Part 12 (1/2)

Man and Wife Wilkie Collins 25280K 2022-07-22

Again the perversity of the tender pa.s.sion showed itself more strongly than ever. The confession which Blanche had been longing to hear, had barely escaped her lover's lips before Blanche protested against it! She struggled to release her hand. She formally appealed to Arnold to let her go.

Arnold only held her the tighter.

”Do try to like me a little!” he pleaded. ”I am so fond of _you!_”

Who was to resist such wooing as this?--when you were privately fond of him yourself, remember, and when you were certain to be interrupted in another moment! Blanche left off struggling, and looked up at her young sailor with a smile.

”Did you learn this method of making love in the merchant-service?” she inquired, saucily.

Arnold persisted in contemplating his prospects from the serious point of view.

”I'll go back to the merchant-service,” he said, ”if I have made you angry with me.”

Blanche administered another dose of encouragement.

”Anger, Mr. Brinkworth, is one of the bad pa.s.sions,” she answered, demurely. ”A young lady who has been properly brought up has no bad pa.s.sions.”

There was a sudden cry from the players on the lawn--a cry for ”Mr.

Brinkworth.” Blanche tried to push him out. Arnold was immovable.

”Say something to encourage me before I go,” he pleaded. ”One word will do. Say, Yes.”

Blanche shook her head. Now she had got him, the temptation to tease him was irresistible.

”Quite impossible!” she rejoined. ”If you want any more encouragement, you must speak to my uncle.”

”I'll speak to him,” returned Arnold, ”before I leave the house.”

There was another cry for ”Mr. Brinkworth.” Blanche made another effort to push him out.

”Go!” she said. ”And mind you get through the hoop!”

She had both hands on his shoulders--her face was close to his--she was simply irresistible. Arnold caught her round the waist and kissed her.

Needless to tell him to get through the hoop. He had surely got through it already! Blanche was speechless. Arnold's last effort in the art of courts.h.i.+p had taken away her breath. Before she could recover herself a sound of approaching footsteps became plainly audible. Arnold gave her a last squeeze, and ran out.

She sank on the nearest chair, and closed her eyes in a flutter of delicious confusion.

The footsteps ascending to the summer-house came nearer. Blanche opened her eyes, and saw Anne Silvester, standing alone, looking at her. She sprang to her feet, and threw her arms impulsively round Anne's neck.

”You don't know what has happened,” she whispered. ”Wish me joy, darling. He has said the words. He is mine for life!”

All the sisterly love and sisterly confidence of many years was expressed in that embrace, and in the tone in which the words were spoken. The hearts of the mothers, in the past time, could hardly have been closer to each other--as it seemed--than the hearts of the daughters were now. And yet, if Blanche had looked up in Anne's face at that moment, she must have seen that Anne's mind was far away from her little love-story.

”You know who it is?” she went on, after waiting for a reply.

”Mr. Brinkworth?”

”Of course! Who else should it be?”