Part 70 (1/2)
Glenarm's eyes devoured him in silent admiration. He looked like a young G.o.d of mythology--like a statue animated with color and life. ”Oh, Geoffrey!” she exclaimed, softly, as he went by. He neither answered, nor looked: he had other business on hand than listening to soft nonsense. He was gathering himself up for the effort; his lips were set; his fists were lightly clenched. Perry posted himself at his place, grim and silent, with the watch in his hand. Geoffrey walked on beyond the flag, so as to give himself start enough to reach his full speed as he pa.s.sed it. ”Now then!” said Perry. In an instant more, he flew by (to Mrs. Glenarm's excited imagination) like an arrow from a bow. His action was perfect. His speed, at its utmost rate of exertion, preserved its rare underlying elements of strength and steadiness. Less and less and less he grew to the eyes that followed his course; still lightly flying over the ground, still firmly keeping the straight line. A moment more, and the runner vanished behind the wall of the cottage, and the stop-watch of the trainer returned to its place in his pocket.
In her eagerness to know the result, Mrs. Glenarm forget her jealousy of Perry.
”How long has he been?” she asked.
”There's a good many besides you would be glad to know that,” said Perry.
”Mr. Delamayn will tell me, you rude man!”
”That depends, ma'am, on whether _I_ tell _him._”
With this reply, Perry hurried back to the cottage.
Not a word pa.s.sed while the trainer was attending to his man, and while the man was recovering his breath. When Geoffrey had been carefully rubbed down, and clothed again in his ordinary garments, Perry pulled a comfortable easy-chair out of a corner. Geoffrey fell into the chair, rather than sat down in it. Perry started, and looked at him attentively.
”Well?” said Geoffrey. ”How about the time? Long? short? or middling?”
”Very good time,” said Perry.
”How long?”
”When did you say the lady was going, Mr. Delamayn?”
”In two days.”
”Very well, Sir. I'll tell you 'how long' when the lady's gone.”
Geoffrey made no attempt to insist on an immediate reply. He smiled faintly. After an interval of less than ten minutes he stretched out his legs and closed his eyes.
”Going to sleep?” said Perry.
Geoffrey opened his eyes with an effort. ”No,” he said. The word had hardly pa.s.sed his lips before his eyes closed again.
”Hullo!” said Perry, watching him. ”I don't like that.”
He went closer to the chair. There was no doubt about it. The man was asleep.
Perry emitted a long whistle under his breath. He stooped and laid two of his fingers softly on Geoffrey's pulse. The beat was slow, heavy, and labored. It was unmistakably the pulse of an exhausted man.
The trainer changed color, and took a turn in the room. He opened a cupboard, and produced from it his diary of the preceding year. The entries relating to the last occasion on which he had prepared Geoffrey for a foot-race included the fullest details. He turned to the report of the first trial, at three hundred yards, full speed. The time was, by one or two seconds, not so good as the time on this occasion. But the result, afterward, was utterly different. There it was, in Perry's own words: ”Pulse good. Man in high spirits. Ready, if I would have let him, to run it over again.”
Perry looked round at the same man, a year afterward--utterly worn out, and fast asleep in the chair.
He fetched pen, ink, and paper out of the cupboard, and wrote two letters--both marked ”Private.” The first was to a medical man, a great authority among trainers. The second was to Perry's own agent in London, whom he knew he could trust. The letter pledged the agent to the strictest secrecy, and directed him to back Geoffrey's opponent in the Foot-Race for a sum equal to the sum which Perry had betted on Geoffrey himself. ”If you have got any money of your own on him,” the letter concluded, ”do as I do. 'Hedge'--and hold your tongue.”
”Another of 'em gone stale!” said the trainer, looking round again at the sleeping man. ”He'll lose the race.”
AND what did the visitors say of the Swans?