Part 41 (1/2)
This to the man who had pa.s.sed as Anne's husband at the inn, and who had been forced into the most intimate knowledge of Anne's miserable secret!
Arnold rose to put Milton away, with the composure of sheer despair.
Any other secret he might, in the last resort, have confided to the discretion of a third person. But a woman's secret--with a woman's reputation depending on his keeping it--was not to be confided to any body, under any stress of circ.u.mstances whatever. ”If Geoffrey doesn't get me out of _this,_,” he thought, ”I shall have no choice but to leave Windygates to-morrow.”
As he replaced the book on the shelf, Lady Lundie entered the library from the garden.
”What are you doing here?” she said to her step-daughter.
”Improving my mind,” replied Blanche. ”Mr. Brinkworth and I have been reading Milton.”
”Can you condescend so far, after reading Milton all the morning, as to help me with the invitations for the dinner next week?”
”If _you_ can condescend, Lady Lundie, after feeding the poultry all the morning, I must be humility itself after only reading Milton!”
With that little interchange of the acid amenities of feminine intercourse, step-mother and step-daughter withdrew to a writing-table, to put the virtue of hospitality in practice together.
Arnold joined his friend at the other end of the library.
Geoffrey was sitting with his elbows on the desk, and his clenched fists dug into his cheeks. Great drops of perspiration stood on his forehead, and the fragments of a torn letter lay scattered all round him. He exhibited symptoms of nervous sensibility for the first time in his life--he started when Arnold spoke to him.
”What's the matter, Geoffrey?”
”A letter to answer. And I don't know how.”
”From Miss Silvester?” asked Arnold, dropping his voice so as to prevent the ladies at the other end of the room from hearing him.
”No,” answered Geoffrey, in a lower voice still.
”Have you heard what Blanche has been saying to me about Miss Silvester?”
”Some of it.”
”Did you hear Blanche say that she meant to send me to Craig Fernie to-morrow, if she failed to get news from Miss Silvester to-day?”
”Then you know it now. That is what Blanche has just said to me.”
”Well--there's a limit to what a man can expect even from his best friend. I hope you won't ask me to be Blanche's messenger to-morrow. I can't, and won't, go back to the inn as things are now.”
”You have had enough of it--eh?”
”I have had enough of distressing Miss Silvester, and more than enough of deceiving Blanche.”
”What do you mean by 'distressing Miss Silvester?'”
”She doesn't take the same easy view that you and I do, Geoffrey, of my pa.s.sing her off on the people of the inn as my wife.”
Geoffrey absently took up a paper-knife. Still with his head down, he began shaving off the topmost layer of paper from the blotting-pad under his hand. Still with his head down, he abruptly broke the silence in a whisper.