous farmers.
He and Dalton rode up to one of these houses, and, finding every door and window closed, knocked on the front door with a pistol b.u.t.t. They knew it was occupied, as they had seen smoke coming from the chimney.
”This house surely belongs to a Dutchman,” said Dalton, meaning one of those Pennsylvanians of German descent who had settled in the rich southeast of Pennsylvania generations ago.
”I fear they don't know how to talk English,” said Harry.
”They can if they have to. Hit that door several times more, Harry, and hit it hard. They're a thrifty people, and they wouldn't like to see a good door destroyed.”
Harry beat a resounding tattoo until the door was suddenly thrown open and the short figure of a man of middle years, chin-whiskered and gray, but holding an old-fas.h.i.+oned musket in his hands, confronted them.
”Put down that gun, Herr Schneider! Put it down at once!” said Dalton, who had already levelled his pistol.
The man was evidently no coward, but when he looked into Dalton's eye, he put the musket on the floor.
Harry, still sitting on his horse-they had ridden directly up to the front door-saw a stalwart woman and several children hovering in the dusk of the room behind the man. He watched the whole group, but he left the examination to Dalton.
”I want you to tell me, Herr Schneider, the location of the Army of the Potomac, down to the last gun and man, and what are the intentions of General Meade,” said Dalton.
The man shook his head and said, ”Nein.”
”Nine!” said Dalton indignantly. ”General Meade has more than nine men with him! Come, out with the story! All those tales about the rebels coming to burn and destroy are just tales, and nothing more. You understand what I'm saying well enough. Come, out with your information!”
”Nein,” said the German.
”All right,” said Dalton in a ferocious tone. ”After all, we are the rebel ogres that you thought we were.”
He turned toward his comrade and, with his back toward the German, winked and said:
”What do you think I'd better do with him?”
”Oh, kill him,” replied Harry carelessly. ”He's broad between the eyes and there's plenty of room there for a bullet. You couldn't miss at two yards.”
The German made a dive toward his musket, but Dalton cried sharply:
”Hands up or I shoot!”
The German straightened himself and, holding his hands aloft, said:
”You would not kill me in the shelter uf mein own house?”
”Well, that depends on the amount of English you know. It seems to me, Herr Schneider, that you learned our language very suddenly.”
”I vas a man who learns very fast when it vas necessary. Mein brain vorks in a manner most vonderful ven I looks down the barrel of a big pistol.”
”This pistol is a marvelous stimulant to a good education.”