Part 53 (2/2)
”No!” said Sir Patrick, with a look of unutterable devotion directed at his sister-in-law.
”He flies temptation, dear lady--as I do now.” He bowed, and escaped, unsuspected, from the room.
Lady Lundie cast down her eyes, with an expression of virtuous indulgence for human frailty, and divided Sir Patrick's compliment modestly between herself and her cake.
Well aware that his own departure from the table would be followed in a few minutes by the rising of the lady of the house, Sir Patrick hurried to the library as fast as his lame foot would let him. Now that he was alone, his manner became anxious, and his face looked grave. He entered the room.
Not a sign of Anne Silvester was to be seen any where. The library was a perfect solitude.
”Gone!” said Sir Patrick. ”This looks bad.”
After a moment's reflection he went back into the hall to get his hat.
It was possible that she might have been afraid of discovery if she staid in the library, and that she might have gone on to the summer-house by herself.
If she was not to be found in the summer-house, the quieting of Blanche's mind and the clearing up of her uncle's suspicions alike depended on discovering the place in which Miss Silvester had taken refuge. In this case time would be of importance, and the capacity of making the most of it would be a precious capacity at starting. Arriving rapidly at these conclusions, Sir Patrick rang the bell in the hall which communicated with the servants' offices, and summoned his own valet--a person of tried discretion and fidelity, nearly as old as himself.
”Get your hat, Duncan,” he said, when the valet appeared, ”and come out with me.”
Master and servant set forth together silently on their way through the grounds. Arrived within sight of the summer-house, Sir Patrick ordered Duncan to wait, and went on by himself.
There was not the least need for the precaution that he had taken.
The summer-house was as empty as the library. He stepped out again and looked about him. Not a living creature was visible. Sir Patrick summoned his servant to join him.
”Go back to the stables, Duncan,” he said, ”and say that Miss Lundie lends me her pony-carriage to-day. Let it be got ready at once and kept in the stable-yard. I want to attract as little notice as possible.
You are to go with me, and n.o.body else. Provide yourself with a railway time-table. Have you got any money?”
”Yes, Sir Patrick.”
”Did you happen to see the governess (Miss Silvester) on the day when we came here--the day of the lawn-party?”
”I did, Sir Patrick.”
”Should you know her again?”
”I thought her a very distinguished-looking person, Sir Patrick. I should certainly know her again.”
”Have you any reason to think she noticed you?”
”She never even looked at me, Sir Patrick.”
”Very good. Put a change of linen into your bag, Duncan--I may possibly want you to take a journey by railway. Wait for me in the stable-yard.
This is a matter in which every thing is trusted to my discretion, and to yours.”
”Thank you, Sir Patrick.”