Part 70 (2/2)

Better bring _her_ managing brains to the explanation, than leave it to that simple calf, whom she had the honour of calling husband. The fact was, Rodolf Pain had never been half cunning enough, half rogue enough, for the work a.s.signed him by Mr. Verrall. He--Mr. Verrall--had always said that Rodolf had brought the trouble upon himself, in consequence of trying to exercise a little honesty. Charlotte agreed with the opinion: and every contemptuous epithet cast by Mr. Verrall on the unfortunate exile, Charlotte had fully echoed.

George was some little time before he could understand as much as was vouchsafed him of the explanation. They stood in the shadow of the archway, Charlotte keeping her black shawl well over her head and round her face; Rodolf, his arms folded, leaning against the inner circle of the stonework.

”_What_, do you say? sent you abroad?” questioned George, somewhat bewildered.

”It was that wretched business of Appleby's,” replied Rodolf Pain. ”You must have heard of it. The world heard enough of it.”

”Appleby--Appleby? Yes, I remember,” remarked George. ”A nice swindle it was. But what had you to do with it?”

”In point of fact, I only had to do with it at second-hand,” said Rodolf Pain, his tone one of bitter meaning. ”It was Verrall's affair--as everything else is. I only executed his orders.”

”But surely neither you nor Verrall had anything to do with that swindling business of Appleby's?” cried George, his voice as full of amazement as the other's was of bitterness.

Charlotte interposed, her manner so eager, so flurried, as to impart the suspicion that she must have some personal interest in it. ”Rodolf, hold your tongue! Where's the use of bringing up this old speculative nonsense to Mr. George G.o.dolphin? He does not care to hear about it.”

”I would bring it up to all the world if I could,” was Rodolf's answer, ringing with its own sense of injury. ”Verrall told me in the most solemn manner that if things ever cleared, through Appleby's death, or in any other way, so as to make it safe for me to return, that that hour he would send for me. Well: Appleby has been dead these six months; and yet he leaves me on, on, on, in the New World, without so much as a notice of it. Now, it's of no use growing fierce again, Charlotte! I'll tell Mr. George G.o.dolphin if I please. I am not the patient slave you helped to drive abroad: the trodden worm turns at last. Do you happen to know, sir, that Appleby's dead?”

”I don't know anything about Appleby,” replied George. ”I remember the name, as being owned by a gentleman who was subjected to some bad treatment in the shape of swindling, by one Rustin. But what had you or Verrall to do with it?”

”Psha!” said Rodolf Pain. ”Verrall was Rustin.”

George G.o.dolphin opened his eyes to their utmost width. ”N--o!” he said, very slowly, certain curious ideas beginning to crowd into his mind.

Certain remembrances also.

”He was.--Charlotte, I tell you it is of no use: I _will_ speak. What does it matter, Mr. George G.o.dolphin's knowing it? Verrall was the real, in fact; I, the ostensible one. And I had to suffer.”

”Did Appleby think you were Rustin?” inquired George, thoroughly bewildered.

”Appleby at one time thought I was Verrall. Oh, I a.s.sure you there were wheels within wheels at work there. Of course there had to be, to carry on such a concern as that. It is so still. Verrall, you know, could not be made the scapegoat, he takes care of that--besides, it would blow the whole thing to pieces, if any evil fell upon him. It fell upon me, and I had to suffer for it, and abroad I went. I did not grumble; it would have been of no use: had I stayed at home and braved it out, I should have been _sent_ abroad, I suppose, at her Majesty's cost----”

Charlotte interrupted, in a terrible pa.s.sion. ”Have you no sense of humiliation, Rodolf Pain, that you tell these strange stories? Mr.

George G.o.dolphin, I pray you do not listen to him!”

”I am safe,” replied George. ”Pain can say what he pleases. It is safe with me.”

”As to humiliation, that does not fall so much to my share as it does to another's, in the light I look at it. I was not the; I was only the scapegoat; princ.i.p.als rarely are made the scapegoats in that sort of business. Let it go, I say. I took the punishment without a word. But, now that the man's dead, and I can come home with safety, I want to know why I was not sent for?”

”I don't believe the man's dead,” observed Charlotte.

”I am quite sure that he is dead,” said Rodolf Pain. ”I was told it from a sure and certain source, some one who came out there, and who used to know Appleby. He said the death was in the _Times_, and he knew it for a fact besides.”

”Appleby? Appleby?” mused George, his thoughts going back to a long-past morning, when he had been an unseen witness to Charlotte's interview with a gentleman giving that name--who had previously accosted him in the porch at Ashlydyat, mistaking it for the residence of Mr. Verrall.

”I remember his coming down here once.”

”I remember it too,” said Rodolf Pain, significantly, ”and the pa.s.sion it put Verrall into. Verrall thought his address, down here, had oozed out through my carelessness. The trouble that we had with that Appleby, first and last! It went on for years. The bother was patched up at times, but only to break out again; and to send me into exile at last.”

”Does Verrall know of his death?” inquired George of Rodolf.
