Volume Ii Part 10 (1/2)
[Ill.u.s.tration: 65]
The _Clematis integrifolia_ is not an uncommon plant in the nurseries about London, and is deserving a place in gardens, if not for the beauty of its flowers, at least for their singularity.
It is a native of Germany, flowers in July, and is one of those hardy perennials which suit most people, requiring little more than an introduction.
Is propagated by parting its roots in Autumn.
~Pa.s.siflora alata. Winged Pa.s.sion-Flower.~
_Cla.s.s and Order._
~Gynandria Pentandria.~
_Generic Character._
Trigyna. _Cal._ 5-phyllus. _Petala_ 5. _Nectarium_ corona. _Bacca_ pedicellata.
_Specific Character._
Pa.s.sIFLORA _alata_ foliis indivisis cordatis integerrimis, petiolis quadriglandulosis, cauli membranaceo tetragono.
[Ill.u.s.tration: 66]
This species of Pa.s.sion-flower is one of those which have been introduced into the English gardens since the time of MILLER; if it does not equal the _coerulea_ in elegance, it excels it in magnificence, in brilliancy of colour, and in fragrance, the blossoms being highly odoriferous: as yet, it is by no means so general in this country, as its extraordinary beauty merits, we have seen it flower this year, both summer and autumn, in great perfection in the stove of our very worthy friend JAMES VERE, Esq. Kensington-Gore; at the Physic Garden, Chelsea; and at Mr. MALCOM's, Kennington; at Chelsea, in particular, it afforded the richest a.s.semblage of foliage and flowers we ever saw.
It appears to the greatest advantage, when trained up an upright pole, nearly to the height of the back of the stove, and then suffered to run along horizontally.
By some it has been considered as a variety only of the _Pa.s.siflora quadrangularis_, others, with whom we agree in opinion, have no doubt of its being a very distinct species; it differs from the _quadrangularis_, in having leaves more perfectly heart-shaped, and less veiny; in having four glands on the foot-stalks of the leaves, instead of six; and in not producing fruit with us, which the _quadrangularis_ has been known frequently to do.
The Nursery-men report, that this species was first raised in this country, by a gentleman in Hertfords.h.i.+re, from West-India seeds.
The usual mode of propogating it here, is by cuttings.
~Mesembryanthemum pinnatifidum. Jagged-Leaved Fig-Marigold.~
_Cla.s.s and Order._
~Icosandria Pentagynia.~
_Generic Character._