Part 88 (1/2)
”No, my lady. Mrs. Glenarm told me Yes or No would do for answer, if you could only have the goodness to read this.”
”Thoughtless of Mrs. Glenarm--at a time when the doctor insists on perfect repose,” said Lady Lundie. ”It doesn't matter. One sacrifice more or less is of very little consequence.”
She fortified herself by an application of the smelling-bottle, and opened the note. It ran thus:
”So grieved, dear Lady Lundie, to hear that you are a prisoner in your room! I had taken the opportunity of calling with Mrs. Delamayn, in the hope that I might be able to ask you a question. Will your inexhaustible kindness forgive me if I ask it in writing? Have you had any unexpected news of Mr. Arnold Brinkworth lately? I mean, have you heard any thing about him, which has taken you very much by surprise? I have a serious reason for asking this. I will tell you what it is, the moment you are able to see me. Until then, one word of answer is all I expect. Send word down--Yes, or No. A thousand apologies--and pray get better soon!”
The singular question contained in this note suggested one of two inferences to Lady Lundie's mind. Either Mrs. Glenarm had heard a report of the unexpected return of the married couple to England--or she was in the far more interesting and important position of possessing a clew to the secret of what was going on under the surface at Ham Farm. The phrase used in the note, ”I have a serious reason for asking this,”
appeared to favor the latter of the two interpretations. Impossible as it seemed to be that Mrs. Glenarm could know something about Arnold of which Lady Lundie was in absolute ignorance, her ladys.h.i.+p's curiosity (already powerfully excited by Blanche's mysterious letter) was only to be quieted by obtaining the necessary explanation forthwith, at a personal interview.
”Hopkins,” she said, ”I must see Mrs. Glenarm.”
Hopkins respectfully held up her hands in horror. Company in the bedroom in the present state of her ladys.h.i.+p's health!
”A matter of duty is involved in this, Hopkins. Give me the gla.s.s.”
Hopkins produced an elegant little hand-mirror. Lady Lundie carefully surveyed herself in it down to the margin of the bedclothes. Above criticism in every respect? Yes--even when the critic was a woman.
”Show Mrs. Glenarm up here.”
In a minute or two more the iron-master's widow fluttered into the room--a little over-dressed as usual; and a little profuse in expressions of grat.i.tude for her ladys.h.i.+p's kindness, and of anxiety about her ladys.h.i.+p's health. Lady Lundie endured it as long as she could--then stopped it with a gesture of polite remonstrance, and came to the point.
”Now, my dear--about this question in your note? Is it possible you have heard already that Arnold Brinkworth and his wife have come back from Baden?” Mrs. Glenarm opened her eyes in astonishment. Lady Lundie put it more plainly. ”They were to have gone on to Switzerland, you know, for their wedding tour, and they suddenly altered their minds, and came back to England on Sunday last.”
”Dear Lady Lundie, it's not that! Have you heard nothing about Mr.
Brinkworth except what you have just told me?”
There was a pause. Mrs. Glenarm toyed hesitatingly with her parasol.
Lady Lundie leaned forward in the bed, and looked at her attentively.
”What have _you_ heard about him?” she asked.
Mrs. Glenarm was embarra.s.sed. ”It's so difficult to say,” she began.
”I can bear any thing but suspense,” said Lady Lundie. ”Tell me the worst.”
Mrs. Glenarm decided to risk it. ”Have you never heard,” she asked, ”that Mr. Brinkworth might possibly have committed himself with another lady before he married Miss Lundie?”
Her ladys.h.i.+p first closed her eyes in horror and then searched blindly on the counterpane for the smelling-bottle. Mrs. Glenarm gave it to her, and waited to see how the invalid bore it before she said any more.
”There are things one _must_ hear,” remarked Lady Lundie. ”I see an act of duty involved in this. No words can describe how you astonish me. Who told you?”
”Mr. Geoffrey Delamayn told me.”
Her ladys.h.i.+p applied for the second time to the smelling-bottle. ”Arnold Brinkworth's most intimate friend!” she exclaimed. ”He ought to know if any body does. This is dreadful. Why should Mr. Geoffrey Delamayn tell _you?_”
”I am going to marry him,” answered Mrs. Glenarm. ”That is my excuse, dear Lady Lundie, for troubling you in this matter.”
Lady Lundie partially opened her eyes in a state of faint bewilderment.