Volume Vi Part 12 (1/2)



_Cla.s.s and Order._


_Generic Character._

_Cal._ 0. _Cor._ 5-part.i.ta, calycina. _Sem._ 1. angulatum.

_Specific Character and Synonyms._

POLYGONUM _orientale_ floribus heptandris digynis, foliis ovatis, caule erecto, stipulis hirtis hypocrateriformibus. _Linn. Syst.

Vegetab. ed. 14. Murr. p. 377._ _Ait. Hort. Kew. V. 2. p. 32._

PERSICARIA _orientalis_ nicotianae folio calyce florum purpureo.

_Tournef. cor. 38._ Schovanna-modelamuccu. _Rheed. Mal. 12. p. 147.

t. 76._

Of the genus Polygonum, the present well-known native of the East, as well as of India, is the princ.i.p.al one cultivated in our gardens for ornament, and is distinguished not less for its superior stature than the brilliancy of its flowers; it will frequently grow to the height of eight or ten feet, and become a formidable rival to the gigantic sun-flower.

There is a dwarf variety of it, and another with white flowers; it has been observed to vary also in point of hairiness.

It flowers from July to October, and produces abundance of seed, which, falling on the borders, generally comes up spontaneously in the spring; but it is most commonly sown in the spring with other annuals: when the seedlings appear, they should be thinned so as to stand a foot apart.

This plant requires very little care, and will bear the smoke of London better than many others.

Was cultivated by the Dutchess of BEAUFORT, in 1707. _Ait. Kew._

The Stipulae on the stalk are deserving of notice, being unusual in their form, and making it look as if beruffled.



_Cla.s.s and Order._


_Generic Character._

_Corollae faux_ inflata: _labium_ superius concavum.