Part 23 (1/2)
'Nay, nay! I shall moderate my spirit,' he cried. 'In such troublous times you will find yourself none the worse for the company of a tried fighting man.'
'Tried and found wanting,' said I, weary of the man's braggart talk. 'I tell you I will go alone.'
'Nay, you need not be so hot about it,' he exclaimed, shrinking away from me. 'In any case, we had best stay here until nightfall, when we may make our way to the coast.'
'That is the first mark of sense that you have shown,' said I. 'The King's horse will find enough to do with the Zoyland cider and the Bridgewater ale. If we can pa.s.s through, I have friends on the north coast who would give us a lift in their lugger as far as Holland. This help I will not refuse to give you, since you are my fellow in misfortune. I would that Saxon had stayed with me! I fear he will be taken!'
'If you mean Colonel Saxon,' said the clerk, 'I think that he also is one who hath much guile as well as valour. A stern, fierce soldier he was, as I know well, having fought back to back with him for forty minutes by the clock, against a troop of Sarsfield's horse. Plain of speech he was, and perhaps a trifle inconsiderate of the honour of a cavalier, but in the field it would have been well for the army had they had more such commanders.'
'You say truly,' I answered; 'but now that we have refreshed ourselves it is time that we bethought us of taking some rest, since we may have far to travel this night. I would that I could lay my hand upon a flagon of ale.'
'I would gladly drink to our further acquaintances.h.i.+p in the same,' said my companion, 'but as to the matter of slumber that may be readily arranged. If you ascend that ladder you will find in the loft a litter of empty sacks, upon which you can repose. For myself, I will stay down here for a while and cook myself another cake.'
'Do you remain on watch for two hours and then arouse me,' I replied. 'I shall then keep guard whilst you sleep.' He touched the hilt of his sword as a sign that he would be true to his post, so not without some misgivings I climbed up into the loft, and throwing myself upon the rude couch was soon in a deep and dreamless slumber, lulled by the low, mournful groaning and creaking of the sails.
I was awoken by steps beside me, and found that the little clerk had come up the ladder and was bending over me. I asked him if the time had come for me to rouse, on which he answered in a strange quavering voice that I had yet an hour, and that he had come up to see if there was any service which he could render me. I was too weary to take much note of his slinking manner and pallid cheeks, so thanking him for his attention, I turned over and was soon asleep once more.
My next waking was a rougher and a sterner one. There came a sudden rush of heavy feet up the ladder, and a dozen red-coats swarmed into the room. Springing on to my feet I put out my hand for the sword which I had laid all ready by my side, but the trusty weapon had gone. It had been stolen whilst I slumbered. Unarmed and taken at a vantage, I was struck down and pinioned in a moment. One held a pistol to my head, and swore that he would blow my brains out if I stirred, while the others wound a coil of rope round my body and arms, until Samson himself could scarce have got free. Feeling that my struggles were of no possible avail, I lay silent and waited for whatever was to come. Neither now nor at any time, dear children, have I laid great store upon my life, but far less then than now, for each of you are tiny tendrils which bind me to this world. Yet, when I think of the other dear ones who are waiting for me on the further sh.o.r.e, I do not think that even now death would seem an evil thing in my eyes. What a hopeless and empty thing would life be without it!
Having lashed my arms, the soldiers dragged me down the ladder, as though I had been a truss of hay, into the room beneath, which was also crowded with troopers. In one corner was the wretched scrivener, a picture of abject terror, with chattering teeth and trembling knees, only prevented from falling upon the floor by the grasp of a stalwart corporal. In front of him stood two officers, one a little hard brown man with dark twinkling eyes and an alert manner, the other tall and slender, with a long golden moustache, which drooped down half-way to his shoulders. The former had my sword in his hand, and they were both examining the blade curiously.
'It is a good bit of steel, d.i.c.k,' said one, putting the point against the stone floor, and pressing down until he touched it with the handle. 'See, with what a snap it rebounds! No maker's name, but the date 1638 is stamped upon the pommel. Where did you get it, fellow?' he asked, fixing his keen gaze upon my face.
'It was my father's before me,' I answered.
'Then I trust that he drew it in a better quarrel than his son hath done,' said the taller officer, with a sneer.
'In as good, though not in a better,' I returned. 'That sword hath always been drawn for the rights and liberties of Englishmen, and against the tyranny of kings and the bigotry of priests.'
'What a tag for a playhouse, d.i.c.k,' cried the officer. 'How doth it run? ”The bigotry of kings and the tyranny of priests.” Why, if well delivered by Betterton close up to the footlights, with one hand upon his heart and the other pointing to the sky, I warrant the pit would rise at it.'
'Very like,' said the other, twirling his moustache. 'But we have no time for fine speeches now. What are we to do with the little one?'
'Hang him,' the other answered carelessly.
'No, no, your most gracious honours,' howled Master Tetheridge, suddenly writhing out of the corporal's grip and flinging himself upon the floor at their feet. 'Did I not tell ye where ye could find one of the stoutest soldiers of the rebel army? Did not I guide ye to him? Did not I even creep up and remove his sword lest any of the King's subjects be slain in the taking of him? Surely, surely, ye would not use me so scurvily when I have done ye these services? Have I not made good my words? Is he not as I described him, a giant in stature and of wondrous strength? The whole army will bear me out in it, that he was worth any two in single fight. I have given him over to ye. Surely ye will let me go!'
'Very well delivered-plaguily so!' quoth the little officer, clapping the palm of one hand softly against the back of the other. 'The emphasis was just, and the enunciation clear. A little further back towards the wings, corporal, if you please. Thank you! Now, d.i.c.k, it is your cue.'
'Nay, John, you are too absurd!' cried the other impatiently. 'The mask and the buskins are well enough in their place, but you look upon the play as a reality and upon the reality as but a play. What this reptile hath said is true. We must keep faith with him if we wish that others of the country folk should give up the fugitives. There is no help for it!'
'For myself I believe in Jeddart law,' his companion answered. 'I would hang the man first and then discuss the question of our promise. However, pink me if I will obtrude my opinion on any man!'
'Nay, it cannot be,' the taller said. 'Corporal, do you take him down. Henderson will go with you. Take from him that plate and sword, which his mother would wear with as good a grace. And hark ye, corporal, a few touches of thy stirrup leathers across his fat shoulders might not be amiss, as helping him to remember the King's dragoons.'
My treacherous companion was dragged off, struggling and yelping, and presently a series of piercing howls, growing fainter and fainter as he fled before his tormentors, announced that the hint had been taken. The two officers rushed to the little window of the mill and roared with laughter, while the troopers, peeping furtively over their shoulders, could not restrain themselves from joining in their mirth, from which I gathered that Master Tetheridge, as, spurred on by fear, he hurled his fat body through hedges and into ditches, was a somewhat comical sight.
'And now for the other,' said the little officer, turning away from the window and wiping the tears of laughter from his face. 'That beam over yonder would serve our purpose. Where is Hangman Broderick, the Jack Ketch of the Royals?'
'Here I am, sir,' responded a sullen, heavy-faced trooper, shuffling forward; 'I have a rope here with a noose.'
'Throw it over the beam, then. What is amiss with your hand, you clumsy rogue, that you should wear linen round it?'
'May it please you, sir,' the man answered, 'it was all through an ungrateful, p.r.i.c.k-eared Presbyterian knave whom I hung at Gommatch. I had done all that could be done for him. Had he been at Tyburn he could scarce have met with more attention. Yet when I did put my hand to his neck to see that all was as it should be, he did fix me with his teeth, and hath gnawed a great piece from my thumb.'
'I am sorry for you,' said the officer. 'You know, no doubt, that the human bite under such circ.u.mstances is as deadly as that of the mad dog, so that you may find yourself snapping and barking one of these fine mornings. Nay, turn not pale! I have heard you preach patience and courage to your victims. You are not afraid of death?'
'Not of any Christian death, your Honour. Yet, ten s.h.i.+llings a week is scarce enough to pay a man for an end like that!'
'Nay, it is all a lottery,' remarked the Captain cheerily. 'I have heard that in these cases a man is so drawn up that his heels do beat a tattoo against the back of his head. But, mayhap, it is not as painful as it would appear. Meanwhile, do you proceed to do your office.'
Three or four troopers caught me by the arms, but I shook them off as best I might, and walked with, as I trust, a steady step and a cheerful face under the beam, which was a great smoke-blackened rafter pa.s.sing from one side of the chamber to the other. The rope was thrown over this, and the noose placed round my neck with trembling fingers by the hangman, who took particular care to keep beyond the range of my teeth. Half-a-dozen dragoons seized the further end of the coil, and stood ready to swing me into eternity. Through all my adventurous life I have never been so close upon the threshold of death as at that moment, and yet I declare to you that, terrible as my position was, I could think of nothing but the tattoo marks upon old Solomon Sprent's arm, and the cunning fas.h.i.+on in which he had interwoven the red and the blue. Yet I was keenly alive to all that was going on around me. The scene of the bleak stone-floored room, the single narrow window, the two lounging elegant officers, the pile of arms in the corner, and even the texture of the coa.r.s.e red serge and the patterns of the great bra.s.s b.u.t.tons upon the sleeve of the man who held me, are all stamped clearly upon my mind.
'We must do our work with order,' remarked the taller Captain, taking a note-book from his pocket. 'Colonel Sarsfield may desire some details. Let me see! This is the seventeenth, is it not?'
'Four at the farm and five at the cross-roads,' the other answered, counting upon his fingers. 'Then there was the one whom we shot in the hedge, and the wounded one who nearly saved himself by dying, and the two in the grove under the hill. I can remember no more, save those who were strung up in 'Bridgewater immediately after the action.'
'It is well to do it in an orderly fas.h.i.+on,' quoth the other, scribbling in his book. 'It is very well for Kirke and his men, who are half Moors themselves, to hang and to slaughter without discrimination or ceremony, but we should set them a better example. What is your name, sirrah?'
'My name is Captain Micah Clarke,' I answered.
The two officers looked at each other, and the smaller one gave a long whistle. 'It is the very man!' said he. 'This comes of asking questions! Rat me, if I had not misgivings that it might prove to be so. They said that he was large of limb.'
'Tell me, sirrah, have you ever known one Major Ogilvy of the Horse Guards Blue?' asked the Captain.
'Seeing that I had the honour of taking him prisoner,' I replied, 'and seeing also that he hath shared soldier's fare and quarters with me ever since, I think I may fairly say that I do know him.'
'Cast loose the cord!' said the officer, and the hangman reluctantly slipped the cord over my head once more. 'Young man, you are surely reserved for something great, for you will never be nearer your grave until you do actually step into it. This Major Ogilvy hath made great interest both for you and for a wounded comrade of yours who lies at Bridgewater. Your name hath been given to the commanders of horse, with orders to bring you in unscathed should you be taken. Yet it is but fair to tell you that though the Major's good word may save you from martial law, it will stand you in small stead before a civil judge, before whom ye must in the end take your trial.'
'I desire to share the same lot and fortune as has befallen my companions-in-arms,' I answered.
'Nay, that is but a sullen way to take your deliverance,' cried the smaller officer. 'The situation is as flat as sutler's beer. Otway would have made a bettor thing of it. Can you not rise to the occasion? Where is she?'
'She! Who?' I asked.
'She. The she. The woman. Your wife, sweetheart, betrothed, what you will.'
'There is none such,' I answered.
'There now! What can be done in a case like that?' cried he despairingly. 'She should have rushed in from the wings and thrown herself upon your bosom. I have seen such a situation earn three rounds from the pit. There is good material spoiling here for want of some one to work it up.'
'We have something else to work up, Jack,' exclaimed his companion impatiently. 'Sergeant Gredder, do you with two troopers conduct the prisoner to Gommatch Church. It is time that we were once more upon our way, for in a few hours the darkness will hinder the pursuit.'
At the word of command the troopers descended into the field where their horses were picketed, and were speedily on the march once more, the tall Captain leading them, and the stage-struck cornet bringing up the rear. The sergeant to whose care I had been committed-a great square-shouldered, dark-browed man-ordered my own horse to be brought out, and helped me to mount it. He removed the pistols from the holsters, however, and hung them with my sword at his own saddle-bow.