Part 10 (1/2)
Sir Patrick bowed with satirical politeness.
”Lady Lundie,” he answered, ”you read me like a book.” To the astonishment of all persons present under forty he emphasized those words by laying his hand on his heart, and quoting poetry. ”I may say with Dryden,” added the gallant old gentleman:
”'Old as I am, for ladies' love unfit, The power of beauty I remember yet.'”
Lady Lundie looked unaffectedly shocked. Mr. Delamayn went a step farther. He interfered on the spot--with the air of a man who feels himself imperatively called upon to perform a public duty.
”Dryden never said that,” he remarked, ”I'll answer for it.”
Sir Patrick wheeled round with the help of his ivory cane, and looked Mr. Delamayn hard in the face.
”Do you know Dryden, Sir, better than I do?” he asked.
The Honorable Geoffrey answered, modestly, ”I should say I did. I have rowed three races with him, and we trained together.”
Sir Patrick looked round him with a sour smile of triumph.
”Then let me tell you, Sir,” he said, ”that you trained with a man who died nearly two hundred years ago.”
Mr. Delamayn appealed, in genuine bewilderment, to the company generally:
”What does this old gentleman mean?” he asked. ”I am speaking of Tom Dryden, of Corpus. Every body in the University knows _him._”
”I am speaking,” echoed Sir Patrick, ”of John Dryden the Poet.
Apparently, every body in the University does _not_ know _him!”_
Mr. Delamayn answered, with a cordial earnestness very pleasant to see:
”Give you my word of honor, I never heard of him before in my life!
Don't be angry, Sir. _I'm_ not offended with _you._” He smiled, and took out his brier-wood pipe. ”Got a light?” he asked, in the friendliest possible manner.
Sir Patrick answered, with a total absence of cordiality:
”I don't smoke, Sir.”
Mr. Delamayn looked at him, without taking the slightest offense:
”You don't smoke!” he repeated. ”I wonder how you get through your spare time?”
Sir Patrick closed the conversation:
”Sir,” he said, with a low bow, ”you _may_ wonder.”
While this little skirmish was proceeding Lady Lundie and her step-daughter had organized the game; and the company, players and spectators, were beginning to move toward the lawn. Sir Patrick stopped his niece on her way out, with the dark young man in close attendance on her.
”Leave Mr. Brinkworth with me,” he said. ”I want to speak to him.”
Blanche issued her orders immediately. Mr. Brinkworth was sentenced to stay with Sir Patrick until she wanted him for the game. Mr. Brinkworth wondered, and obeyed.
During the exercise of this act of authority a circ.u.mstance occurred at the other end of the summer-house. Taking advantage of the confusion caused by the general movement to the lawn, Miss Silvester suddenly placed herself close to Mr. Delamayn.