Part 57 (1/2)

Man and Wife Wilkie Collins 47330K 2022-07-22

The afternoon wore on. The servants at Windygates, airing themselves in the grounds--in the absence of their mistress and her guests--were disturbed, for the moment, by the unexpected return of one of ”the gentlefolks.” Mr. Geoffrey Delamayn reappeared at the house alone; went straight to the smoking-room; and calling for another supply of the old ale, settled himself in an arm-chair with the newspaper, and began to smoke.

He soon tired of reading, and fell into thinking of what had happened during the latter part of his walk.

The prospect before him had more than realized the most sanguine antic.i.p.ations that he could have formed of it. He had braced himself--after what had happened in the library--to face the outbreak of a serious scandal, on his return to the house. And here--when he came back--was nothing to face! Here were three people (Sir Patrick, Arnold, and Blanche) who must at least know that Anne was in some serious trouble keeping the secret as carefully as if they felt that his interests were at stake! And, more wonderful still, here was Anne herself--so far from raising a hue and cry after him--actually taking flight without saying a word that could compromise him with any living soul!

What in the name of wonder did it mean? He did his best to find his way to an explanation of some sort; and he actually contrived to account for the silence of Blanche and her uncle, and Arnold. It was pretty clear that they must have all three combined to keep Lady Lundie in ignorance of her runaway governess's return to the house.

But the secret of Anne's silence completely baffled him.

He was simply incapable of conceiving that the horror of seeing herself set up as an obstacle to Blanche's marriage might have been vivid enough to overpower all sense of her own wrongs, and to hurry her away, resolute, in her ignorance of what else to do, never to return again, and never to let living eyes rest on her in the character of Arnold's wife. ”It's clean beyond _my_ making out,” was the final conclusion at which Geoffrey arrived. ”If it's her interest to hold her tongue, it's my interest to hold mine, and there's an end of it for the present!”

He put up his feet on a chair, and rested his magnificent muscles after his walk, and filled another pipe, in thorough contentment with himself.

No interference to dread from Anne, no more awkward questions (on the terms they were on now) to come from Arnold. He looked back at the quarrel on the heath with a certain complacency--he did his friend justice; though they _had_ disagreed. ”Who would have thought the fellow had so much pluck in him!” he said to himself as he struck the match and lit his second pipe.

An hour more wore on; and Sir Patrick was the next person who returned.

He was thoughtful, but in no sense depressed. Judging by appearances, his errand to Craig Fernie had certainly not ended in disappointment.

The old gentleman hummed his favorite little Scotch air--rather absently, perhaps--and took his pinch of snuff from the k.n.o.b of his ivory cane much as usual. He went to the library bell and summoned a servant.

”Any body been here for me?”--”No, Sir Patrick.”--”No letters?”--”No, Sir Patrick.”--”Very well. Come up stairs to my room, and help me on with my dressing-gown.” The man helped him to his dressing-gown and slippers ”Is Miss Lundie at home?”--”No, Sir Patrick. They're all away with my lady on an excursion.”--”Very good. Get me a cup of coffee; and wake me half an hour before dinner, in case I take a nap.” The servant went out. Sir Patrick stretched himself on the sofa. ”Ay! ay! a little aching in the back, and a certain stiffness in the legs. I dare say the pony feels just as I do. Age, I suppose, in both cases? Well! well!

well! let's try and be young at heart. 'The rest' (as Pope says) 'is leather and prunella.'” He returned resignedly to his little Scotch air.

The servant came in with the coffee. And then the room was quiet, except for the low humming of insects and the gentle rustling of the creepers at the window. For five minutes or so Sir Patrick sipped his coffee, and meditated--by no means in the character of a man who was depressed by any recent disappointment. In five minutes more he was asleep.

A little later, and the party returned from the ruins.

With the one exception of their lady-leader, the whole expedition was depressed--Smith and Jones, in particular, being quite speechless. Lady Lundie alone still met feudal antiquities with a cheerful front. She had cheated the man who showed the ruins of his s.h.i.+lling, and she was thoroughly well satisfied with herself. Her voice was flute-like in its melody, and the celebrated ”smile” had never been in better order.

”Deeply interesting!” said her ladys.h.i.+p, descending from the carriage with ponderous grace, and addressing herself to Geoffrey, lounging under the portico of the house. ”You have had a loss, Mr. Delamayn. The next time you go out for a walk, give your hostess a word of warning, and you won't repent it.” Blanche (looking very weary and anxious) questioned the servant, the moment she got in, about Arnold and her uncle. Sir Patrick was invisible up stairs. Mr. Brinkworth had not come back. It wanted only twenty minutes of dinner-time; and full evening-dress was insisted on at Windygates. Blanche, nevertheless, still lingered in the hall in the hope of seeing Arnold before she went up stairs. The hope was realized. As the clock struck the quarter he came in. And he, too, was out of spirits like the rest!

”Have you seen her?” asked Blanche.

”No,” said Arnold, in the most perfect good faith. ”The way she has escaped by is not the way by the cross-roads--I answer for that.”

They separated to dress. When the party a.s.sembled again, in the library, before dinner, Blanche found her way, the moment he entered the room, to Sir Patrick's side.

”News, uncle! I'm dying for news.”

”Good news, my dear--so far.”

”You have found Anne?”

”Not exactly that.”

”You have heard of her at Craig Fernie?”

”I have made some important discoveries at Craig Fernie, Blanche. Hus.h.!.+

here's your step-mother. Wait till after dinner, and you may hear more than I can tell you now. There may be news from the station between this and then.”