Volume Vi Part 8 (1/2)


_Generic Character._

_Cal._ 2-l.a.b.i.atus. _Antherae_ 5, oblongae 5, subrotundae. _Legumen_ coriaceum.

_Specific Character and Synonyms._

LUPINUS _perennis_ calycibus alternis inappendiculatis: labio superiore emarginato; inferiore integro. _Linn. Syst. Vegetab. ed.

14. Murr. p. 655._ _Ait. Kew. v. 3. p. 28._

LUPINUS calycibus alternis, radice perenni repente. _Fl. Virg.


LUPINUS caeruleus minor perennis virginia.n.u.s repens. _Moris. hist.

2. p. 87. s. 2. t. 7. f. 6._

LUPINUS floribus caeruleis inodoris, in spicas longas digestis, radice reptatrice. _Clayt. n. 779._

Every species of Lupine described in the _Species Plantarum_ of LINNaeUS, and in the _Hortus Kewensis_ of Mr. AITON, except the one here figured, are annuals; till another perennial one therefore shall be discovered, the term _perennis_ will be strictly applicable to the present plant.

Its root is not only of the kind just mentioned, but creeping also; Mr.

_Miller_ informs us, that he traced some of them belonging to plants of a year old, to the depth of three feet, they also spread out far and wide; hence the roots even of young plants are with difficulty taken up entire, and as they do not succeed well by transplanting, if the root be cut or broken, our excellent author prefers raising this elegant plant from seed, which, though not very plentifully produced, ripen in July and August; care must be taken to gather them as soon as ripe.

It is a native of Virginia, and appears to have been cultivated in the Botanic Garden at Oxford, as long since as 1658.

Flowers from May to July.

Is a hardy perennial, succeeding best in a dry situation, with a loam moderately stiff.





_Cla.s.s and Order._


_Generic Character._

_Cal._ 5-phyllus. _Cor._ 5-petala, regularis. _Nect._ glandulae 5, melliferae, basi longiorum filamentorum adnatae. _Fructus_ 5-coccus, rostratus: _rostra_ simplicia, nuda, (nec spiralia nec barbata).