146 Just two lakhs (1/2)
”Yes...yes....thank you...I have all the proof for Yu Chong's wrongdoings.” Rang Chen freed himself from the security's hold, his eyes was beaming with hope.
”Yu Han! what does it mean!? Are you plotting against your uncle?!” Meng Bei yelled pointing finger at Anna.
”Aunty are you afraid of being exposed?” Anna smirked outrageously admitting it is her plan.
”You!...” Meng Bei's face became red out of anger.
”Yu Han, you are pathetic. Using dirty tricks to pull down your own family.” Yu Feng stood up angrily.
”Right, kicking the ladder after climb is nothing new to you. You're a vicious snake spitting venom on your own blood relatives. What have we ever done to you to be so cruel to our Yu family. You humiliated our family in front of media, now this act. How much more do you want to ruin us?” Yu Guowei's upright words created doubts in people's heart.
”Nothing is proven yet why are you all getting worked up? Perhaps are you scared?” Anna gave a condescending look.
”Ms Yu Han haven't done anything wrong. The fire incident four years ago was because of Yu Chong not Yu Han.” Uproar erupted with Rang Chen's words.
”He's lying!” Yu Chong yelled but no one paid attention to him. The new was simply too big.
Everyone had a stunned and disbelief look.
Yu Guowei wanted to close Rang Chen's mouth desperately. He forwarded to hit Rang Chen in rage but was stopped by the security with Anna's signal.
”What do you mean Chong's doing? Weren't you the one who said it was Han's irresponsibility?!” Elder Yu roared in anger slamming on the table.
Elder Yu couldn't recognize him earlier because of his disheveled beggar look.
”I..I-I lied that time. I was greedy. Ms Yu Han didn't agree to use cheap raw materials in school construction project. The bidding was 200 million dollars but Yu Chong and Yu Guowei wanted to embezzled 100 million and use cheap adulterated raw materials for construction. But Ms Yu Han got to know and warned us. She was the incharge for the project. So Yu Chong, Yu Guowei and I forged her sign in a different document and submitted it to the panel. The raw materials was different from what Yu Han ordered.
”She got suspicious and started investigating the materials. So we created the short circuit and made it look like her irresponsibility. All the evidence and raw materials got destroyed in the fire. Not only we got rid of her but also got extra compensation. I was fired by Elder Yu. But Yu Chong moved to the main company. I was a baggage he wanted to get rid of, he said he would pay me for lifetime to keep my mouth shut. I didn't know I was walking on double edged sword.
”For a year everything was good he paid me well. Then one day I was discarded as a beggar. Yu Guowei threatened me if I ever told anyone about the incident he would kill my family. I was scared so I yielded. But now I have lost everything. I gambled with a big loan shark and lost everything I have, I'm drowned in debt. If I don't pay them in four hours, he'll kill my whole family. My daughter have Leukemia, I need money for her treatment.” Rang Chen sobbed kneeling down. All his helplessness came out as tears. He can't even afford to get one day meal to his family.
”Here” Rang Chen handed out a document to Vice president Liu Rui.
”It has Yu Chong's account information, the original document which Yu Han signed and the document with her forged signature.”
Vice President Liu Rui examined the documents. Everything was just like what Rang Chen explained. He passed the document to Elder Yu.
As Elder Yu read the document his face turned ugly, guilt and regret started eating him. If only he had trusted his granddaughter more, maybe he could have changed everything today. But it was too late.